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15 Ways To Raise Your Vibrations To Create The Life You Want

Written by: Jodie Konstantin, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The quantity and quality of our energy flow profoundly affect our emotions, thoughts, and reactions. The quality of our relationships, productivity, creativity, and health depend upon creating a high level of harmoniously flowing energy. The following techniques will aid you in building a more unrestricted and positive energy flow and raise your vibrations. It's not as woo-woo as you first may think when you hear the phrase "raising your vibration" in fact, it comes down to taking care of your physical and mental health.

As Albert Einstein said, "Everything in life is vibration."

1. Proper Diet: Few of us realize the powerful effect of a good diet on our physical health and our emotional, mental, and spiritual states. A clean diet can create greater health, positive emotional states, clearer cognitive functioning, and spiritual connection. Eating organic, sustainable unprocessed food and filtered water are optimal for raising your vibration and avoiding drugs, alcohol, toxins, high sugar, and processed food which are all low vibrational heavy and will take a toll on both your mental and physical state.

2. Daily Physical Exercise: The body is a living machine, and like all machines, it needs to move, or it will begin to develop problems. Exercise is essential for a healthy muscular, skeletal, and circulatory system and a relaxed nervous system, and a balanced endocrine system. This is important for emotional and mental peace. It doesn't have to be slugging it out in the gym. Just moving your body works wonders to raise your vibration. Dance, yoga, rock climbing, and golf are a few ways I love to get my body moving to raise my vibes. The saying goes, " The only workout you will regret is the one you didn't do."

3. Fasting: We can dramatically improve how we feel with short one-day fasts. Water fast, juice fast, and intermittent fasting are excellent ways to give your body time to rest. When fasting, some may experience an increase in symptoms if a "healing crisis" is provoked. A beginner in this process should be assisted by an experienced guide and listen to your body.

4. Herbs and Flower Essence: Some herbs can be very calming and/or invigorating, offering an extra boost that may give us the needed optimism to make internal changes.

5. Time in Nature: getting some vitamin D, the sounds, listening to birds singing, the sounds of waves crashing on the beach, the colours of flowers, and the stillness of a forest are all so magical. Taking time to appreciate nature is a quick way to raise your vibration.

6. Breathing Techniques: These are essential for the abundant flow of vital energy throughout the body and mind. Bio-energy is the basis of all physical and mental functions. Breathing exercises are one of the most effective ways to increase our energy level and keep it steady and harmonious so that we will be less susceptible to low emotional states or illness. Becoming aware of your breathing, slowing it down, where are you breathing from? Are you taking short rapid breaths? How does your mood change when you slow down your breath and bring awareness to it?

7. Daily Deep Relaxation and meditation: This will calm the muscles, nerves, and all other bodily systems and thus rejuvenate the body and the mind. In conjunction with the techniques mentioned above, deep relaxation contributes to developing a strong and healthy immune system and is a form of self-therapy. Meditation does not have to be long to be effective. Maybe it's as short as just being aware of your senses in the now. What can you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell?

8. Creative Self Expression: This is much more important to our physical, emotional, and spiritual health and harmony than most people imagine. Humans are creative beings. Our purpose on Earth is to create in some way. We might create a painting, a piece of music, building, a dance, a family, a business, etc. Creative self-expression is essential for our health, harmony, and happiness.

9. Meaningful Activity: This is necessary for us to feel that our life is worth living. If we do not see what we are doing as meaningful, useful, or helpful in some way, we lose our reason to exist, and our health and happiness gradually deteriorate. What activities bring you joy? What skills do you have you could share? What pain have you been through that you could shed light on for others?

10. Massage: Shiatsu massage, meridian massage Reiki and other energy-oriented types of massage can be especially effective in relaxing the nervous system and reducing negativity, clearing energy blocks, and moving any stuck emotions. I like to bring awareness to any pain I may be experiencing, and during my massage, I send love and light to the area and imagine it dissolving, taking the time to become aware of messages from my body. What am I holding onto? What emotions do I need to process? Journaling after a massage can be a powerful tool if you ask God/source/ your higher self to share any messages your body conveys.

11. Cleansing Techniques: A straightforward method is to take a shower or bath. Contact with water can be healing and calming. Taking a shower in the evening, imagine scrubbing away the day's events, any emotions that are not serving you, and releasing anything that doesn't belong to you—cleansing your aura, not just your body.

12. Self-Knowledge and enlightening the subconscious: We need to understand our inner mechanisms, needs, desires, fears, expectations, beliefs, and subconscious workings to free ourselves from the negative emotions and mechanisms, which undermine our health, happiness, and relationships. When it comes to enlightening The Subconscious, this aspect of self-improvement usually requires an experienced professional who can help us reprogram the subconscious with positive, more objective beliefs and perceptions of ourselves, others, and the world. These professionals can ask the right questions to get you thinking outside the box and expand your world model, saying that you do not need a professional to start this journey. Journaling, meditation, address your triggers. As you release negative emotions and limiting beliefs, you can begin to feel lighter, happier, and more content with life.

13. Unconditional Love: Showing this towards ourselves and others is the ultimate key to a high and harmonious energy flow. Love is a high vibe emotion. Set an intention to see, feel, experience, and share love wherever and whenever, and it's guaranteed to pick up your mood.

14. Make sure your entertainment lifts you up do not bring you down. Switch the news for funny videos, play happy tunes that get you up and moving and put a smile on your dial, read books that inspire you, and spend less time with energy vampires and toxic negative people

15. Gratitude: By far one of my absolute favs. I believe gratitude holds so much value in raising your vibration. Showing gratitude for the things you have, people close to you, yourself, and even learning from hard lessons in life. Tony Robbins said, "You can't feel fear or anger while feeling gratitude at the same time." So, when you feel yourself experiencing low/negative emotions, shift your attention to gratitude. This puts the power back in your hands to feel fabulous.

For the next week, I encourage you to find ways that you feel to raise your vibration and see how things change for you. Create your "go-to list" so if you feel down, you know exactly what to do to get you out of a funk. For me, I know mine is some 80's tunes, a dance, singing at the top of my lungs, or if I feel I need something more chill, it's a cacao meditation and journaling

"As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract" ‒ Abraham Hicks.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit my website for more info!


Jodie Konstantin, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Jodie Konstantin, is a heart-centered certified life coach and Holistic counsellor. After her journey from homelessness, illness, and heartbreak she has dedicated her life to helping others transform to live the lives they desire.

Jodie is the CEO and founder of Total Wellness Journey to Empower people to find balance of Mind, Body, and Spirit. Jodie is an Empathic coach, Entrepreneur, Blogger and Home-school mum on a mission to help people find their own power and passion for a free and happy life.


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