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Every Woman Needs To Be Single

Written by: Tanisha Taylor, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Tanisha Taylor

Many faces of singleness lead to every woman needing to be single. It's important to remember that every woman's journey is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to life choices and relationships. Respect for individual decisions and diversity is essential in fostering a more inclusive and accepting society. 

A photo of beautiful women.

Janet is thirty-seven, educated with a stable career, but often lonely. She desires to be married and, for most of her adult life, has prepared herself to one day meet the right man. (Still waiting)

Linda is twenty-seven and a widow. She's distraught and frustrated because her life was so wonderful, and one night, everything changed. How would she make it now without her husband? (Help Me)

Kimberly is fifty-five. After twenty years of marriage, she finds herself divorced. She has raised her children, and now she's alone. (What's Next?)

Kathy is thirty, and all her friends are married and have children. For the most part, she feels very left out. Hoping her day will come soon. (Not Yet)

Tina is eighteen with two children, and her life is hectic now. She never imagined life being so hard. If she could only go back and change some of her choices. (Too Young)

Terry is thirty-five and a single mother of two. After countless bad relationships, she feels being alone is her best option in life. She cannot afford to be in another bad relationship, so why bother when no one seems right for her anyway? (By Myself)


These fictional characters represent many lives we can relate to or know someone in the same situation. In the quest to be happy, we sometimes ponder, "Where does it come from?" In the situations below, the women have struggled with whether to be married or not.


Is true happiness found in being married?

To best answer this question, we must look at the biblical example in the book of Genesis. Genesis 1:27: "So God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them." Genesis 2:18 The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Even though this scripture was related to Adam, it also makes an excellent point for women. Adam was very content and happy in his current situation. It was God who noticed he needed help, mate. Once God saw Adam was delighted by himself, He allowed a union of marriage.

Therefore, a relationship alone does not represent happiness, but the two individuals who are single in mind can create a powerful and wonderful union. The answer to the question is to be content in your current situation. "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." Philippians 4:11


How do we stay content in our current situation?

One way is by having a singleness mentality. "What is a single mentality?" you asked. It's a whole, unique, and separate individual. It's vital to understand that being unique and exclusive is one of the essential foundations for any relationship. This message is for young, old, single, married, divorced, or widowed women. Every woman can achieve it, regardless of age or relationship status. These are just a few questions that can help you determine whether you're single.


Do you need someone to make you complete?

Is your identity found in your relationships? Are you codependent on someone else? Have your roles as mother, wife, girlfriend, etc., left you with no individuality? When the kids go, what would you do? What if the relationship ends? Who are you without all the roles? Can you be alone and enjoy time with yourself? Or is happiness solely based on the people in your life? After answering those questions, you should determine your singleness mentality. If not, join us as we embrace being single; here are some ways to help you on your journey to being the best you.


Start with loving yourself, not in a self-centered or prideful way

The second greatest commandment, Matthew 22:39: love your neighbor as yourself. In loving yourself, knowing who you are in Christ is essential. But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God 1 Peter 2:9. This sets the stage for wholeness in your life. Once you value who you are in Christ, this can be translated to others. Many people want to know if others love them, but how they value themselves indicates how they respect others. Becoming whole means being complete and renewing our minds with the word of God. We must apply it and pray to God for help to achieve wholeness daily. Explore your journey one day at a time. Helpful hints.


Then, we need to understand the concept of being separate, which can be best explained by having a relationship with God. God calls us to have a personal relationship with him. A relationship with him is not based on others' involvement, so the singleness mentality is important even with our relationship with God. Learn more about how to enjoy singleness in a fast-paced world in this article fully.


The last component is being unique

This is an easy one because there is only one you. It's fantastic because no two individuals are exactly alike, even if you are twins. God made all individuals unique with talents and abilities that allow us to be different from the next person. It is up to us to take the unique individual God created and produce a productive person.


Single women develop a sense of singleness before becoming married

The best thing you can give to another person is a healthy you. So when you are alone but not lonely, develop the best you. As women, our natural response is to be all for everyone, making sure things run smoothly, but at the same time, we sometimes neglect ourselves in the process. It's time to reclaim who we are in Christ and become a single individual who can then positively influence the world around us.

We do not become depleted or lost when we give to others because we have developed a singleness mentality. Take the challenge today to live a life of singleness. Until Next Time, Be Blessed Everyday Woman!

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Tanisha Taylor Brainz Magazine

Tanisha Taylor, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Tanisha Taylor, is an inspirational leader in financial, life and ministry wellness. A childhood money encounter with her grandfather created a curiosity for financial matters. She discovered the impact of money to the lives of individuals. She has since dedicated her life to helping others to create healthy and sustainable relationship to money and business without the fear of failure. She is the Founder & CEO of Tanisha Taylor Coaching Training & Resource Center, the exclusive virtual community. Her mission: Control your money relationship.



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