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10 Proven Strategies For Setting Realistic Goals And Staying On Track

Dr. Donya Ball is transformative superintendent, renowned for her leadership expertise, keynote speaking, and executive coaching. Author of Adjusting the Sails (2022) and Against the Wind (2023), she captivates audiences and readers globally for her thought leadership, including her TedXTalk, "We are facing a leadership crisis. Here's the cure."

Executive Contributor Mara Mussoni

If you find yourself repeatedly starting over with your goals, you're not alone. Many struggle to set realistic, achievable objectives and stay on course. Dr. Donya Ball, leadership expert has outlined key strategies to help you break the cycle. Here are 10 actionable tips to help you set realistic goals and, most importantly, stick with them. No matter what.

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1. Ask: Who is this for and what is the long-term purpose?

Before setting any goal, reflect on who you're doing it for—yourself, your family, your team, or others. If you find that you're setting personal goals primarily to satisfy someone else, that’s a key indicator of misalignment. Goals rooted in external expectations are less likely to succeed and significantly increases one’s ability to stay the course. It's important to ensure your goals are meaningful to you, otherwise, do not press play. You are setting yourself up for a dead end road before the hard work even begins. When your goal serves a deeper personal purpose, you're much more likely to stay committed.

It’s easy to get caught up in immediate desires and short-term outcomes, but sustainable success comes from long-term thinking. Ask yourself what the ultimate result of achieving this goal will be, and how it will impact your future beyond the next few months. Focusing on the long-term outcome helps you avoid quick fixes that may not support lasting success. This approach also gives you the patience to weather challenges, as you're working toward a meaningful, enduring result rather than instant gratification.

2. Break it down

To make a large goal more achievable, break it down into smaller, actionable steps. For example, if your goal is to lose 100 pounds, focusing on that big number can feel overwhelming and discouraging. Instead, break it into smaller, manageable milestones. Start by setting a target to lose 10 pounds in the first two months. Then, break that further into weekly goals of losing 1-2 pounds. To support this, identify specific daily actions such as committing to 30 minutes of exercise, drinking more water, and reducing processed foods. Each of these daily habits is an incremental step toward your ultimate goal. 

Or if your goal is to land a specific job, such as becoming a director at a major company: Instead of focusing solely on getting the title, break it down into milestones. Start by identifying the skills and qualifications required for that position. Then, set smaller goals like enrolling in relevant courses, building a professional network, gaining leadership experience, and completing key projects that showcase your abilities. Create a timeline to develop these skills and expand your resume, including short-term goals like securing a mentor, attending industry conferences, or getting promoted within your current role. Each step you take will move you closer to your ultimate goal, while also making the process feel more manageable and structured.

3. Write it down

One of the most effective ways to increase accountability and commitment to your goals is to write them down. This simple action solidifies your intentions and gives your goal a tangible presence in your daily life. Start by clearly articulating your goal on paper or digitally—this could be in a dedicated journal, a notes app, or a vision board. Then, take it a step further by incorporating your goal into your calendar. Break your goal into specific tasks and schedule them, such as blocking time for exercise or setting deadlines for project milestones. For example, if you're working toward a fitness goal, schedule workouts on specific days and track your progress weekly. Using visual tools like habit trackers, digital planners, or reminder apps can also help you stay organized and motivated. The act of writing your goal and seeing it in your daily or weekly plans makes it harder to ignore, keeping you focused and accountable as you track your progress over time.

4. Create the implementation plan

After breaking your goal into manageable pieces, the next step is to create a detailed plan for how you will achieve each part. A well-structured plan acts like a roadmap, guiding you toward your ultimate goal step-by-step. Begin by outlining the key actions you need to take and set realistic deadlines for each task. For instance, if your goal is to advance in your career, you might plan to complete a certification within six months, apply for a leadership role by the end of the year, and attend professional networking events quarterly. A timeline keeps you focused and helps ensure steady progress. Regularly reviewing and updating your plan as you move forward also ensures you stay on track and can make adjustments when necessary.

5. Track your progress

Monitoring your progress is critical for staying motivated and making sure you're moving toward your goal. Keep a record of your achievements—this can be as simple as checking off completed tasks on a list, using an app that tracks progress, and social media postings. For example, if you're trying to save $10,000, track each deposit toward your savings goal, and review your progress monthly. Visual cues like charts, graphs, or progress bars can provide motivation by showing how far you've come. Regularly evaluating your efforts allows you to celebrate small victories and identify areas where you may need to make changes or put in more effort.

6. Embrace flexibility

Life can be unpredictable, and sometimes your original plan may need to adapt. Rather than seeing changes or setbacks as failures, embrace flexibility by allowing yourself to adjust your approach. For example, if your initial goal was to run a marathon, but an injury forces you to take a break from running, you might pivot to focus on strength training or cross-training during recovery. Flexibility keeps you moving forward despite challenges, ensuring that temporary obstacles don’t lead to giving up entirely. Staying flexible also helps you remain committed to your long-term vision, even when adjustments are necessary.

7. Build daily habits

Achieving large goals is the result of small, consistent actions taken daily. Instead of relying solely on motivation, focus on building daily habits that naturally lead you toward your goal. For example, if you’re working on writing a book, create a habit of writing for 30 minutes every day, no matter how busy you are. These small actions compound over time, turning into significant progress. By incorporating goal-aligned habits into your daily routine, you remove the pressure of having to constantly rely on willpower, making it easier to stay consistent.

8. Surround yourself with people who want to see you win

Achieving goals is much easier when you have a solid support system in place. Share your goals with trusted friends, family, mentors, or colleagues who can provide encouragement and hold you accountable. For example, if you're working toward a fitness goal, joining a workout group or enlisting a workout buddy can boost your motivation and keep you accountable. When the people around you believe in your goal, their support can make all the difference during moments when you feel discouraged.

9. Stay patient and persistent 

Major goals, especially life-changing ones, take time and perseverance. It’s easy to become discouraged if results don’t happen quickly, but lasting success often requires patience. Stay committed to your long-term vision by finding joy in the process rather than the immediate results. For instance, if your goal is to grow a business, the initial phases are typically slow and full of obstacles, but persistence will lead to long-term growth. Remind yourself that setbacks and challenges are part of the journey, not reasons to quit. By practicing patience and maintaining persistence, you set yourself up for success in the long run.

10. Celebrate

Recognizing and celebrating your progress, no matter how small, is crucial to staying motivated and on track. Whether you've hit a major milestone or accomplished a smaller step along the way, take time to acknowledge your hard work. Celebrations don't have to be grand—treat yourself to something enjoyable, share your success with a friend, or simply take a moment to reflect on how far you've come. By regularly celebrating your wins, you reinforce the positive behavior that got you there and boost your motivation to keep pushing toward your ultimate goal.

Frequently asked questions

Help! I have no problem setting goals but I struggle to stay motivated. What should I do?

If setting goals isn’t the issue but staying motivated is, you're not alone. The key to overcoming this challenge is focusing on creating systems and habits rather than relying solely on motivation. There will always be days when motivation is next to nothing, but if the habit has been ingrained into your lifestyle, the daily practice will carry you through. When motivation fades, your established routines and discipline will ensure that you stay on track, allowing the practice to win over fleeting motivation.

How do I know if my goal is realistic?

A goal is realistic if it's achievable within your current resources, time, and abilities, while also challenging enough to push you toward growth. Use the SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to assess whether your goal is realistic. For instance, if your goal is to write and publish a book within three months but you currently have a full-time job and other commitments, that is overly ambitious. Instead, consider setting a goal to complete the first draft within six months to a year,, allowing for a more manageable writing schedule. Realistic goals should stretch you but still fit within the context of your current life situation.

What if I don’t meet my goal within the planned time frame?

Missing a deadline doesn’t mean you’ve failed. Instead of feeling discouraged, take the opportunity to reflect on what went well and what challenges you faced. Reevaluate your plan, identify any adjustments needed, and set a new, more realistic deadline. Flexibility is important in the goal-setting process—sometimes life events or unforeseen obstacles can delay progress, but persistence is what ultimately leads to success.

How do I stay consistent when working towards a long-term goal?

Two words: Daily Practice. Consistency comes from building habits that support your goal. Instead of focusing on big leaps, concentrate on taking small, daily actions that move you forward. Consistency is key, even when progress feels slow.

How do I handle setbacks or challenges while pursuing my goal?

Setbacks are a natural part of the goal-setting journey. When challenges arise, view them as opportunities to learn and grow. Analyze what caused the setback and how you can adjust your plan to avoid similar issues in the future. Remain flexible and keep the bigger picture in mind—don’t let temporary setbacks derail your long-term vision.

A journey, not a sprint

Achieving your goals is not about perfection; it’s about persistence. As you work toward your objectives, remember that setbacks are part of the process, and motivation will ebb and flow. The key is to create systems, build habits, and stay patient with yourself. Progress takes time, and lasting success is the result of consistent, intentional effort. By breaking down your goals, tracking your progress, staying flexible, and embracing the support of others, you’ll find that commitment becomes second nature. Stay focused on the long-term outcome, trust the process, and celebrate every step forward—no matter how small.

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Dr. Donya Ball, Leadership Expert, Motivational Speaker & Author

Dr. Donya Ball is a renowned keynote speaker, transformative superintendent, and passionate author. With over two decades of experience, she also serves as a professor and executive coach, mentoring and guiding aspiring and seasoned leaders. She has authored two impactful books, Adjusting the Sails (2022) and Against the Wind (2023), which address real-world leadership challenges. Her expertise has garnered national attention from media outlets like USA Today and MSN. Dr. Ball’s TEDxTalk, "We are facing a leadership crisis. Here’s the cure," further highlights her thought leadership.


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