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3 Steps To Creating A Magnetic Life You Love With Ease

Written by: Susanna Kenyon-Muir, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Susanna Kenyon-Muir

If you’re looking for your life purpose and want to manifest your wildest dreams into reality, I outline three steps to creating a beautifully magnetic life that you will love, with ease! You won’t feel bored or hate your job anymore when you have clarity and intention around what you truly desire in your life and career. This article makes manifestation easy in 1, 2, and 3 steps!

Image photo of Susanna Kenyon-Muir smiling at camera

From Bored And Lost In Life To Finding My Purpose

I knew something had to change. I remember sitting at my home, also known as my makeshift office ‘desk’, in 2021 after the first wave of COVID had subsided, tapping away at my keyboard and looking out onto my terrace daydreaming. Days blended into weeks and weeks into months. In retrospect, it felt like time was vanishing from under my feet. I would find myself in meetings that drained me. Conversations about forecasts, and needing to fill in forms in a CRM to validate that I had completed a task. The more time I did things that were zapping my energy the less motivated I became, the more agitated I became – and basically the less of ‘Susanna’ was showing up.

I had thrown myself into self-discovery after a relationship that ended in 2021 and wanted to uncover who ‘Susanna’ really was. I was discovering more of what I enjoyed doing; immersing myself in travel and experiences that energised me, to discovering my love for writing and expression and my thirst for wanting to build my own business. All in the pursuit of finding that ‘thing’ that I could throw my time and life into – some call it ‘your purpose’. Partially it was a conscious choice and partially subconscious. I didn’t quite know where the light at the end of the tunnel was, I just knew I had to find another way.

I could have easily continued cruising. Taking in a very comfortable 6-figure salary, the security of an income, work benefits, insurance, and ’stability’. But I knew there was more to my life than just co-existing in society because it was comfortable. I often get asked ‘How did you make the leap from your corporate career into running your own business’? Below I outline the three (3) steps I used that you can use in your life to make a change and start living a magnetic life on your terms.

In short, I took the ‘leap of faith’ because it was SO CLEAR to me what my calling was – my purpose – and the things I desired, that it was such a natural step forward to step into my own space, to run my own business – on my terms. It doesn’t always have to take adversity to propel you to make a change.

We don’t have to wait for trauma, the loss of a loved one, a breakup or losing your job to be the only reason to do what you truly love doing. I’m a big believer that you get to create, and live, your dreamiest magnetic life – how you WANT to!

Step 1: Clarity in what you want

Get clear on what your purpose is; what do you love to do, what are you good at, what could you get paid for and how can you serve others? What are your desires? If you were to rebel and be a ‘bad girl or bad boy’ what would YOU want to do tomorrow? Not anyone else, just you and your desires. Write them all down. Big and small. Use your imagination and curiosity to ask yourself what it is that you really want.

Step 2: Beliefs and what’s holding you back

The next step is to get clear on what beliefs you currently hold about your desires that are holding you back. These could be limiting beliefs (like thinking you are too old, not good enough, not worthy, or you don’t have the time) or fears that are preventing you from realising your dreams. Pick one desire that if you could bring it into reality it would elevate your life. What limiting belief or fear do you have around this? Now reframe this into a positive statement and affirmation. For example, I am so capable of doing this job, that I’ve proven to myself I can do it time and time again! Now your turn! Repeat these to yourself daily. Optimally first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

Step 3: Take aligned action

If you’ve heard of the ‘law of attraction’ you’ll be familiar with the concept of what you visualise you can manifest, or bring, into your reality. The law of attraction is also the ‘law of action’ I.e. ‘attr-action’. Meaning we need to put our desires into actionable goals. To do this I recommend using a framework I use called ‘the roadmap to success’. Write down the top 10 goals that align with your main desire. Follow this with your 1-year goals that align with your big desires, then break that down into 3 main areas that you’ll focus on in the next 90 days, and subsequently break that down into 30-day goals.

In order to achieve your goals the surest way to drive success is to create ‘rhythms’ into your days and weeks. Write down 1-3 daily rhythms 3-5 weekly rhythms, and 3-5 monthly rhythms that will get you to your big goals. The final, and most fun step, is to celebrate! But the key here is to write out your intended celebrations ahead of time. Include them in your goals, in another column, so each major goal and focus area has a corresponding celebration. That way you will be motivated towards reaching your goal – AND – celebrating each milestone!!

To supercharge your manifestation, I also suggest visualising your desires on a regular basis. As mentioned above the optimal time to visualise is first thing in the morning and last thing before you go to sleep as that’s when your subconscious, which is where all the programming in your brain occurs, is most suggestible. Therefore you’re more likely to manifest these into reality.

For more about finding your purpose read my article: 'Designing a Life and Career You Love Starts with Creating a Powerful Vision for Your Life' To go deeper into manifestation read my article on 'The Art of Manifesting' And download my free ‘4 steps to Manifesting’ worksheets.

To deepen your understanding of manifesting through energy and intentions, you can follow Dr. Joe Dispenza and his work around quantum physics and energetics. Also on YouTube.

If you’re ready to change the narrative of feeling bored and stagnant in your life, to living your life on your terms filled with energy and excitement then contact Susanna here for a complimentary connection call to see how she can support you.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Susanna Kenyon-Muir Brainz Magazine

Susanna Kenyon-Muir, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Susanna is a transformational life and career coach dedicated to helping corporate professionals design and live lives they genuinely love, in alignment with their authentic selves. With a worldly perspective gained from her experiences working in the corporate sector across the globe, both in large and startup technology organisations, she possesses a deep understanding of individuals and the dynamics of the corporate world. As the visionary behind 'Coaching by Susanna,' she not only provides expert coaching but also amplifies inspiring success stories through her podcast; 'On Being You – with Susanna.' She has recently launched wellness retreats designed to empower individuals in crafting their ideal lives.



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