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Unlock Your Business Potential – How A Therapist Or Coach Can Help You Uplevel Business Leadership

Written by: Theresa Agostinelli, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


When it comes to entrepreneurship, there is one truth I cannot escape: only the strong survive. There are an estimated 582 million entrepreneurs globally. This means that businessmen and businesswomen in the world today want to do business on their own terms.

Cropped portrait of a group of businesspeople standing in the office.

It’s true that human beings are capable of doing great things. However, it doesn’t mean that every human being will reach their full potential. Why? Perhaps it's because they start off strong, but with the day-to-day stress of being an entrepreneur, sometimes they try to do everything by themselves and fail to reach out for help. It’s becoming so second nature that stress seems to go unnoticed.

Managing Stress And pressure Is A BIG topic.

When it comes to entrepreneurship, I have found that you can't do it alone. In a rapidly changing world and with the uncertainty of the future of any business you will no doubt face many fears and challenges. If you aren’t able to be at your best emotionally, financially or physically you run the risk of becoming overwhelmed, stressed out and ultimately burned out. According to serial entrepreneur, global speaker and author Jen Groover “When building a business, you need to have more fear of regret than you have of failure. This will keep you moving forward everytime you are uncomfortable or afraid”.

While the epidemic of mental health amongst entrepreneurs is on the rise, many are fearful to ask for help. This stems from the continued stigma we still see in the field of mental health and wellness in the corporate world. Many still believe that asking for help suggests weakness. I have found that when we incorporate the support of a therapist or coach, we can actually uplevel in any area of life and overcome the challenges that come with entrepreneurship. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of working with a therapist or coach and provide compelling examples of how they can help you succeed in business. Perhaps it should be noted here that studies show that creativity, ingenuity, and innovation is greatly enhanced when people are relaxed and in-the-flow state. This is why I believe it is important to seek out a coach or a therapist to help you become your best self.

In my work as a human potential expert as well as a licensed clinical psychotherapist, I have found that the most successful entrepreneurs are those who are not afraid to reach out for professional help. Given that many entrepreneurs enter the field of business in their chosen profession, it's easy to see why this topic is so important today. A healthy mind is a fundamental foundation everyone needs to have in place to succeed in business.

Therapists VS. Coaches: What’s The Difference?

While therapists and coaches have different areas of expertise, they both can play a valuable role in supporting entrepreneurs and business owners.

It’s important to first distinguish the differences between what a therapist does and what a coach does. Both are different. For starters, A therapist is a licensed mental health professional who helps individuals deal with emotional, psychological, and behavioral issues that are impacting their well-being. They are trained to assess, diagnose and treat mental health disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and trauma, using evidence-based interventions like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness.

A coach is a trained professional who helps individuals achieve specific goals, such as improving their leadership skills or growing their businesses. They use various techniques, such as goal-setting, accountability, and feedback, to help their clients reach their desired outcomes.

Benefits Of Working With A Therapist Or Coach

1. Manage Stress And Overwhelm

Starting and running a business can be incredibly stressful, and entrepreneurs often find themselves feeling overwhelmed by the demands of their work. A therapist can help you manage stress and anxiety by teaching you coping strategies and relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation. By learning how to manage stress effectively, you can avoid burnout and maintain your mental and emotional well-being.

2. Improve Communication And Relationship Skills

Effective communication is key to building strong relationships with clients, employees, and partners. A coach can help you improve your communication skills by teaching you how to listen actively, give feedback constructively, and communicate your needs and expectations clearly. By developing better communication skills, you can enhance your business relationships and avoid misunderstandings or conflicts.

3. Develop Leadership Skills

Entrepreneurs need strong leadership skills to inspire and motivate their team, make tough decisions, and navigate complex challenges. A coach can help you develop your leadership skills by identifying your strengths and weaknesses, providing feedback and guidance, and teaching you strategies to build trust, delegate tasks, and empower your team. By becoming a better leader, you can drive your business forward and achieve your goals more effectively.

4. Overcome Limiting Beliefs And Negative Self-Talk

Many entrepreneurs struggle with self-doubt and negative self-talk, which can hold them back from achieving their full potential. A therapist can help you identify and overcome limiting beliefs, such as “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t deserve success,” by using techniques like cognitive restructuring and positive affirmations. By shifting your mindset and cultivating a more positive outlook, you can boost your confidence and achieve greater success in your business.

5. Gain A Fresh Perspective

Sometimes, as an entrepreneur, it’s hard to see the forest for the trees. A coach or therapist can provide a fresh perspective on your business and help you identify blind spots or areas for improvement. By gaining an outside perspective, you can uncover new opportunities, challenge assumptions, and make better decisions for your business.

Let’s take a look at some real-world examples of how therapists and coaches have helped entrepreneurs succeed in their businesses.

1. Managing Stress And Overwhelm

Amy, the founder of a tech startup, found herself feeling increasingly stressed and overwhelmed as her business grew. She was constantly working long hours, dealing with difficult clients, and managing a team of employees. She was having trouble sleeping and was experiencing frequent headaches and stomach aches. Amy decided to seek the help of a therapist who specialized in stress management. Through therapy, she learned how to recognize the signs of stress and implement coping strategies, such as meditation and exercise, to manage her symptoms. She also learned how to set healthy boundaries, delegate tasks, and prioritize self-care. As a result, Amy was able to reduce her stress levels and improve her overall well-being. She was able to approach her work with renewed energy and focus, and her business began to thrive.

2. Improving Communication And Relationship Skills

John, the owner of a marketing agency, was struggling with communication issues within his team. He found that his employees were frequently misinterpreting his instructions, and there were often disagreements and conflicts. John hired a coach who specialized in communication skills. Through coaching, he learned how to listen actively, give feedback constructively, and communicate his expectations clearly. He also learned how to build stronger relationships with his employees by showing appreciation and empathy.

As a result, John was able to improve his team’s communication and collaboration, which led to better performance and productivity. His employees felt more engaged and motivated, and they were able to work together more effectively.

3. Developing Leadership Skills

Samantha, the CEO of a healthcare startup, was struggling to lead her team effectively. She felt overwhelmed by the demands of her role and was having trouble delegating tasks and empowering her team. Samantha hired a coach who specialized in leadership development. Through coaching, she learned how to identify her strengths and weaknesses as a leader and how to leverage them effectively. She also learned how to delegate tasks and provide feedback in a way that motivated her team.

As a result, Samantha was able to become a more effective leader, and her team began to thrive. Her employees felt more empowered and engaged, and the company was able to achieve its goals more effectively.

4. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs And Negative Self-Talk

Alex, the founder of a software company, was struggling with self-doubt and imposter syndrome. He felt like he didn’t deserve his success and was constantly worried that he would be exposed as a fraud. Alex sought the help of a therapist who specialized in cognitive-behavioral therapy. Through therapy, he learned how to recognize and challenge his negative self-talk and limiting beliefs. He also learned how to cultivate a more positive outlook and build self-confidence.

As a result, Alex was able to overcome his self-doubt and imposter syndrome, and his business began to thrive. He felt more confident in his abilities and was able to approach his work with renewed energy and focus. Working with a therapist or coach can be a game-changer for entrepreneurs and business owners. By providing support, guidance, and feedback, therapists and coaches can help you overcome the challenges of entrepreneurship and uplevel your business prowess. Whether you’re struggling with stress, communication issues, leadership development, or self-doubt, there is a therapist or coach out there who can help you achieve your goals and succeed in your business.

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Theresa Agostinelli, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Professor Theresa Agostinelli is a licensed psychotherapist as well as a certified personal and professional coach. A widow and single mom at age 26, she found herself with few resources, no job and not many skills. She dramatically changed her life and rose from widow to successful business owner, entrepreneur and author. She has dedicated her life to helping others by teaching them how to maximize their mental and emotional well-being. Theresa is the author of the prolific book, The GRID System which speaks to unlocking your potential and living your best life. Her mission is helping people create more of what is good in life.



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