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Steps To Reinvent Yourself And Your Business

Written by: Debbie Gill, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Life will never be as we once knew it pre-pandemic. Are you still unsure of how to proceed in your business since Coronavirus emerged? Are you trying to figure out a way to survive?

By June of 2020, I had all but lost my business. I knew if I were to survive, I had to reinvent myself and how I conducted my business. Before fear could even set in, I put into play the wisdom I learned from AA years ago.

I was told, "Go to a meeting even when you don't want to until you do." It was my way of learning to be uncomfortable until I was comfortable and found I could attain a growth mindset rather than a fixed one.

That brings me to the first step I took to reinvent myself—willingness. I had to have the willingness to face my fear of technology. As my yoga studio, where I conducted my coaching sessions, was no longer viable, I started to look for new venues. As part of this process, I became familiar with various technical portals, such as Zoom and Calendly, and integrated them into my website.

Next, after pushing past the resistance of unfamiliarity, I found that I could create courses like Say Hello To Your Shadow: An Introduction and Say Hello to Your Shadow Fears with teachable, a platform for creating online courses.

Before they were launched, there was much work to be done, and I had to walk through the fears. And they were plentiful. Even though teachable has a wide array of support, the tasks seemed daunting. Thoughts such as, "What if I can't do this?", "What if no one likes it," and "Nobody will buy it," had to be pushed aside.

The third step I took to reinvent myself and my business was trusting my gut and being a self-starter. I researched a topic I thought people wanted: Shadow Work. I learned how to use all the features of Powerpoint, including transitions, animations, recording, and even making and editing videos. I uploaded them to teachable and now have online courses for sale.

My launch in late summer did not go well, so I enrolled in a course to create sales funnels. The valuable content that will go into it will have a different and more successful outcome.

Learning to create an online course is just one of the many ways I have reinvented myself. As a solopreneur, you are the chief of everything. I didn't enjoy some responsibilities, so just as I was taught in AA, I completed them until I liked doing them.

In the meantime, my Calendly calendar is full of potential clients, and I am retaining many with my irresistible offer. The pandemic forced me out of my comfort zone to reinvent how I do business, and it is the gift and opportunity I choose to make from a dreadful virus.

Schedule your 1-hour complimentary coaching call today!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!


Debbie Gill, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Debbie Gill is the founder of Go Within Spiritual Coaching and Go Within Yoga. She integrates her knowledge and experience as a spiritual coach and yoga teacher with the wisdom of Caroline Myss, a Medical Intuitive and five-time New York Times bestselling author, Anodea Judith, an expert on the Chakra System, somatic therapy, and yoga, and Lion Goodman, creator of the Clear Beliefs® Process. As a Certified Clear Beliefs® Coach, Debbie can assist you with clearing core beliefs that hold you back from becoming your true self and living your true purpose through the Clear Beliefs Process® (CBP). The CBP is a set of tools and techniques that frees you from past limitations so you can freely choose your beliefs and live an empowered and more fulfilling life. Debbie is the author of, Struck by Lightning: My Journey from the Shadow to the Light, where she chronicles her life’s struggles with her shadow aspects and addictions. The spiritual memoir reflects her emergence from the shadow caused by traumatic wounds to the light where truth brings awareness and healing. A grateful recovering alcoholic since June 6, 2000, she lives the 12-Steps of AA and practices its principles in her daily life, and continues her study at CMED with Myss and Judith, and Goodman.



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