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The Spiritual Side Of Success With Regan Hillyer - A Brainz Magazine Exclusive

Brainz Magazine Exclusive Interview


Regan Anne Hillyer is a Serial Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Energetic Coach, International Speaker and Mindset Coach and the CEO and founder of, amongst other ventures, Regan Hillyer International (RHI), a global 8-figure business. Originally, she graduated as an Architect (BArch) then was attracted to the personal development and business success niche, qualifying as a Certificated Master of NLP, Master of Hypnosis, Time Dynamics Specialist and a Success Strategist, amongst other certifications and training. Regan Hillyer International (RHI) is primarily an enterprise dedicated to inspiring and motivating people to help them have it all in their life, on their terms.

In addition, Regan is the creator of the world’s Number One Manifestation Method - the “Energetic Architecture Method™” a unique manifestation modality that uses the quantum field to allow people to manifest the lives that they desire. Her results include but are not limited to, enabling people to build multiple six and seven-figure businesses location-free, using powerful mindset-changing tools and cutting-edge business development strategies. 

Regan is a true thought leader in her industry and is a published, best-selling author of multiple books as well as featuring in a variety of media outlets including Forbes Magazine, Huffington Post and Cosmopolitan Magazines, ABC, NBC, and CBS networks. In addition to her media appearances, Regan has appeared on the covers of and modelled feature spreads for; Glamour Magazine, L’Officiel, Marie Claire, Harper’s Bazaar, LA Weekly, GOSS, Forbes, and In Touch magazines.

Born and educated in New Zealand, Regan is now principally based in Costa Rica, however, she has an internationally renowned presence and reach. Through her online platforms, Regan’s wisdom has gone viral on social media and via her in-person speaking engagements and retreats, Regan continues to empower and impact the lives of millions of people.

Regan Hillyer
Regan Hillyer

Tell us about your journey and your mentorship and education programs.

I was born and raised in Auckland, New Zealand, growing up in a traditional, loving family that placed a high value on education and the development of talents and skills. Meeting family expectations, I achieved a high level of academic success, took on leadership roles in school, and earned a tertiary Performance Music Degree, before officially starting university.

After school, I was awarded an academic scholarship to attend Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, where I graduated as an Architect (BArch). However, upon completing this degree, I realised that the professional niche it offered did not align with my aspirations. The structured and rather regimented, at the expense of creativity, regime it dictated was not what I was attracted to. I knew I needed to find my true purpose, even though I wasn't sure what that was at the time. At the age of 20, I embarked on a personal development journey, investing money I didn't have to become a Certificated Master of NLP, Master of Hypnosis, Time Dynamics Specialist, and a Success Strategist, among other certifications and training. I explored various wealth strategies, including property investment, currency trading, sales, and business start-up and marketing, but none of them brought true happiness. Although my initial startups were remarkably successful, earning over a million dollars, I walked away from them because I wasn't fulfilled in running those businesses.

During this period, I found myself casually helping and supporting friends, including old-school peers, who were struggling with depression, drug addiction, and low self-esteem. Achieving significant results with them, I received referrals via these friends, to help others. These early experiences made me realise that facilitating healing, growth, and learning in others brought me the most pleasure and fulfillment.

This realisation led me to establish my coaching and personal development business, Regan Hillyer International (RHI), which has since grown exponentially into a global, multiple 8-figure, live, and online enterprise. I developed the "Laser Coaching" system, recognized as an industry gold standard method that empowers trained and certified coaches to achieve maximum results for their clients in record time.

What inspired you to focus on personal and spiritual development?

Those initial experiences with helping and watching others’ personal journeys and growth, led me to the realisation that this was where my heart truly lay. As a self-confessed life-long learner, I enjoy my own growth and development journey and that has inspired me along the pathways of personal and spiritual development and to pass these learnings on and be a motivator and mentor for my soulmate tribe. As to the spiritual element in my programs and courses, increasingly, in my work with my clients, and seeing what people are seeking with my personal development programs, I am observing that, in this secularly driven world, people are drawn to, and attracted by, a spiritual element. This is not to say that conventional religion is being rejected, it is just that people are interested in aspects of other dimensions and the power of the human mind outside of just the day-to-day physical realm.

Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.

A definite career highlight is my pioneering of the 'Energetic Architecture Method' a groundbreaking manifestation modality globally recognized as the "World's Number One Manifestation Modality." * This transformative framework seamlessly blends energy work, mindset mastery, and strategic planning to forge a harmonious path to success. It all started with a deep, personal desire to understand the mechanics of manifestation. I immersed myself in the study of energy and the laws of the universe, and through dedication and experimentation, the 'Energetic Architecture Method' was born.

The Energetic Architecture Method stands out as a distinctive manifestation modality harnessing the power of the quantum field. It enables individuals to gain clarity on their goals, empowering them to call in and manifest the lives and financial freedom they desire. This method goes beyond conventional approaches, tapping into the energetic realm to create a transformative and sustainable path toward realising aspirations.

In the past eight years, I have coached and facilitated hundreds of thousands of clients to manifest and build the life, relationship, and business of their dreams. I am recognised globally as a serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, energetic coach, international speaker, mindset coach, thought leader, and empath. And, through my online platforms, I empower and impact the lives of millions of people worldwide. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than seeing a client take on the world in their chosen niche, create the money that they wish to, and in the process, pay it forward and give back to society.

The membership covers workshops on Love, Purpose, Abundance, Money, and Healing. How do these topics collectively contribute to the holistic development and alignment of the soul?

The Ignite With Regan Membership is one of the programs offered to a selection of my clients that extends discounts on applicable online programs and monthly, live activations to bring their independent learning into focus. It’s a platform that offers a unique blend of workshops, guided activations, and transmissions aimed at enriching my clients’ lives, aligning with the soul, and enhancing their daily practices. The goal is to inspire, motivate, and uplift, fostering a deeper connection infusing with greater meaning and intent. It's a collaborative journey toward personal growth and transformation.

This membership provides an exclusive opportunity to explore six powerful and timeless workshops, each drawn from my personal program vault. Covering themes such as love, abundance, money, purpose, healing, and manifestation, these sessions offer profound insights and transformative experiences. What sets Ignite with Regan apart from other programs is the accessibility of this valuable content at an affordable price. It serves as a catalyst for individuals looking to embark on a journey toward realising their dreams and activating their deepest desires.

What kind of transformations or feedback have you witnessed from members who have engaged with the Ignite With Regan workshops? Can you share any success stories or impactful experiences?

Goodness! I can honestly say that I am inundated with feedback from my Ignite With Regan members on a daily basis and I am always available to hear of their progress, and their feedback from the courses and activations. The transformations that I witness are numerous and many, however, I prefer to let my clients speak and share their journeys, in this safe space.

Here are just a few from September 2023: life has completely changed...I did the 5D Business! I now feel the soul of my business. My channel is opening up and my ability to create more radical change with my clients is exponential and I feel the soul alignment! I am over the moon excited to be here, and to continue to learn from Regan and connect with other soul families in this space” - Kelsey

“...ease of money flow and ways of earning residual income..It was amazing, powerful, intense, and magical. Thank you, Regan Hillyer” - Lulia

“I signed up a week ago! I am a climate entrepreneur in biotech working to decarbonise the pharmaceutical industry......I thought my business was failing and that I had reached my maximum in life. I was feeling stuck and sad that this was it for me. And listening to Regan was an opening to a forgotten world, I really had this deep feeling of remembering something I had forgotten long ago. Now I am working on several different areas of my life! This is incredible.....” - France

These comments are not unusual and represent the overall tone and level of transformations that my Ignite With Regan Members regularly experience and share.

In your diverse shop categories, from Business Strategy to Spirituality, how do you ensure a balanced approach in catering to various aspects of personal and professional development?

The first step is to realise that the two worlds, and the continuum in between, do not exist in a vacuum. They are inexorably intertwined. And, it all comes back to the implementation of the Energetic Architecture Method. It‘s about the combinations of personal development, business strategy, and spirituality and what the client is seeking. My own journey into this understanding started when I unearthed the profound impact of the combination of personal development and mindset shift. It dawned on me that personal success, whether it be business or spiritually focussed, goes beyond mere strategy; and a step-by-step pathway that you can just implement, it hinges on understanding and alignment at an energetic level, which is what my programs focus on.

As a mentor and course creator, what advice do you have for individuals seeking to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, especially through your programs and workshops?

Embarking on a journey of personal discovery and development is an exciting and transformative endeavor. As someone who is deeply passionate about guiding individuals toward unlocking their fullest potential, I would advise anyone beginning this journey to start with a foundation of self-awareness. Understanding who you are at your core, your values, and your true desires lays the groundwork for meaningful growth. In my programs, I emphasise the importance of introspection and provide practical tools to navigate this self-discovery process.

One key aspect to focus on is mindset. Cultivating a positive and growth-oriented mindset can be a powerful catalyst for personal development. I have a number of specialised programs to initiate the individual into the processes and practical exercises around building a mindset and manifestation skillset. My programs delve into mindset shifts, helping individuals break free from limiting beliefs and embrace a mindset that fosters resilience and abundance. Additionally, incorporating daily practices such as meditation, gratitude, visualisation and journaling can be instrumental in creating a strong foundation for personal growth. Remember, it's a journey, not a destination. Stay committed to your growth, be open to learning, and trust the process – the transformation you seek begins from within. I have a success strategy team that is always available to mentor and guide the new individual to the best program route for their vision, aims, and stage. Anyone can have an obligation-free chat with them HERE.

Looking ahead, what future initiatives and developments can your audience expect from Regan Hillyer and how do these align with your vision for empowering individuals on their personal and spiritual journeys?

My partner and I have established a luxury sustainable retreat venue in the verdant, life-giving jungle of Costa Rica. The Nest Costa Rica is a contemporary, activated wellness spa and carbon-sinking sanctuary, with accommodations, designed to be a haven of tranquillity and education. We are currently holding some of our events and retreats at the nearly completed destination to facilitate clients to embark upon and intensify their personal and spiritual journeys.

In addition, through the Nest initiatives, we are also giving back to our local community and working on environmental projects, for example, we recently facilitated the planting of over 10,000 trees on The Nest site. In addition, we have launched an initiative to raise the consciousness of other like-minded eco-activists to protect the pristine waterways and rivers and the threatened biodiversity of Costa Rica. Success has not just enriched my life but also the lives of many others. My commitment to philanthropy and "giving back" to the global community is one of my driving forces. I consistently support causes close to my heart, including financial support for establishing schools in impoverished countries, youth education and opportunity through my RHI Scholarship scheme, health projects, and young female empowerment.

‘Success is not measured solely by personal achievements, but by the positive impact we make on the world. Giving back is not a choice; it's a responsibility.’

Currently, I am also working on expanding my capacity to receive more in order to have access to even more resources to contribute more and build the philanthropic projects that I care about most in this world. To do that, it's a constant daily inquiry of looking at parts of myself that aren't currently aligned to that and bringing them to the light in order for me to be a true energetic match for what I'm looking to call in.

*As per “Wealth Insider Magazine”

For more info, follow Regan on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, and visit her website!



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