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10 Signs You’re Really An Introvert

Written by: Janifer Wheeler, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


You know you’re an introvert when… Let’s face it, introverts aren’t exactly known for being the most outgoing bunch. In fact, we’re quite the opposite. We’re often misunderstood, seen as standoffish, or even considered unfriendly. But that couldn’t be further from the truth! We’re more comfortable in our own company (or close friends and family) and tend to recharge by spending time alone.

Joyful woman working on her laptop inside the office building.

So, how do you know if you’re an introvert? Read on to find out…

1. You get overwhelmed easily by too much stimulation

A loud room, a party full of people, or even too many emails in your inbox. It can be sensory overload! And when that happens, you need to find a quiet place to retreat to so you can recharge.

2. You love your alone time

In fact, you often crave it. This is when you can finally relax and be yourself without putting on a “social face.” Alone time is when you can focus on what YOU want to do without distractions.

3. You find small talk incredibly difficult (or even painful)

This one definitely rings true for me! I’d much rather have a deep conversation about something that matters than make small talk about the weather or the latest celebrity gossip. I do not keep up with the Kardashians.

4. You’re a great listener

Introverts are often great listeners because they’re naturally attuned to others’ feelings and emotions. We’re also patient and non-judgmental, making people comfortable opening up to us.

5. You get energized by spending time alone

This is the opposite of extroverts, who get their energy from being around others. If you find yourself feeling drained after socializing, it’s probably because you’re an introvert who needs some time alone to recharge.

6. You prefer one-on-one conversations over group settings

This is another one that definitely applies to me. I find large groups overwhelming and tend to feel like I can’t really connect with anyone in a meaningful way when there are too many people around.

7. You’re thoughtful and reflective

Introverts are often very inward-thinking people who like to take their time before making decisions or speaking up. We like to mull things over in our minds before taking action or sharing our thoughts with others.

8. You’re an “old soul”

This one definitely applies to me! I’ve always felt like an old soul trapped in a young body. People often tell me that I seem wise beyond my years (though I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not!).

9. You don’t feel the need to be the center of attention

While extroverts may seek out the limelight, introverts are usually content sitting back and letting others take center stage.

10. You have a rich inner life

Since we spend so much time in our heads, introverts often have vivid imaginations and extremely active inner lives. We daydream often and sometimes even feel like we live in our own little world!

Do any (or all!) of these sound familiar?

If so, there’s a good chance you might be an introvert! And that’s OK! Being an introvert doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you – it just means you need your alone time to recharge after being around people for too long.

Embrace your introverted side and appreciate all the wonderful qualities that come with it! If you want to learn more about Systems and Solutions for joyful productivity designed especially for introverts, ensure you are on our newsletter list! The JOYFull BadApp launches soon, and it will be a dream come true!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Janifer Wheeler, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Janifer Wheeler is a former teacher turned entrepreneur. She’s spent over 25 years helping schools & small businesses get their shift together through process design, internal structure, education, and workplace culture.



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