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10 Creepy Historical Mysteries About Occult Witchcraft Magic

Written by: Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Witchcraft has a long, complex, and varied history that spans many centuries and cultures. Throughout the ages, Witchcraft has been used to bring about healing, protection, and knowledge. However, it has also been used to influence others, cause harm, or manipulate fate. The practice of Witchcraft involves using rituals, spells, and divination and utilizing natural elements such as herbs and stones.

person holding wand on top of bowl

The method of Witchcraft is often associated with the Occult and is believed to have originated from ancient pagan rituals. In some cultures, Witchcraft is regarded as a form of spiritual practice; in others, it can be considered superstition. Throughout history, many famous figures, such as King Solomon, were believed to have practiced Witchcraft, which is still practiced today, both in traditional and modern forms.

A secret about Occult Witchcraft magic is that it is an ancient practice rooted in the natural cycles of life and the universe's energy. It is a spiritual path emphasizing the connection with the Earth, its elements, and the power of intention and inner transformation. It is a way to create harmony with the world and bring balance to the self and the community. However, Occult Witchcraft was often seen as evil, fear-based, dangerous, and used for wrongdoing throughout history. No matter the circumstances, darkness and light coexist in the natural world. Humans first had to experience the darkness to learn and bring forth the light.

Here Are 10 Creepy Historical Mysteries About Occult Witchcraft Magic That Was Not So Bright.

1. The Salem Witch Trials

"Girls just wanna have fun!" – and this fun led to a full-blown hysteria spreading across colonial Massachusetts when girls claimed to be possessed by the devil and accused several women of Witchcraft. Between February 1692 and May 1963, a colony in Massachusetts went through a series of court proceedings and prosecutions. Otherwise known as the Salem Witch Trials, people, primarily women, were accused of Witchcraft. During the trials, over 200 people were accused of practicing Witchcraft; 20 were executed, and five more died in prison!

The trials resulted from religious and political upheavals and the fear of Witchcraft that had been prevalent in the region for centuries. As a result, historians have long studied the creepy mystery of the Salem Witch Trials' legal proceedings to understand better the events that led to the hysteria and how the justice system handled this Occult Witchcraft magic and treated the accused.

2. The Clavicula Salomonis

The Clavicula Salomonis (Key of Solomon) is an ancient magical text attributed to King Solomon. It was first translated into Latin during the 16th Century and is widely used among occultists and practitioners of ceremonial magic. The Clavicula Salomonis includes instructions on summoning and controlling spirits, creating talismans, and performing other magical acts.

It has been cited as influencing numerous later works of esoteric literature, including the Lesser Key of Solomon, the Grimoire of Pope Honorius, and the Goetia. This text is considered creepy dark magic known to the Occult, and its historical mystery should be handled with care and respect by those who wish to learn more.

3. The Bell Witch

The Bell Witch has been a legend in the United States since the 19th Century. It tells the Story of a spirit or ghost that haunted a family in Tennessee. The spirit was said to be the ghost of Kate Batts, who died in 1817. According to the legend, the ghost would torment the family, make strange noises, throw objects, and even speak to them. The Bell Family eventually moved away from the area, never to return. At the same time, there are no hard facts to back up the legend. Although, if you wish to experience the energy for yourself and draw your conclusion, the offers cave tours, where you can enjoy the creepy mystery of this occult Witchcraft. As a result, the Story continues to capture the imagination of people worldwide.

4. The Witch Of Endor

The Witch of Endor is a figure from the Hebrew Bible mentioned in 1 Samuel 28. According to the narrative, the Israelite King Saul visits her to inquire about her powers to raise the spirits of the dead. He was about to battle with his enemies, and his trusted Seer Samuel was dead. Thus Saul grew desperate for supernatural guidance. Then, Saul found the Witch of Endor, confirming that it was the end for Saul and he would lose the battle.

The Witch of Endor is often associated with necromancy and spiritualism and has become essential in various forms of occultism and modern paganism. She was known as a psychic medium representing the lands that surrounded Israel. The Witch of Endor's Story has been interpreted in various ways, raising questions about the morality of her actions and the relationship between the living and the dead. Yet, ultimately her mysterious historical Story serves as a reminder of the power of occult Witchcraft and the spiritual realm and its roles in the lives of the living.

5. The Benandanti

The Benandanti were a secretive group of 16th and 17th-century Italian peasants who believed they were witches. They were led by a figure known as the "Good Lord" and thought they could leave their bodies and travel in spirit form to battle evil witches. They fought throughout the year "over the fruits of the earth" about four times a year. As they won, they believed that the year would bring abundance.

The Benandanti participated in a spiritual battle throughout the sleepy night between good and evil. These women testified to travelling through the night with Goddess Diana or embodying the spirits of animals to take them to their destinations in the spiritual realm. They believed they were protecting the crops and livestock of their villages, and if they won the battle, the harvests would be bountiful, and the livestock would be healthy.

They also believed they could cure illness and misfortune using Witchcraft magic through charms, chants and rituals. But eventually, they were ultimately suppressed by the Catholic Church during the Inquisition, and the traditions were largely lost.

6. The Witches Of Warboys

The Witches of Warboys were a group of women accused of Witchcraft by Matthew Hopkins, the Witchfinder General. The group was charged with a variety of misdeeds, from causing illness in people to causing hailstorms. Some women were tortured and eventually executed, and many were tortured until they confessed. Robert and Elizabeth Throckmorton had Five daughters. In 1589, one of the daughters became sick, which led to four years later, Alice, Agnes and John being charged with sorcery, enchantment and murder.

Later, the court hung them for these accusations only to discover that the five children were healthy since birth and never experienced any symptoms of possession. It was not until after the death of Alice, Agnes and John that the children started to experience symptoms of demonic possession—an unresolved mystery and a very dark and tragic part of occult history.

7. The Drummer Of Tedworth

The Drummer of Tedworth is a well-known folk tale from the 1600s about a mysterious drummer who is said to have haunted a Wiltshire house. He demanded money as he drummed through Tedworth, angering a man named John Mompesson. Mompesson had the drummer arrested and his drum taken away until he confessed to the fraud of his actions.

Once the drummer was released, he left the area, though John Mompesson received the drum. When he left for a trip to London, his family was tormented by loud mysterious drumming that haunted them throughout time. According to the Story, the drummer was heard playing at night and was seen as a spirit or ghost. The Story was first recorded in a pamphlet in 1678 and has since been used as the basis for many interpretations. Whether you believe in the legend or not, it's a fascinating historical mystery that has endured for centuries in conversation within the Occult.

8. The Malleus Maleficarum Or The Hexenhammer

The Hexenhammer is a 15-century German book used to identify and prosecute alleged witches in Germany and parts of Europe, a famous medieval attack on witches. It was written in 1486 by two Dominican monks, Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger, and it detailed procedures for identifying, interrogating, and punishing Witches, bringing them to Justice. A mystery of controversy, Jacob and Heinrich were part of the Catholic Church, eventually condemning this book. Although "The Hammer of Witches" is still seen as a creepy historical significant source for early modern Witch Hunts. It includes a list of magic occult spells and other activities that were thought to indicate witchcraft magic.

9. The Werewolf of Bedburg

The Werewolf of Bedburg is a well-known and long-standing folktale that dates back to the 17th Century; that tells of a demonic creature that slaughtered and killed women, children and cattle. The Story tells of Peter Stubbe, a wealthy farmer accused of being a werewolf and murdering children. His community believed him to be a two-faced and empathetic widower and father to his two children, with much influence on his society. However, his true nature was dark and desiring blood lust, where he would cloak himself with the skin of a wolf.

He was known to rape women, sexually assault them, rip the fetuses of pregnant women, strangle small children, and devour lambs and calves raw! One of the most shocking kills of Peter Stubbe was the one of his family. He impregnated his daughter, murdered his son and ate his brains. A serial killer of his time, he was eventually captured and executed. The Story has been retold and adapted over the centuries and has captured the imagination of readers ever since. This creepy Historical Mystery is an important reminder of the consequences of superstition and fear found in Occult Witchcraft magic.

10. Aleister Crowley

Born in 1875, Aleister Crowley was one of the most notorious occultists in the modern era. He had a rebellious youth when he joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden dawn. A traveller who loved the mountains, he sought the most extreme and obscure forms of magic. In 1900 he attempted the Abramelin ritual, which required six months to complete and gave him control over the Twelve Lords of Hell. However, he abandoned the Ritual before completing it.

The book of Necronomicon, dedicated to Aleister Crowley, mentions that Necromantic magic has caused changes in the consciousness of those most intimately involved with it. Therefore, it undertakes the principle of facing all the fears and darkness that resides within to reach the light and spirit within the soul. Crowley believed sincerely in the existence of magic, to the point where he performed Enochian magic to make himself invisible. He even stated that a vampire attacked him.

Aleister Crowley's obsession with Necromantic Magic is a creepy yet fascinating historical mystery about occult Witchcraft magic.

You Cannot Have Light Without Darkness.

It is essential to understand our history to avoid repeating it. Unfortunately, the darkness in magic and spirituality witnessed in the past still exists today! However, healers, gurus, and spiritual leaders have more freedom and courage to express the light of the universe and the healing gifts now more than ever before, dispelling darkness.

If you want to connect with me and experience spiritual healing through Tarot Divination, Astrology, Reiki, Meditation, and other healing arts, head to my booking site here.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz is a writer and entrepreneur educated in the various healing arts. Her goal is to help others create change within by healing and connecting with their Body, Mind and Soul by experiencing her healing and spiritual journey. Founder and Owner of Soul Food Fitness, She shares the knowledge that she has learned with others through practices such as Tarot Divination, Astrology, Psychology, Nutrition and Fitness. In addition, she is one of the co-founders of Leinko, a free space platform dedicated to entrepreneurs who wish to work in freedom to teach, coach, heal and serve humanity.

Her Mission: Heal Within, Heal the World.



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