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From Connections To Success – The Power Of Networking In Business

Written by: Patrick Mensah, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


From the start of my entrepreneurial journey, I knew one thing about business that I use even today. Having a great product or service alone is not enough to guarantee success in business.

photo of high rise building on a beautiful sunny weather

It's also about building strong connections with the right people! Sure, there are other factors like aftersales service, customer interactions, and marketing. They are all important aspects that we already do in business. But Networking is different. Networking has an indirect approach too. It can help your business, help other businesses and in a way, help all mankind. In this article, I'll share my thoughts on the Power of Networking. Why it's so effective and how you can use networking to take your business to the next level.

Why Networking Matters

Networking in business is the act of building and maintaining positive relationships. The people in your network can be in your industry or even outside your industry. But they can directly or indirectly help you and your business. And as relationships are a two-way street, you can help them meet their business goals too. Successful businesses stand on top of strong relationships.

The obvious benefit is that networking can help you find new clients. By attending events, and meeting new people, you can generate leads and land new business. It's about putting yourself out there and letting people know what you do. But networking isn't just about finding new clients. It's also about building and maintaining relationships with other professionals in your industry. This is the indirect aspect of networking that I said at the beginning of this article.

These relationships are incredibly valuable. Especially when it comes to learning about new trends, strategies, and best practices. You can stay up-to-date on what's happening in your industry and make sure you're always ahead of the curve. If you're in the products business, you'll get to optimize your manufacturing process. If you're in the services business, like me, your team will be able to work more efficiently. All this will result in making our products and services better.

Better products and services mean that our customers will get more value from us. It will also help us to use resources cautiously and be more sustainable. This is how, in the long run, networking even helps the planet.

My Experience With Networking

My experience with networking started way before I got into the business landscape. Back when I was a kid, I saw my elders working together in our fishing community. They helped each other while lifting heavy equipment. They looked after each other while going to the sea. The more established elders gave work to young members. They gave food to the ones who couldn't afford it. And if someone got sick, the entire community would help them till they got cured.

Yes, this was a more emotional attachment in my community. And they knew nothing about networking, but their bond paved the way for the growth of our village. I understood that businesses cannot survive without help from other businesses. I kept this in mind when I came to Dubai. I built strong relationships even before I started my business here. When the time was right to launch my business, I already had a network of industry experts who were ready to help me.

Of course, networking isn't always easy. It can be intimidating to go out there and connect with new people. If you're an introvert, you can easily relate to this. But don't let that stop you. Here are some tips that can help you network with ease:

Tips For Successful Networking

Attend Industry Events

Conferences, trade shows, and networking events are a great way to meet new people. Use these events to make new connections. Talk to them to stay up-to-date on the latest developments.

Use Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for networking. LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram help you connect with people within your industry. You can build relationships with potential customers, investors, or partners. When using social media for networking, it's essential to be professional and engaging. Post informative content, take part in discussions, and engage with other users' content. I regularly post business insights and advice on my LinkedIn profile. This helps me to connect with entrepreneurs and investors interested in my services.

Be Authentic

When you're networking, be your true self. It's important to be authentic and genuine. People understand when you're just trying to make a sale. So focus on building real relationships based on mutual respect and trust.

Follow Up

After meeting someone new, always follow up with a thank-you note or email. This shows the value you give to the relationships you make. It also shows your commitment to building the connection.

Give More Than You Take

It's important to make connections that can benefit your business. But it's equally important to offer value to others. Share your knowledge or expertise, offer to make an introduction, or just be a good listener. Focus your energy on giving more. This will increase your value and people will be more inclined to help you when they get the chance.


Ultimately, networking is all about building valuable relationships. It's about getting to know people, learning from them, and finding ways to help each other out. By taking the time to build your network, you can set yourself up for long-term success in your business. So don't think twice to get into the spotlight. Go to those events, and start building those relationships today.


Patrick Mensah, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Meet Patrick, a visionary entrepreneur who has turned his dreams into reality. Growing up in a fishing community in Ghana, Patrick learned the value of hard work at a young age, washing cars for older members of the community. This early experience instilled in him the discipline and work ethic that would become the foundation of his success. With over a decade of experience in building and partnering with successful businesses across the globe, Patrick is now the CEO of Wallstreet Investment, one of the fastest-growing companies in the UAE. His ability to lead, inspire and grow his team has been a key factor in his success.



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