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Five Ways Goal Setting Can Lead To Success

Written by: Marques Ogden, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


It's that time of year when business owners look back on the past year and think about how to grow their business even more in the coming year. Students and people who don't own a business can also think about the past year (or semester) and make plans for the next quarter or semester. Everyone has goals and dreams, but not everyone works hard enough to reach them. If you do these 5 things, they will help you reach your goals.

1. Having clear goals helps you get exactly what you want

If you write down your goals, you won't wake up every morning not knowing what to do. Instead, you can make a daily to-do list with tasks that will help you reach your goal. Don't "fly by the seat of your pants" any more. Instead, stick to your action plan or checklist and focus on important tasks instead of busy work.

2. Keep your focus on your objectives and think about them every day

When you see a vision board in your office, it reminds you of your WHY—why you are working so hard. What do you hope to get done? Even if you just write down a few simple goals, put them right next to your desk so you can see them every day. Keeping a list hidden in your desk or in a file somewhere on your desktop doesn't work as well; you'll forget about the list and get off track.

3. Get ready for a few bumps along the way

No one has an easy life, especially not in business. Most of the time, these problems come up just when you think you have everything under control. Find a way to fix the problem and get back on track with your goals as soon as possible instead of letting these things ruin your day. Write down the solution to the problem once you've fixed it, in case you run into a similar problem again in the future. It's much less stressful to have a list of possible solutions than to not know what to do.

4. Find a person you can count on

Declaring your goals to a partner brings them to life and compels you to do the effort or face the embarrassment of having to tell your partner you didn't reach your goals. A good accountability partner will ask follow-up questions and won't be afraid to hold them accountable at anytime. One way to make this partnership more enjoyable is to come up with a consequence for individuals who don't meet their weekly goals. Whether it's paying for lunch or giving money to a good cause, that raises the bar a bit.

5. Know and understand what your goals are really for

This step usually requires delving a little deeper into your life and WHY. Why do you want to make a six-figure salary? To pay for your high schooler's college education so that they can graduate debt-free? So you can relocate your family to your ideal house? So you can make donations to local charities? There are no correct or incorrect answers. Your response will emphasize the significance of these objectives to YOU.

So, now ask yourself these difficult questions:

What are your current whereabouts? Where would you like to be? What action steps will you need to take to get there? Who will accompany you on your journey?

Visit my website for more info!


Marques Ogden, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Marques Ogden is a leader in leadership, marketing and sales, diversity and inclusion, mindset enhancement and overcoming adversity. After losing everything he owned in a bad business deal in 2013, he filed a chapter 7 bankruptcy, lost his home, his car, and all of his money and ended up taking a job as a janitor for $8.25 an hour working in the graveyard shift. After his "spoiled milk" moment, Marques decided to take accountability and responsibility for his life and he decided to turn his pain into his purpose to become an inspirational keynote speaker. Since April 2016, he has spoken for over 35 fortune 500 companies and he is a coach, a consultant, a best-selling author, a podcast co-host and more.



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