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6 Useful Steps If You’re Going To See A Psychic Medium

Written by: Bryanna Wilson, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


With mankind rapidly waking up to their spiritual path, many people are seeking out Psychic Mediums for answers choosing to see a Psychic Medium should be an emotionally supportive, confidential and sometimes surreal experience, you want to make sure you get the most out of your money and it can be hard to tell if you’ve found a legitimate Psychic or not. Far too many people have been lied to and deceived by fake Psychics which gives the real ones, a bad reputation. In this article, you will find some useful tips to take with you when you go and see a Psychic, what not to do, and what to look out for, so you can be sure to have the experience a truly gifted psychic has to offer.

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1. Psychics and Mediums ‒ What separates them?

Psychics; can read energy, your past, present and your future, Psychics will usually be able to read your situation just by tapping into your auric/ Energy field, and can sense what's going on around you with their Clair senses, so don’t let them “phish” for information to relay what you have told them, back to you.

Be mindful of those psychics that give you a guarantee – nothing is ever guaranteed!

Mediums; are the bridge between the spiritual world and the physical world. If you are looking to connect to a deceased loved one, as a Medium, the evidence your reader gives you is everything, so try and write down or ask their permission for you to record it so you can go back to it later, your Medium should be able to retrieve information from your loved ones through their Clair ‒ senses, they would get images in their mind's eye, hear, sense, taste & smell information.

2. Check for business pages & websites

Psychics that use their gift as a profession usually always have a website or a Facebook business page, on their business page or website they should have the services they offer that’s how their clients will find them!

It's also a good idea to see how many followers they have if they’re on platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. If they do live shows, try getting to know your reader before making the purchase, see how they respond to their viewers and followers It will usually be in their services list or their main description if you're looking for something specific.

3. Read their reviews

So, you’ve decided you’re going to see a Psychic and it's now choosing time. Make sure that you look for reviews! Reviews are a sure way to see what type of Psychic they are, happy clients (and not-so-happy) will have no problems leaving reviews. Reviews are a useful way to decipher which Psychic you go to.

Use your intuition, if something feels off or too good to be true, it usually is! Reviews are excellent for seeing what skill level the reader has for what services they provide. Make sure the reviews you’re seeing Link to a specific client of theirs as anyone could write them up.

4. Choose whom you are drawn to

When making your decision, make sure you pick someone you are drawn to! f you’re drawn to someone for something, there’s always a reason for it. Trusted psychic readings can be and usually are very personal and private, so you want to make sure that the universe has put your reader in your path to guide you down the right path, and to handle personal matters with love, dignity, and respect. If a face-to-face isn’t possible, make sure you can either do the reading over the phone or via Video chat (Skype, Zoom, Facetime). The universe has a way to bring us what we need, at the time we need it.

5. Always be skeptical, not all psychics are honest!

Skepticism is natural and healthy, but it’s also important to remain somewhat open-minded, too much skepticism can kill the whole experience, but at least you know you’ve had a good experience if you find a good reader as a skeptical person, you will leave the session with a different perspective.

It’s okay for you to ask your reader questions if you don’t understand something!

There would be nothing worse than paying money for something that doesn’t make sense to you, so make sure you and your reader are both on the same page of understanding.

6. Give feedback, when necessary, don't give away too much

It's important to remember that it’s a Psychics job to read for you. A genuine reader will have no problem picking up things around you from your energy field and won’t need to ask questions. Be mindful of your emotions and your facial expressions, it can be easy to give away answers unknowingly based on your emotional reactions.

Psychics will usually be able to read your situation just by tapping into your auric/ Energy field, senses what's going on around you with the 6 Clair senses – so don’t let them “phish” for information to relay what you have told them, back to you.

7. Enjoy the experience & the healing process

The thing is, Psychic readings are meant to be healing and comforting with much-needed closure to start the healing journey. Your reading will bring things to your attention that haven’t been addressed or issues you may not be aware of, so take the session you’re about to have and see it as the first day of the rest of your life with new insight and closure in your heart.

A genuine Psychic Medium who has love in their heart and is doing it for the right reasons will help you tremendously.

‘‘Personally, as a psychic Medium, I don’t ever believe in telling you what you WANT to hear, I believe in bringing the situation to you wholeheartedly and lovingly but honestly what needs to be said. There is one thing I’ve learned in this industry is someone who wants to make money, will promise you a world of promises, A genuine Psychic will help you to find the best possible outcome. “

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Bryanna Wilson, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Bryanna Is an Evidential & Energy Psychic Medium, Mentor in Psychic Development and Spiritual Awakening + Ascension. Bryanna has been this was since she was 4 weeks old, when she stopped breathing for 4 minutes and was revived by her father, and remarkably came back with a wonderful connection to the source & those in the afterlife. Bree is also a Psychic Counsellor and uses her life experiences, and her passion for mental health and recovery from addiction to understand and guide others through difficult times in their lives. "If I'm able to make a difference in at least one life, then my job on this Earth is done"



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