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Are You Too Busy At Work To Find Love?

Written by: Trea Tijmens, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Most of my clients live and work in Switzerland and like most successful singles here, they enjoy an amazing quality of life. They are accustomed to doing everything at a high level, whether that be in a boardroom meeting, spin class or even redecorating their apartment. Unfortunately, being too busy means losing a chance of building a happy, personal future with the right person. To meet someone, you have to date!

Woman sits on a padded chair while using her laptop inside the building.

Successful Singles Lead (Too) Busy Lives

One of the common things my clients share is that they live a full (read: busy) life. Unfortunately, this often translates to spreading themselves too thin. They are very engaged in their careers, investing many hours, working overtime and on weekends. On top of that, they tend to have many other engagements such as philanthropy projects, sitting on committees or boards, regular family commitments, yoga classes, ski weekends, business networking events, etc.

While it’s amazing to be a well-rounded person, at some point, with so much going on and so many priorities, you can easily lose yourself. And often, when you scratch the surface of seemingly perfect lives, many career women are exhausted and lonely.

Don’t get me wrong – these are all important commitments! But after over a decade of working in HR, I quickly learned that many professionals were successful in all areas of their lives, except for their personal life.

To love and be loved is a basic human need. What good is all the success in the world if you can not share it with the one you love?

Is Finding Love Truly A Priority For You?

After working so hard, it’s natural to want to come home to a loving partner that you can share your life with.

The harsh reality, though, is that our true priorities are what we invest our time, energy, and money in. Even if you say that finding a partner is a priority for you, look at your life to see if that is true. If you look at your life and mainly have to show for it your business accomplishments or material objects, then that is what your priorities have been.

What frequently happens is that successful singles dedicate all their energy to work. This helps make them achieve professional status but the more time they spend on their careers the less time they have to focus on what they would say is their main priority: finding the right partner to share their life with.

Don’t Put Your Personal Happiness on Hold

So many successful, single women come to me and tell me that once they meet a great partner, they will make space for a relationship in their lives. Yet, they fall into their own trap and before they realize it, years have passed in a blink of an eye, and they begin to wonder why love hasn’t happened for them yet.

Like one of my clients, Mia, who wanted someone to share her life with but kept putting off taking any real action. Until one day she found herself in her beautiful apartment looking around at all of her beautiful things and came to a realization:

“I’ve realized that I have no problem investing lots of time and money in all of these other things, but if it’s to invest in my own personal wellbeing and happiness, I can’t help but hesitate, why?”

Spending your precious time, energy and money on self-created ‘obligations’ is not the way to find the love of your life. Making love your true focus and priority is the way.

What needs to happen so that you put your own happiness and well-being first?

How different would your life be right now if you had someone wonderful to share it with? Can you imagine what it would be to come home at the end of a long work day and, instead of walking into a cold, empty house be greeted with a warm embrace from someone you love?

If you suffered from the superwoman syndrome before, trying to have it all, be it all, and do it all for everybody else, it’s time to make your own happiness and well-being your number one priority. Create a life that is happy, fulfilling, and sustainable. When you feel good about yourself and your life, and you have enough positive energy and availability, that is what you will attract!

Get back to basics with your priorities and if what’s important to you is finding love and you’re ready to do that with the best support possible on your side, click here for a complimentary consultation.

Follow me on LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Trea Tijmens, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Trea Tijmens, the CEO of is an international elite matchmaker and award-winning dating expert and coach.

Trea believes that to love and be loved is a basic human need and that people do not thrive without love.

A former head-hunter, she founded SuccessMatch in 2005. Based in Switzerland she works with a local and international clientele and prides herself on her high success rate.

Trea is passionate about helping her highly international single professional clientele transition from where they are today, to where they want to be; in a happy, fulfilling, lasting relationship with the right partner!



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