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8 Essential Qualities That Define Great Leadership

Expert Panelists are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within the areas of Business, Mindset, Leadership, Lifestyle, and Sustainability. Members of The Brainz Magazine community of experts will share their best tips, advice, ideas, and hacks on different topics.


1. Excellent communication skills

Great leaders must have excellent communication skills that will enable them to cast the company/team vision, as well as successfully lead the team. These communication skills will allow the leader to properly articulate the vision inclusive phases and strategies to ensure proper execution. The leader that articulates a clear vision is less likely to spend an inordinate amount of time answering staff questions. And of course, the less time spent answering questions, the more time spent on executing the vision. This can result in a Win/Win for everyone!

2. Value others

Encourage community within the organization or your team. Provide freedom and choices to the team whenever possible communicate, communicate, communicate. Your team will be more productive, and cohesive, and deliver greater results – a win-win!

3. Commits to a daily ritual

Great leadership comes from a peak state. What this means is that the leader commits to a daily ritual that engages her/his physical body into a state of high energy. I believe that peak physiology supports mental and emotional power and the acuity to ask intelligent questions which produce outstanding results.

Angelika von Canal Christie ND, CEO Radiant Health Clinic LTD

4. A servant leader – A mindful leader

Leaders who remember that it is not their position that is important but rather, the process of influence they bring by their attitude of service to the group. It is not what you DO – it is more about BEING, bringing a MINDFUL presence and appreciation of each person within the group. If you as a leader can be less driven on accomplishments and bring inner stillness and calm amid all the doing, those you serve will respond to that because you will be enabling them through you to be open to change. Become the servant Leader.

5. Practice self-compassion

By accepting yourself as you are in this moment you are more likely to be accepting towards others. Self-acceptance is a nonjudgmental embracing of who you are today. Celebrate the amazingness of who you are. There is always growth and change to be made and that growth is more accessible by starting with gratitude for who and where you are now. Compassion in leadership creates stronger bonds between people and creates a sense of loyalty and belonging. This, in turn, can increase morale, trust and collaboration within a group. As a leader, not only will choosing positive self-talk support you in your own health and vitality, this positive practice will also inspire those you lead to do the same. Imagine having a team of healthy, vital individuals expressing positivity as a core value who thrive under your strong gentle leadership.

Arliss Dudley-Cash MA, MBA, Business Coach and Consultant

6. Commit to an inclusive leadership style

Be bold, courageous, and lead with curiosity and collaboration. Diversity allows for different thoughts, and inclusion allows for employee talents to be seen, heard, and felt. Ensure all voices are heard in a room by allowing others to share their thoughts and opinions freely without judgment and biases.

7. Courage

With acknowledgment to Lance Secretan, what makes a great leader is courage, authenticity, service, truthfulness, love, and effectiveness. He refers to this as The Castle Principles. A deficiency in any one (or more) of these has an impact upon the people you lead. Notice, that it starts with courage. It takes courage to be authentic and serve others. It is hard to always be truthful and openhearted with others. Yet without any one of these items, it affects your effectiveness.

8. Consciousness

Every effective leader is great at role model, having and providing a vision and direction for action, inspiring, and encouraging team cooperation. Consciousness has to do with how much awareness the leader has and can hold of the system (s)he interacts with and impacts with his actions. And the level of consciousness set effective leaders from great leaders apart.



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