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Exclusive Interview With Amanda Rose - Bestselling Author & CEO Of The Infinite Power Of You Inc.

Amanda Rose is the CEO and founder of The Infinite Power of You INC., Co-Founder of No BS Biz Co. Ltd. With her Business Partner Tony Babcock, a Business, Wealth and Mindset Coach, Bestselling Multi-Published Multi-Genre Author (including Manifesting on Purpose and The Fire Fury Saga), Motivational Speaker, Course Creator, and Actor. Her corporation serves entrepreneurs worldwide, with her unique approach that focuses on understanding each client’s individual strengths and guiding them in building their own methodology, rather than attempting to get them to adapt to a specific mold.

Amanda has been a sales expert for over a decade, having experience in door-to-door sales, retail, live sales presentation, network marketing, and online product and service sales, which allows her to bring extensive insight to her clients. Amanda has been featured in many publications and news articles for her work, including FOX, CBS, Yahoo! Finance, and NBC, and was recently recognized with the BRAINZ Global 500 Award and the CREA 2021 Award. Amanda passionately works to help entrepreneurs succeed through her corporation as well as within her Facebook Community.

Her Life Mission is to Shift Human Consciousness to Create Soulful Abundance Through Mindset Practices.

Visit for more info.

Amanda Rose
Amanda Rose, Photo Credit: Kaufmann Photography

Amanda, you’ve had enormous success as an Entrepreneur and Author. What would you attribute to your success?

Thank you. I have always been a high achiever, ever since grade school. It’s important to be goal-oriented. Whatever you set your focus on is what you’ll put all of your energy into achieving. We’re wired this way.

When I teach about Law of Attraction, I always highlight the power of focus. We live in a Universe entirely composed of energy. Energetically, as we look at Quantum Physics, science has proven that our thoughts dictate where, when, and how subatomic particles (matter) appears.

From the psychological angle, wherever we place our focus, that becomes our reality and experience. When we learn to leverage our brains, we unlock the power for exponential growth. Take the Reticular Activating System [RAS] for example. Your Subconscious mind is aware of approximately 4 billion bits of information every second. By contrast, your Conscious mind is aware of about 2000 bits of information per second. It’s your RAS that determines which 2000 bits of information, out of the 4 billion that you can perceive, that you’ll notice. The 2000 bits of information that your RAS makes you aware of are based on your focus AKA your habitual thoughts. When we have thoughts, such as, “clients are hard to find,” your RAS kicks into action to find you all of the available examples that your thought is “true”. Simply by changing our inner dialogue, our focus, we can use this incredible power to be shown all of the opportunities around us that we’re simply not tuned into.

When I got started as an entrepreneur in 2013, I was absolutely convinced that rich and successful people just had a super secret strategy, and that if I just managed to figure it out, I’d be rich and successful too. While, yes, strategy is important, it’s our mindset that dictates how we’ll use those strategies. In 2017 when I finally integrated both mindset and strategy, my business really began to take off.

I think the hardest thing about success, for anyone, is patience. Success isn’t fast and it’s also illusive by its very nature. We live in a world of instant gratification; if we’re hungry we can pop something in a microwave, if we’re bored then we can turn on Netflix, and if we’re lonely, we can jump on social media. While these luxuries are great for everyday life, the best things in life take time, dedication, persistence, and patience. When you put a lot of love and work into something, and you see it through to completion there’s a sense of accomplishment that you wouldn’t have if you just had to click a button.

A lot of entrepreneurs approach business as if it’s a sprint; they go as fast as they can out of the gates, then burn out and quit. I like to tell entrepreneurs to think of business as a marathon without a finish line. Pace yourself, enjoy the scenery, celebrate the milestones, and know there’s no real ending to the journey.

Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?

Yes, I have a daily routine that I never vary from. I believe that our routines are the foundations from which our results grow. Our habits ultimately define our results. By taking charge of these habits by establishing a routine that creates beneficial results, you guarantee long-term success in life.

Upon waking each day, I:

• Drink 25oz of water

• Make a list of at least 10 things I am grateful for

• Read personal development

• Visualize my dream life

• Go over my affirmations and declarations

• Exercise for 30-60 minutes

Amanda Rose
Amanda Rose, Photo Credit: Kaufmann Photography

What would you tell an aspiring entrepreneur?

A business is like a 1000-piece puzzle. There’s so much to learn, and the learning never ends. You’re never going to know it all, and frankly, that’s half of the fun! You get to learn, try things, fail, succeed, and pave your own path. A lot of marketing out there will attempt to sway you into thinking you just need this *one thing*, AKA whatever they’re selling, to be successful, but don’t fall for the bait on those lures.

Your entrepreneurial experience will be different from everyone else’s. You’re unique and so is your business. Learn from others, but never imitate. Keep what works for you and chuck what doesn’t. Perfection isn’t required on this path.

Remember: Your business is an extension of you, and therefore can only expand to the extent that you grow as a person.

What is the most helpful business tool?

Hands down, Kajabi has been the most useful tool that has allowed my business to grow exponentially. Having this integrated platform that does my website, blog, sales pages, check-out pages, funnels, opt-ins, e-mail automation, referral program, CRM, and so many other functions has not only saved our corporation a lot of time and money, but it’s also allowed us to have seamless growth.

If you could go back in time, what would you tell yourself at the beginning of your entrepreneurship journey?

  1. Master your mindset, and you will master your life. Strategy is important, but it is useless without the mindset that will allow you to implement those strategies. You must move through discomfort and grow into who you need to become to be successful.

  2. Be kinder to yourself. We are often so hard on ourselves on this journey when we really just need to remember it’s a journey and the failures are part of it all.

  3. Be kinder to others. We’re all fellow travellers in this life, and the relationships we foster, the actions we take, and how we treat each other all matter. I love tying in Paying-it-Forward into everything I do.

How have you managed to write and publish over 20 books?

My business partner Tony will tell you that he’s pretty sure I don’t sleep and that I stay up every night writing. While that theory always gives me a good laugh, the reality of it is pretty simple. When I start writing a new book, I commit to writing it 30 minutes every day until it’s done. Consistency over time gives us results.

I’m a prolific creator in many areas of my life and business, but not because I’m a work-a-holic. This is my approach to most things in life; work on it for 30 minutes a day until it’s done. It all rounds right back to our habits.

Is it harder to write fiction or non-fiction?

Hands down fiction is much more challenging. When writing fiction we’re fleshing our characters, creating lush vibrant worlds, often lore, history, a story arch, and so much more. Fiction is creative expression, truly a passion project. The Fire Fury Saga lights up my heart to write, however, it’s a big task to write each book, as the Universe keeps expanding, new characters come into play, new circumstances and alien species enter the scene, etc.

Non-fiction, particularly self-help, is quite easy to write by comparison. You’re basically having a conversion with the reader. You’re expressing ideas and concepts the ways you would in a discussion with a friend or colleague.

Which are your Favorite Books to help Entrepreneurs with Success and Personal Development?

Books were my gateway into personal development and professional growth, and to this day, I consider books to be some of my best teachers. A few of my all-time favorite books for personal growth and entrepreneurs are:

What’s coming up for you in the next few months?

Oh gosh, as always – a lot! I’m currently writing 5 news books, we’re leading up to the first comic book release which is based on Fire Fury Saga, we’re about to launch several books from the Manifesting series in Spanish, I’m building out several programs, and launching a new Masterclass!

  • The 6th Book in the Manifesting Series, Manifesting Through Gratitude, is coming out September 15th! Readers can Pre-order or add to their Wishlist Here!

  • For the first time in a year-and-a-half I’m offering FREE access into an upcoming program, RECESSION PROOF BUSINESS, for those that register by October 3rd, 2022, which readers can get into HERE.

You mentioned you had a gift for our readers?

Yes! As always, I want to pay it forward. Readers can get my program, Be to Become, for FREE [Normally $222] This 5-day course will teach you how to super-attract your every desire through your resonant vibrations, and how to calibrate your frequency. Get it HERE.

Want to see more of Amanda Rose? Join her Facebook Community and follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and visit her website.



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