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Exclusive Interview With Nic BeeGee, Founder Of The Global Mentorship Brand: Femme Wealth Engineer™

Brainz Magazine Exclusive Interview


Nic BeeGee, the founder of The Femme Wealth Engineer, mom of four, and trade wife, is a wealth mentor and professional brand strategist who has generated millions in revenue on her entrepreneurial journey. She has also helped thousands of clients, globally, generate millions in revenue in their businesses over the last decade.

Nic BeeGee
Nic BeeGee

What's the story behind your business name, and how do you help your clients?

There are two entities to my brand: The Femme Wealth Engineer and Rich in Flow. Femme Wealth Engineer started as The Feminine Wealth Engineer, and it was the first Free Masterclass I had ever run. When I started to embody what it actually meant to tap into my wealth codes, generate more of it, and do this in my feminine energy, while still creating in my masculine…I knew I was engineering. The vibe was different. The mission was next level…and so, Femme Wealth Engineer just became the brand. It became the entirety of my big body of work.

Rich in Flow came to me when I was lying in bed one morning…and I said. WOW. I’m rich, I’m sober, I’m happy, I’m healthy. Everything just flows. So, Rich in Flow was born, and because of the private mentorship sector of my brand.

Coming this fall, we will be launching Rich in Flow Magazine which will cater to the divine visionary, who bathes in self-trust and her own momentum. This will elevate the voices of women all over the globe who desire to be a part of something bigger and continue to bring people home to their own truth and raw talents.

Who is your business aimed at?

My work is for the visionary, the pioneer, the woman who truly wants something more than the duplicated surface level that we are used to across social media. The space I hold is complimentary to the codes of a trailblazer, a big vision, and a courageous voice. She has tapped into her emotional intelligence, and detached from external validation.

What are your main goals for your business right now?

My main goals in 2024 are more exposure to the FWE mission, a louder voice, and a deeper impact. I am focusing on leveraging my authority and leadership to help create more accessibility to the big work that helps women heal, conquer, and create the life of their wildest dreams.

What do you hope to achieve for yourself and your business in the future?

We are actually hoping to open an in-person retreat sector in 2025, and create an experience that isn’t typical, jam-packed with fun, and also sessions that allow us to exhaust our energy after having the time of our lives. We are aiming for a $1M year this year, and doubling that in 2025.

Who inspires you to be your best?

Me. I am in a season of intense self-trust and extraordinary self-awareness, and honestly, when I am activated by the proper external frequencies, the things that I manifest and achieve blow my mind. I never want this to come from a place of ego, but more from a space of a deep connection with self is where all of the wealth codes are planted. It’s you. It always will be you.

What inspires your work?

My work is inspired by my vision. My vision is a huge feeling and constant pull, and that is just not something that can be ignored. I feed that vision daily, and I help women do the same. When I am tapped into that at the most authentic level, the co-creation that takes place between my clients and me is almost unfathomable.

Nic BeeGee
Nic BeeGee

What's your biggest career achievement so far?

My biggest career achievement is somewhat unmeasurable because I don’t really determine my success by measuring external factors. Awards, features, money..those are all incredible byproducts, all of which I am in the deepest gratitude…but they aren’t my biggest achievements. I would say my sobriety, my courage, and my determination make up a solid emotional intelligence that I would consider my biggest achievement in molding.

If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

I would change the pain. I would change the narrative of feeling like we have to speak to people's pain, hold them in their pain, and lead with people's struggles in our marketing. I believe that when we empower our audience to look inward at what they can accomplish, we are much more productive than LEADING with “you need to be fixed”.

Tell us about a key moment in your life that led you to where you are today.

My sobriety. September 6th, 2022. The most pivotal moment of my entire life. Always will be. I owe everything to that version of myself who showed up and said…enough is enough.

What challenges have you faced, and how did you overcome them?

I face challenges every single day; I’m human. But, what I will say to my readers and audience is this. If you practice reframing your mindset when you’re feeling on top of the world, and EVEN when the tiniest inconvenience happens, you’re going to be setting that noisy subconscious of yours to respond faster and sharper when things get messy or really difficult to manage. I am really intentional when the little things happen, and every single time I will say “Thank you universe, that could have been so much worse”. It keeps me very open to receiving more and tapping into my self-awareness at a higher level.

What's a piece of advice you would give to someone starting in your industry?

The truth? Always speak from a place of passion and purpose, or this industry will eat you alive. If you start doing things for other people first and trying to control anything outside of you, you’ll burn out and sit in a cycle of lack and frustration.

For more info, follow Nic on Instagram, Youtube and visit her website!



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