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Ten Things Your Loved Ones In Spirit Want You To Know

Laurie Parente is well-known in Mediumship, Angel Connections, and Meditative Healing Journeys. She is the CEO and Founder of Parente Inner Harmony Academy, of the quarterly live ‘’Reclaim Your Light Healing Course”, and creator of the ‘’Awaken Your Spiritual Potential’’ online course.

Executive Contributor Laurie Parente

The physical death of a loved one is one of life's most challenging experiences that we will all deal with in our lifetimes. As a medium, I am blessed with a unique and significant role in bridging the physical and spiritual realms. I've communicated with many loved ones in Spirit through numerous client sessions, and specific messages consistently come through. If you've ever wondered what your loved ones in Spirit might want to tell you, here are ten things they want you to know.

 Field of green trees.

1. They are at peace

One of the most comforting messages is the assurance of peace. Your loved ones want you to know they have transitioned to a place of serenity and joy. This realm is free from pain, suffering and worries. They exist in a state of pure love. They want you to experience this peace and will often radiate this feeling towards you. Feeling and knowing their sense of peace may allow us to feel a modicum of comfort in the pain of their physical absence.

2. They are always available for you, and they send you signs

Loved ones in Spirit are always available for you, remaining close despite their physical absence. Their Spirit is intertwined with your life, continuing to share in your experiences. You can feel their presence through sudden warmth, a gentle breeze, or intuitive thoughts. Everyday moments, like a familiar scent or a favourite song, remind you they are still part of your life, offering comfort and support.

They often communicate through signs like finding a feather, seeing a butterfly, or noticing repetitive numbers like 11:11. Other signs include flickering lights or vivid dreams with messages of reassurance and love. These signs are their way of reaching out, reminding you they are near and sending love. Paying attention to these signs provides a sense of connection and strengthens your relationship with them in Spirit.

3. They want you to live fully

In Spirit, your loved ones deeply desire you to embrace life enthusiastically and joyfully. They encourage you to pursue your dreams, take risks, and find happiness in big and small moments. They understand their departure has brought sadness, but they want you to use their memory as inspiration. By living fully, you honour their legacy and the love you shared, demonstrating resilience and the ability to find joy amidst loss. They want you to savour life's experiences, cherish your relationships, and create new memories. This is their way of encouraging you to continue growing and evolving, even in their absence. Although they understand this is difficult in their absence, they encourage you to find moments of joy daily and not feel guilty when you laugh or enjoy a moment.

4. They forgive and ask for forgiveness

When souls return to Spirit, anger and resentment are lifted. Your loved ones want you to know they have automatically forgiven you and hope you can forgive them, too. They recognize that we learn through mistakes, misunderstandings, and regrets as much as through joy, connection, and possibilities. They wish for you to release any lingering guilt or resentment for the sake of your journey. Forgiveness is a powerful act of healing, and by letting go, you can more easily find peace in your heart and move forward with a more defined sense of calm and ease. If you were in a position of making decisions for them that you now feel guilty for, they understand and do not wish you to carry that guilt.

5. They appreciate your love and memories

Every thought, prayer and memory you hold for your loved ones is deeply appreciated. They feel your love and are grateful for how you keep their memory alive. These gestures honour their Spirit, whether through stories, photographs, personal rituals or conversations. Creating memorial traditions, such as lighting a candle on their birthday, visiting a special place you shared, or setting a place for them at the table during family celebrations, reinforces the bond between you and keeps their presence alive in your heart. Your efforts to remember and celebrate their lives are a testament to the love and connection you shared, and they want you to know how much this means to them.

6. They guide and support you

With your permission, your loved ones continue to guide and support you. They send you intuitive nudges, dreams, or feelings that help steer you in the direction best for you at the moment. These forms of guidance can be subtle, like a sudden idea that feels right or a gut feeling that warns you against a particular choice. Trust in these intuitive messages, and know they are looking out for your best interests and helping you navigate life's challenges with their support and love. They want you to trust in your ability to make decisions from a wise and intuitive place.

7. They want you to step into healing

Healing from loss is a personal and often challenging journey, and your loved ones want you to take the time you need. They understand the depth of your grief and want you to know that it is okay to feel pain and sadness. They encourage you to seek support from friends, family, and professionals to find healthy ways to cope with your emotions. Healing is not about forgetting or about returning to who you were before your loss; it is about finding a way to live with the loss and integrating their memory into your life in a loving manner. They want you to honour your feelings, give yourself grace, and remember that healing is a process that will be with you in many different ways during your lifetime.

8. They believe in your strength and resilience

Your loved ones see the strength within you, even when you don't. They want to remind you of your resilience and ability to overcome challenges. They believe in your capacity to rebuild, grow and thrive, no matter the circumstance. Their faith in your strength is a testament to the love and connection you shared. It serves as a reminder that you have the inner resources to face life's difficulties and emerge more at peace with who you are. They want you to believe in yourself, knowing their love and support are with you every step of your journey. Even if your relationship was not ideal, know they genuinely believe in your abilities and dreams.

9. They understand if you are angry with them due to the nature of your relationship

When a loved one dies, we may recognize that our relationship was not what we would have wished. Loved ones in Spirit are acutely aware of our emotions, including any anger or strong negative feelings we may hold toward them. They understand the complexities of our human experiences and the reasons behind these emotions. From their elevated perspective, they see the broader context of our lives and acknowledge our feelings without judgment. Their ultimate goal is to help us find peace and strengthen the bond of love that transcends physical existence, providing comfort and guidance as we navigate our emotional landscapes.

10. They want you to know that you are capable of creating new and loving relationships with them in Spirit

Loved ones in Spirit want us to understand that our bond with them can grow and evolve, even after their physical departure. They encourage us to open our hearts and minds to their presence, allowing us to create new, loving relationships with them spiritually. Through signs, dreams, and intuitive feelings, they reach out to remind us of their enduring love and support. By acknowledging and embracing these connections, we can deepen our relationship with them, fostering a sense of closeness and comfort that transcends physical boundaries. This ongoing relationship brings healing and reassurance, reminding us that love never truly ends. When we trust that we can relate to them beyond their personality and physicality in this life, we can create a soul-to-soul relationship.

In summary, understanding the messages from our loved ones in Spirit can bring comfort and reassurance during the challenging experience of dealing with their physical absence. By knowing they are at peace, always available, and sending signs, we can feel their continued presence in our lives. Embracing their encouragement to live fully, forgive, cherish memories, and seek healing can help us honour their legacy and find joy amidst the loss. Their guidance and support remind us that we are not alone in our journey of healing and moving forward. It is essential to hold onto these messages and allow them to bring peace and comfort as we navigate life without our loved ones physically present.

Let's work together to help you connect to your loved ones in spirit

If you are curious how to connect with your Loved Ones on your own, I have created a Free Guide and a Guided Meditation to get you started. You can also book a 1:1 session where we can explore more deeply together. 

Follow Laurie on her Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or visit her website for more info!


Laurie Parente, Spiritual Healer, Intuitive Guide, and Transformational Coach

Laurie is a Medium, spiritual healer, intuitive guide, and transformational coach dedicated to empowering individuals on their journey of self-discovery and healing. With over a decade of experience in the field, Laurie brings a unique blend of intuitive insights, spiritual wisdom, and compassionate support to her work. Through her workshops, courses, and one-on-one sessions, she guides clients in reconnecting with their inner wisdom, releasing blockages, and aligning with their highest potential. Laurie's holistic approach addresses the mind, body and spirit, fostering deep healing and transformation. Her mission is to inspire and support others in awakening to their true essence and reclaiming their power.



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