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Financial Focus For ADHD – Overcoming Impulsivity In Money Matters

Written by: Danielle Baron, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Danielle Baron

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition impacting an individual's pre-planning, concentration, impulse control, and task organisation. Although ADHD comes with its own set of strengths and weaknesses, individuals with ADHD can achieve notable success, even more so than some neurotypical people. However, some of the hurdles they face extend to the realm of financial management, often manifesting as impulsive spending, disarray in financial organisation, and challenges in future planning. Yet, armed with awareness and effective strategies, those with ADHD can cultivate habits to effectively handle their finances, ensuring long-term financial stability. Diagnosis, in this context, is important as it fosters self-awareness among individuals with ADHD.

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Typical financial obstacles for individuals affected by ADHD

Individuals who have ADHD frequently wrestle with difficulties in controlling impulses, leading to unanticipated purchasing decisions or lack of time so impulsive spending for convenience. The instant gratification associated with shopping and the ensuing rush of dopamine can provide a fleeting uplift, but this behaviour might eventually result in financial hardships and mounting debts.

Financial documentation, invoices, and receipts can prove to be a challenge for individuals with ADHD due to struggles in arranging and overseeing paperwork. While people with ADHD can exhibit exceptional focus in areas of personal interest, mundane tasks like managing bills seldom evoke the same enthusiasm.

Procrastination is a common trait among individuals with ADHD, often causing delays in financial responsibilities due to a preference for more engaging activities. This tendency can lead to missed payments, penalties, and heightened stress levels, which can be like a vicious cycle compounding the problem even more.

Falling short in bill payments, neglecting expense tracking, or deviating from budgets is a widespread concern, frequently culminating in avoidable financial predicaments. Instances abound where the intention to make a payment exists, but distractions intervene, causing these commitments to slip from memory.

Individuals with ADHD might encounter challenges in maintaining a steady job or income source due to difficulties in sustaining task consistency and focus, navigating work relationships, or actively seeking diverse job opportunities. This situation can result in intermittent job security and income irregularity. However, it's important to note that this is not a universal rule, as certain individuals with ADHD thrive in specific careers where their hyperfocus aligns perfectly with job demands and need for variety.

Strategies for effectively managing finances with ADHD

Establishing routine and structure

Incorporate a regular routine or, if daily schedules feel mundane, opt for a monthly structure to manage finances, encompassing tasks like account checks, bill payments, and expense tracking. Consistency serves as a foundation for reinforcing these habits.

Automating financial responsibilities

Set up automated bill payments and savings contributions to mitigate the cognitive burden of remembering due dates and ensuring timely financial actions.

Utilising budgets and visual tools

Forge a visual budgeting mechanism utilising color-coded charts, graphs, or apps that visually represent spending trends and financial objectives. Assign distinct colours to various expense categories, facilitating clear analysis and potential adjustments.

Harnessing reminders and alerts

Leverage digital reminders, alerts, spreadsheets, or to-do lists on digital devices to prompt completion of financial tasks, countering forgetfulness.

Designating a financial workspace

Allocate a dedicated space for financial management. Keep vital documents, bills, and financial tools systematically arranged within this space.

Curbing impulse expenditure

Implement a "reflection period" before committing to substantial purchases. Consider adding desired items to a list and revisiting the list at the end of the month—this delay provides an opportunity to assess the necessity of the purchase and weigh it against other financial priorities.

Dividing tasks into manageable portions

Deconstruct intricate financial tasks into smaller, achievable steps and microtasks. Tackling these components gradually can prevent feelings of overwhelm and offer a dopamine boost with each accomplished micro goal, nurturing motivation to persevere.

Leveraging technology

Employ budgeting apps, expense trackers, and digital tools that offer real-time insights into your financial landscape.

The key to enhancing financial management lies in identifying and implementing strategies that resonate with your individual needs, enabling you to foster more effective financial management.

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Danielle Baron Brainz Magazine

Danielle Baron, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Danielle catalyses children and adults to rise like a phoenix from the flames 🔥 and to reach their optimum potential. She is an entrepreneur, inspiring 11+ and 7+ entrance exams tutor, rapid transformational therapist®️, business coach for overachievers, a life coach for all, and an NLP Master practitioner, and she is also certified by the ILM.

One of Danielle’s much-loved abilities is being an overachiever because she thrives on the excitement and follows her passion, which is to help people live fulfilling lives.

Over the last five years of her tuition business, Danielle has become extremely popular and respected in the tuition industry and is a mentor and coach to other tutors to help them increase revenue in their businesses, but ultimately to be the best tutors they can be. Her own tuition service incorporates coaching for parents and children throughout the exam process and NLP classes for children to help them with lack of confidence, bullying, and anxiety and to help them focus on the imminent goal of exams and to visualise and believe in their success.

Danielle’s second business, coaching and therapy, has been a long time coming and her personal interest in people and psychology led her to invest in the most high-quality courses to be the best for her clients. For her rapid transformational therapy ®️, she had the privilege of personally being mentored by Marisa Peer, a world-renowned therapist. Rapid transformational therapy is a combination of NLP, CBT, psychotherapy and hypnosis.

It has been Danielle’s personal experiences that have led her to where she is today. At age four, her father died of suicide, which installed in her a determination to help prevent people from ever becoming despaired again. Her best friend passed away at fifteen, which solidified Danielle’s determination to live life to the full. Growing up with a single parent, they struggled with money, but Danielle was very inspired by her mother’s work ethic, which had a huge impact on her.

As a teacher in some schools, the politics and bullying amongst staff were toxic and she suffered from depression, stress and burnout and was treated badly at her most vulnerable time of being pregnant and having a newborn and that’s why she’s passionate about helping teachers. She wishes that she had someone to help her at the time.

She has been through the journey of setting up successful businesses on her own while undertaking childcare as a single parent of two after she divorced and strongly believes anyone can achieve anything they put their mind to with grit, focus, and passion.



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