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The 5 Steps To Take Control Of Your Focus & Maximize Your Productivity

Written by: Serene Shereef, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


“Productivity is not about getting more things done; it's about getting the right things done.” -Michael Hyatt, Free to Focus.

As we reclaim our time and energy in this chaotic ever-busy world, the key to maximizing our productivity is building laser-focused attention on our unique zone of genius, where we are aligned with our passion and purpose in life.

By trying to meet every expectation on our time, we are squandering our precious time, energy and focus on the tasks that show up on our to-do list while losing sight of the dream goals that remain dusty on our shelves. Once overwhelm from the overload of tasks sets in, it can be tough to remember what our dreams were even to begin with. So how can we reclaim our dreams?

Take complete ownership and control of your focus so you can get unstuck and finally achieve your dream goals with the following 5 steps:

Step 1: Create Your Reset, Start Where You Are

  • The first step to creating your reset is to identify where you are and where you actually want to be.

  • Write down your life vision and core values.

  • Do a brain dump and get all your thoughts, ideas, obstacles onto one system [paper/journal, digital document, etc].

  • What currently shows up on your to-do list/calendar that is not aligned with your life vision and core values? This is a key area to either eliminate things or to delegate them, this will help to identify what are the most important focal points in your life.

  • Clarity is a key element in creating laser focus.

Step 2: Your Unique Productivity System

What are your strengths and passions?

What are the elements that helps your brain function at maximum capacity?

  • Time of day

  • Temperature

  • Activities that help to boost energy

  • Activities that drain your energy

  • Optimal sleep

  • Rest & Play

  • And many more to consider!

What systems of productivity [aka the way you organize your life] have worked for you previously?

  • Day planner

  • Apps such as Trello, Asana, etc

  • Digital Calendar

  • And many more to consider!

What hasn’t worked for you before?

Goal setting: Annual, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly and Daily implementation strategies

Assess preliminary obstacles and challenges for goal implementation and achievement, as well as options for problem-solving.

Step 3: Access the Power of Mindfulness

Now that the analyzing and planning steps are completed, the action steps created with clarity so that your dream goals are inevitable, connect to mindfulness as the magic carpet to experience life in its true magnificence.

The 7 key attitudinal elements as described by Jon Kabat-Zinn

  • Acceptance Accepting things as they are, acknowledging the journey that has brought you to your current life is an important part of taking strides to your future life.

  • Beginner’s Mind Apply curiosity to your awareness, be open to the possibilities and let go of thoughts that hold you stuck.

  • Letting Go Let go of limiting beliefs/thoughts and feelings, and accept what is present.

  • Non-judging Building awareness on your self-narrative, letting go of judgement, connecting to self-love and self-compassion

  • Non-striving Being fully present in the moment, without doing or trying to change what is.

  • Patience Allowing the magic to unfold without rushing through the moments

  • Trust Trusting yourself to be the perfect guide through this journey of life. Everything is unfolding as it should… Nothing has gone wrong...

Step 4: Create Accountability

Internal accountability

  • Add some fun and play by creating rewards and opportunities for growth for the dream goals you are committed to.

  • This is also a great space to analyze what motivates you?

External accountability

  • Accountability partners are a great way to create social connection, share your journey [struggles and triumphs] with someone else, share resources including network and knowledge, and have/provide support for a common goal.

  • Accountability groups & organizations can help to provide a shared language and resources to support you in your journey

  • Accountability challenges are shorter programs that help to create some momentum by taking action on a shared goal/vision.

Step 5: Review to Renew

  • Review in scheduled intervals [daily, weekly, quarterly, annual, etc]

  • Are you creating the results that you want?

  • If yes, then what are the next series of thoughts, feelings and actions that will help you continue to move you to your next level?

  • If not, then what are the thoughts, feelings and actions holding you back?

It is a universal truth that our feelings are always coming from our thoughts in the moment. It's really our thoughts and our beliefs that allow us to interact and engage with our environment and create meaning within our human experience. Most of the time, we believe that our external circumstances, which are the stories that we tell ourselves about what is going on around us, are what create our feelings. But in reality, it is really our thoughts about our external circumstances that generate our emotions in the moment, our human experience. Our thoughts generate our feelings and our feelings aka our emotions aka the vibrations within our body trigger our actions and our actions create our results. So, our results are always a reflection on our thoughts and not our circumstances.

As you create the changes that you want to see in your life, there are many emotions that will come up trying to distract you from your dream goals. I invite you to be curious and just ask yourself: what is my emotion trying to communicate to me? Why am I feeling this emotion right now? What are my thoughts and beliefs about what I'm doing? The journey through these thoughts and feelings is the hero’s journey in unraveling the hidden layers within your psyche, to understanding the unconscious layers of our brain, and ultimately to living our authentic truth. May we all find our inner voice, the truth that will guide our path.

I hope that this has been helpful in exploring how we can intentionally design and create our dream life, by creating a reset, taking control of our energy and focus and maximizing our true productivity, so that we can do less and live more. If you are ready to take it even deeper and really apply this to your life, if you're tired of being stuck in the same place every day, having the same problems, not understanding or not knowing how to create that change, that I invite you to schedule a free discovery call with me. So we can explore what this means to your unique set of needs. If you're ready to take your life to the next level, then I invite you to explore this because the truth is nothing changes if nothing changes!

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and visit my website for more info!


Serene Shereef, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Serene Shereef is a general & trauma surgeon and a mindfulness & productivity certified life coach. After struggling with severe burnout and hitting rock bottom, she used the energy of mindfulness with the scientific principles of habit building and created systems of productivity to reclaim her life. She now uses this unique powerful framework to help other professional women struggling with burnout and overwhelm to take control of their time, mind & energy. She has created an integrated mindfulness and productivity program that builds clarity on your life’s passion and purpose and uses individualized systematic tools to take control of your life so that you have time for everything that is important to you. Her goal is to help you do less and live more, embracing the joy of living your best life.



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