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Five Tips To Start Your Year Off Right

Written by: Daphney Poyser, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


With the New Year right around the corner, there’s no better time to get a jumpstart on planning who you want to be, and what you want to accomplish for yourself in the next 365 days. Although, while there is always room for improvement in our world, sometimes the best way to start yourself on the right foot, is leading with the one which you already have a solid foundation.

1. We all want to start something new, be someone new in the New Year, but rushing into a different territory head first has rarely served us.

Prior to revamping your entire existence, we suggest starting with your emotional and mental state. Before you begin embracing something new, prepare yourself mentally for the undertaking you’re about to embark on. That way your mind and your body can start the new year with confidence.

2. As we learned with the turtle and the hare: slow and steady wins the race.

In order to set yourself up for success, it’s important to introduce change into your life gradually. The new year only comes around once so let this moment be less about overwhelming expectations, and more so about creating a sustainable routine for you to abide by throughout the year.

3. It’s completely normal to feel anxious or nervous about starting anew, but don’t sike yourself out!

The mistakes you made last year don’t have to be what defines you in the new year. However, in order to better prepare yourself, create a Plan A, B, and maybe even C to accommodate where you’ll be and who you’ll be at each moment in the future. Luck favors the prepared; creating different routes to success for yourself can give you the confidence to handle anything that comes your way during this journey.

4. New Year, New Boo?

Just because you didn’t start the New Year off with a kiss at midnight doesn’t mean that’s how you have to end it. However, when it comes to creating (or even maintaining) a healthy relationship you have to let things run their course at the speed they’re ready to do so. Rushing yourself, or micromanaging your new relationship won’t make it work any better or run any faster–in fact, it might just do the opposite. Our tip for success? Focus on how you can be a better partner this coming year. The rest will fall into place around you.

5. Change takes a lot of work.

Whether you are working on your relationship with yourself, your family, friends, or your partner this year, having the intention to change is one thing, but putting in the work is something completely different. If you want to be something different, you have to repeatedly behave in ways that are different. What did Einstein say? Doing the same thing over and over again and experiencing the same result is insanity. Save yourself and your peace this year, and try something new. Your future self will thank you for it.

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Daphney Poyser, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Daphney Poyser is the founder and CEO of Fern Connections, a LGBTQIA+ Matchmaking and Coaching company. After noticing a lack of diversity within the world of same-sex specific dating services, Poyser sought out to create her own company founded on the principles of greater gender, sexual, and romantic inclusivity. Fern Connections was started in 2020 and now has headquarters in Texas and Georgia; the company services individuals nationwide within the United States.



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