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25 Ways To Create And Live Your Blissfully Best Year Ever

Written by: Dr. Kapil and Rupali Apshankar, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


What if your days and your life was filled with unlimited love, happiness and abundance? What if you could be, do and have anything your heart desired? This physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state of living your best life on your own terms is BLISS.

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Imagine it is 31st December 2023. For a moment, imagine this has been the best year ever of your life. Everything you had dreamed about this year on 1st January has come true. The year has unfolded exactly the way you wanted it to unfold.

Where would you be on New Year's Eve in 365 days from now? With whom will be spending the evening? What will you be doing? What have you accomplished this year? What has made the last twelve months memorable and successful for you? What made you really, really happy this year?

Take a couple of moments and write down your thoughts as you think about these questions. Really do it, don’t just wing it. Let’s snap back to the present moment.

Today is the start of a fresh new year. But in a few short days, the new year will no longer remain new. Yet we firmly believe that this year can be the best year ever for you.

No matter how the last thirty days have been for you, no matter where you are in your life, you get to make a fresh new start every day. You get to make a fresh beginning in every moment, in this very moment.

We recommend two simple mindset shifts to create your best year ever:

  1. Stop counting time in yearly units. Sure, it’s New Year’s Day today. And yes, time will fly away very soon with days turning into weeks and months. Remember that with every sunrise, you get to create and live a brand-new day.

  2. Stop thinking about resolutions. They always fail, don’t they? Think about what would make today a great day. What would you do? What actions would you take? Are you ready, willing and committed to make today your best day ever? There you go, you have a purpose, an intention and a goal for today.

To take the guesswork out of creating and living your best day every day, we created the Live Your Bliss Life Transformation framework. Having worked with hundreds of leaders, entrepreneurs, homemakers and high performers worldwide, we realized that deep inside, we all yearn for the same outcomes in life. Great health, abundance of wealth, amazing relationships and a successful career. Creating these results in life boils down to being able to transform our inner core – our thoughts, feeling, emotions and beliefs.

When you work with your own inner self with love, compassion and empathy, you can transform your inner core. With this makeover, you can align your actions with your intentions and goals every single day.

Here are some simple, effective and heart-centered massive action baby steps that you can embrace starting tomorrow morning to make this year your best year ever.

Transform Your Inner Core:

  1. Accept yourself as you are in the present moment. Practice self-acceptance and self-love every day.

  2. Be willing to change and grow. Learn something new daily.

  3. Reprogram your mindset. Release the old patterns, beliefs and ideas that are no longer serving you. Embrace new ideas and new beliefs that support your success.

  4. Be your own best friend for life. Take some time out for yourself every day. Start a new hobby or nurture an old one.

  5. Actively practice gratitude and meditation every single day.

Create Great Health:

  1. Embrace a healthy lifestyle. Get clear about what great health and a healthy lifestyle mean to you. Become aware of any inner resistances, inner blocks or self-limiting beliefs you encounter so that you can actively work on them.

  2. Eat natural, unprocessed and healthy food. Learn more about good nutrition that aligns with your spiritual beliefs.

  3. Get quality sleep every night. Start an evening and a bedtime ritual. Disconnect from all screens, gadgets and technology at least for some time every day.

  4. Adopt movement and exercise in your daily schedule. Even something as gentle as yoga can be very effective in creating great health.

  5. Know that your mind, body and spirit are all interconnected. Your thoughts end up creating your reality. Learn to become aware of your thoughts. Practice breathwork and pranayama. A healthy mind leads to positive thoughts.

Create Abundance and Prosperity:

  1. Money is energy. Become aware of the energy of money and the good that it can create in the world. Examine your own beliefs around money and prosperity. Become aware of any blocks and resistances that are limiting your own abundance and prosperity.

  2. Take stock of your finances to become aware of any money leaks in your life. If money flowing out of your life is not making you happy, explore ways in which you can turn around the energy of these transactions.

  3. Create an action plan to earn more passive income. What can you do to earn more passive income this year? What can you do in the next 90 days?

  4. Get clear about how much income or profit you want to make this year. What can you do today to make it happen? Rinse and repeat every day.

  5. Invest strategically. Become a great investor, not a speculator. Think long term and you will create massive intra-generational and inter-generational wealth.

Create Amazing Relationships:

  1. The most important relationship you will ever have is your relationship with yourself. Be willing to create an amazing relationship with your own self as a first step in creating amazing relationships with others.

  2. The past is over and done. You only have the present moment and the present day to work on and change. Be willing to embrace forgiveness. Be willing to forgive old hurts, past events and circumstances and people

  3. Take time to define what you want to create or change in specific relationships. Become aware if your thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs and actions are aligned with your desires. Be willing to change and to take baby steps every day to actively co-create the relationships you desire. Great relationships are nurtured like a delicate flowering plant.

  4. Become a better listener. Bring the energy of empathy, kindness and compassion into your conversations.

  5. Be willing to give and receive love in areas of your life: Self-care for yourself, intimate love for your romantic relationships, nurturing a love for your relationships as a parent, brotherhood love for family and friends, compassionate love for your professional and business colleagues.

Create Career Success:

  1. Know what you want in your career. Be willing to take baby steps in the direction of your dream career every day.

  2. Do what you love. Discover your purpose and do the work you love to do. In what way can you do what you love today?

  3. Believe in yourself. What you believe about yourself, and your career is what you will show up at your doorstep. Examine your own beliefs around career success. Become aware of any blocks and resistances that are limiting your own good.

  4. Nothing succeeds like success. Confidence in yourself creates small wins. Small wins lead to big victories. In what way can you build self-confidence today? What small wins can you create today? What big victories can you create in the next 90 days?

  5. Learn a new skill. Start a side hustle. Take an online program. Build your resume and keep it current and updated. Become visible to people who can help you create career success on your own terms. Become an authority in your area of expertise. Publish a book, write a blog, start a podcast, record and album, launch a product, whatever it takes. Don't die with your music still inside you.

Remember, you can make this year the blissfully best year ever of your life.

Just start your day with these two questions every morning:

  1. What are your goals and intentions for today?

  2. What baby steps will you take today to live your dream life?

It’s your life. It’s your only life. Make it blissful filled with unlimited love, happiness and abundance. We are here to cheer and support you all along.

Using the principles of success and happiness outlined here, Live Your Bliss is a Transformational Lifestyle Design System that we created which empowers you to discover, create, and live your very best life. On your own terms, and nobody else’s.

Join our global movement at Blissvana, take charge of your life and start living your bliss today. We’d love to help you become the Michelangelo of your own life and create a masterpiece of your life.

Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and visit our website for more info!


Dr. Kapil and Rupali Apshankar, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Kapil and Rupali are Amazon's 1 bestselling authors and globally respected business and life strategists. They are founders of Blissvana, a boutique personal development, self-growth, and success studio. Their coaching methods have been proven at the highest levels of success in every dimension of human life. Kapil and Rupali's lives revolve around love, happiness, abundance, and bliss ‒ at home and work. Kapil and Rupali's purpose is to create the highest possible quality of life they can for themselves, and the people they love while helping others around them do the same.



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