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- Delivering A Memorable Presentation – Three Essential Techniques To Keep Your Audience Engaged
Must-do No.3 Modulating energy and tone Varying your energy and tone is the secret to keeping your audience It allows you to connect with your audience on a deeper level, keeping them attentive and responsive Keen to learn more?
- Why Do I Keep Attracting Bad Relationships?
Written by: Mariann Sebestyen , Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. You are not alone with this question when you ask yourself every time you have a bad relationship. I used to ask myself this question, and I am sure so many women and even men can resonate with this situation. What is wrong with me? Do you go into blaming yourself and feeling down? When the relationship is not working out, we often feel that we can’t find another one like that. You might feel that way at that moment. This is more complex than you think because the way we perceive the experience often doesn’t mean our interpretation or coding is right. So as the relationship ends, you are likely to feel hurt, rejected, abandoned, and worthless and just want to get ice cream or sugary food to make you feel better or reach for that bottle of alcohol. It can probably numb the pain short term, but it is not a solution for attracting good and loving relationships. The problem is that we internalize the experience and conclude that I am not lovable, no one loves me, or I don’t deserve a good relationship, and I will never try again. It Starts with Your Childhood Your Childhood has so much to do with bad relationships, especially if you grew up in a dysfunctional family or experienced any form of abuse. Then you are much more likely to attract that into your adulthood. When it is about attachment that you experienced in your childhood between the caregiver-child relationship (mother-child, father-child), it becomes the prototype of your future relationships. An internal working model of attachment is a mental representation formed through a child's early experiences with their primary caregiver. This mental representation can influence how the child interacts and builds relationships with others as they grow. So if this was not secure based, rather it was insecure, then you attract people who feed those feelings in you in the future as well. So, you attract people who make you feel bad about yourself, but often that is their projection. Remember, we do not have to internalize other people’s projections. We have to become more self-aware to change and recognize the red flags next time. Often this can become like a vicious cycle that you feel that you can never break free from. But I can assure you that you can, and it is possible to change that. Red Flags The red flags can tell the feature of your partner, which might be identical to your caregiver, who had the same feature when you grew up. The negative feelings can be familiar and link to your experience with your caregivers. This pattern can be unconscious, maybe until this moment when you recognize the signs and when you do, then you know it will not give you a pleasurable experience. You might attract someone: Who is emotionally unavailable , is not comfortable with their feeling or sharing their emotions, or is emotionally immature and just dislikes to think ahead or plan with you. Perhaps those who have narcissistic personality features who lack empathy, have a fragile self-esteem, use gaslighting or making you a scapegoat, put you down, so they can feel better and make it all about themselves. You can also attract people where the relationship is one-sided, so you only put the effort into the relationship. Please note this is very common with people who were not loved in childhood and adulthood they feel they have to work for love and do everything to be loved. An unloved child will become an adult who will do anything just to seek love and attention. The person is not into you, so just take advantage of you and literally take what they need. Abuse is not normal ! No one deserves to be abused that is not a sign of love, so please do not believe when someone loves you, it is painful. No, love is not painful! It is a myth that goes around and tells people a lie. It is a lie that comes from generations where people believe that they can change a person. Staying in abusive relationship damage and destroy you inside , isolate you from other people and possible help that could be there for you. So, when you grow up in a dysfunctional family, you only learn that pattern , and you know exactly how to attract a dysfunctional relationship and perhaps a person who had a similar experience. As mentioned above, like attract like. You have not learned in childhood how to attract a loving relationship , but you can change that in adulthood. Oh, yeah, “You have the power,” dear reader. It Continues with You You are not going into a relationship and expecting the other person to fix anything about you or you fix them. That is a huge responsibility, but also, what happens if they make you feel bad. That is the reason why it is so important to heal your inner wounds and pain points; work on yourself because you can attract a healthier and happier relationship. What you can do to attract a loving relationship. Firstly, self-awareness becomes the key in this process. You can make the difference between what is good and what is not good in the relationship. What was familiar from your childhood is not serving you anymore. The bad pattern, the bad schema, and behaviour were more familiar to you because you grew up in that and could be normalized easily. However, as you can see now, that does not mean it makes you happy or it is good for you or your future. Instead, you can have a different ending because you now recognize that these old patterns of behaviour are not working for you in the present. Rewrite limiting beliefs: The best what you can give yourself is to rewrite your limiting beliefs and implement more positive ones about yourself and your relationships. Past bad experiences happened because of that mindset, environment energy, beliefs, and learned behaviour. But now you can choose to change that. If you want a beautiful relationship, then you need a new mindset, environment, beliefs, energy, and behaviour. Heal the child and adult self: Relationship wounds, childhood wounds, the self which can be on child and adult self-level. Having a positive relationship with yourself and your past can open up new possibilities and doors for you now. Self-Love : Learn to love yourself unconditionally. When you fall in love with yourself, so others can fall in love with you as well. Accept and love who you are. Healthy Self-esteem and self-confidence : See your inner worth, and raise your self-esteem by setting healthy boundaries. You are a magnificent being. What you look for in the relationship or person : Values, emotion, communication, intimacy, openness, honesty, appreciation, love, kindness, understanding, respect, and consent. You know exactly what relationship you want and be specific about it. Everything is possible! Give yourself time : You don’t have to make decisions overnight. Spend time with yourself before you decide to spend time with someone else. Give yourself time to get to know the other person gradually. Know yourself : It is much better to know yourself and discover who you are. See what you are good at and what is your interest, skills, values, and talent. So, you come to see yourself as valuable for the right person and relationship. Let’s change it together! If you would like to have a chat or share anything with me about yourself. I am happy to listen and help you to achieve your goals. You can read my regular post on my social media platforms. Follow me on Facebook , Instagram , LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info! Read more from Mariann! Mariann Sebestyen, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Mariann Sebestyen is an expert in inner child wound healing, breaking free from unhealthy patterns and restoring a healthier self-concept. Adversity in early life left her with developmental challenges, childhood wounds, unmet needs, and the feeling of powerlessness and helplessness. Mariann generated strategies to extraordinarily change her relationship with herself, step into her power and create a positive self-image to become. She has since dedicated her life to helping others unleash their power, letting their true selves shine, and confidently move towards a new life. She is the founder of Inner Child Wound Healing and the Childhood Trauma Healing Journey program. Her mission: Self Restoration.
- Summer Energy Boost – Essential Tips To Keep You Energised All Season Long
Here are some key strategies to keep your energy levels up and make the most out of your summer days Keeping it consistent is crucial for maintaining energy levels. Plan your meals to include a balance of macronutrients to keep your energy stable throughout the day, Protein is vital for maintaining energy levels as it helps in the repair and growth of tissues and keeps Keeping your body moving helps circulate blood and oxygen, enhancing overall vitality. 7.
- When Pain Is Your Mistress ‒ The Secrets We Keep
The secrets we keep about our pain disrupt the ability to create strong connections. It keeps us returning to codependent relationships where self-sabotaging habits thrive. I became aware of the patterns/beliefs I created to keep me safe as a child. They were not strong enough to keep me safe as an adult. I outgrew them.
- Three Reasons Entrepreneurs Need To Keep It Simple
By keeping your startup focused on a single, well-defined target customer, and working to solve one problem
- How Does Self-Compassion Help Us Keep Our Health And Fitness Goals?
Written by Dr Lynn Anderson, Naturopath Yoga Therapist Karma Master Doctor Lynn is a Naturopath, yoga nutrition therapist, fitness professional, karma master, published author, international speaker and video producer with over 40 years’ experience in the field of natural health and fitness. Studies reveal to regain momentum after a break in exercise or a dietary slip-up, incorporating self-compassion into accountability amplifies self-control following a setback. The act of self-kindness aids us in diminishing those feelings of failure and demoralization that often accompany a deviation from our goals. It's important to note that self-compassion should not be misconstrued as a free pass to dismiss our goals. When self-compassion and accountability harmonize, we reclaim our power and steer ourselves back on track, feeling empowered and capable. What exactly is self-compassion? Karma yoga defines compassion as moving away from violence and fearlessness and toward calmness and kindness. This results in "mental purity," or the ability to think clearly without emotion or passion. Metal purity requires the practice of compassion. The Buddha said, "Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love: this is the eternal rule." Self-loathing will never bring about mental purity, but calmness and self-compassion will. Self-understanding removes imposed conditioning, which is artificial and mechanical. When we tell ourselves we must do this and not eat that, we lose power over our free will, which causes us to get off track. Self-compassion encompasses three core components The first is self-kindness vs. self-judgment, or treating yourself gently during difficult times, just as you would someone you love. The second component of self-compassion is the recognition of common humanity, a reminder that imperfection is a shared human condition. This understanding fosters a sense of connection, making us feel less isolated in our struggles and more united in our journey toward health and fitness. The third component is mindfulness vs overidentification, meaning the awareness of present emotions without "overidentifying" with or ruminating on them. When self-understanding breaks the bonds of imposed conditions, we focus more on our health without comparison or judgment. When this happens, we automatically choose to eat healthily and stay active because we care deeply about our well-being on all levels: body, mind, and soul. Therefore, self-compassion may help us promote healthy goal-setting and better adherence to healthy lifestyle choices. Practicing self-compassion promotes an acceptance of personal shortcomings and the understanding that mistakes are a part of the human experience. Self-compassion helps us to overcome our failures and get back on track. So be kind to yourself, remember that all humans make mistakes, and be mindful by accepting present emotions without letting them control you. By doing this, you will discover how self-compassion can help you stay healthy in body, mind, and soul. Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace For books, classes, consultations, and more, click here. Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info! Read more from Dr. Lynn Anderson Dr Lynn Anderson, Naturopath Yoga Therapist Karma Master Doctor Lynn is a Naturopath, yoga nutrition therapist, fitness professional, karma master, published author, international speaker and video producer with over 40 years’ experience in the field of natural health and fitness. She has been featured in Redbook, Reader’s Digest, Huffington Post, Shape, SELF and various other national publications, TV networks and Podcasts. She is the author and producer of the Soul Walking series; Karma, Prosperity, Vitality and The Naturopathic Wellness Series; The Yoga of Nutrition and Recipes for Health, Sex, Happiness and Love; and Doctor Lynn’s Proactive-Aging Workouts; DVDs and TV with international distribution; CEC author, Burnout – it happens to all of us.
- 7 Steps To Prepare Great Holidays And Keep A Lot Of Energy?
Keep this energy inside you and fill your heart with love. It's your holiday!
- Attention Men and Women Over 40 – Crush You Cravings and Lose the Belly Fat Without Dieting!
Written by: Trevor Folgering, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. Have you ever noticed that when you d.i.e.t, you feel like death warmed over, and your cravings go sky-high? Why is this? In this article, I will explain to you the reasons why you get intense cravings and how to alleviate those cravings by not going on a restrictive diet. First off – let’s look at the first three letters of the word diet. D-I-E! It feels like you’re dying when you’re on a diet – which should be a good clue that dieting is not a healthy way to lose weight. The other factor to consider when you go on a diet is your hunger hormones Ghrelin and Leptin will be negatively affected and be one of the sole reasons you experience cravings when you’re on a diet. Let’s take a look at these two powerful hunger hormones. When you first go on a diet, what happens? You dramatically lower your calories, hoping that somehow this time, this special diet will work. Unfortunately, lowering calories can backfire and is the leading cause of metabolic dysfunction within the body. It also messes with your hunger hormone Ghrelin. Ghrelin is a hormone produced by the gastrointestinal tract cells, especially the stomach, and is often called a "hunger hormone" because it can travel to the brain and drive up the need to increase food intake. Blood levels of ghrelin are highest before meals when hungry, returning to lower levels after mealtimes. The problem becomes when one is on a very strict caloric diet. Ghrelin levels are continually being elevated, which leads to massive hunger issues and, of course, cravings. On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have our appetite-regulating hormone Leptin. Leptin is a hormone predominantly made by adipose cells and cells in the small intestine that helps regulate energy balance by inhibiting hunger, which diminishes fat storage in fat storage sites. Can you see now that when you go on a diet, how detrimental it is on losing body fat? Let’s imagine this scenario for a minute. You go on a typical “diet” that is around 1200 calories or even less. The first few days are fine as your body adjusts to the low caloric intake. However, by Day 3, you are starving, and you are starting to get cravings and “cheating” on your diet. You throw your hands up in the air in disgust and think to yourself that losing body fat is just not for you, and you will remain overweight forever. Does this scenario sound familiar? If it does, you are not alone! Stats show that 95 percent of individuals who go on a diet fail and gain the weight back (and then some) after quitting the diet. Not a great statistic at all. The problem with dieting is that it messes with your Ghrelin and Leptin hormones! As you drop Calories, your body senses this, and drives up the release of Ghrelin, and begins to flood the body with this powerful hunger hormone, which now travels to your brain, sending signals that you MUST eat! And usually, that food that you're eating at that time will produce massive amounts of the fat-storing hormone Insulin! Not a great scenario for losing body fat. For more info about Insulin, please read my other article, “The Secret Sauce To Losing Weight Without The Need to Go On a Diet." The other negative reaction that happens is that the release of Leptin gets shunted. Because our appetite begins to spiral out of control, the body produces less and less Leptin, which regulates our appetite and hunger. So, we have a double whammy happening here. Our hunger hormones are out of control, and the body has no ability to regulate your appetite! No wonder 95 percent of dieters fail when it comes to losing weight. Diets negatively impact the essential hormones that regulate and control your appetite and cravings. So, what should you do instead to lose weight? First off, realize that you must do the opposite of what diets do to the body if you want to lose weight. You have to drive down Ghrelin levels, so hunger gets suppressed naturally, and no cravings can occur. Then you must increase the release of Leptin, which regulates your appetite, so after each meal, you feel satisfied and have no hunger. This can only happen when you don’t diet! The Science of Regulating Your Hormones: Biohacking Your BodyFat When you eat the right types of foods, put in the right combinations, and eaten at specific times throughout the day, you will notice a huge difference in energy levels, and you will lose weight quickly and easily! This is the science of Biohacking Your Body Fat and how our clients that enroll in The BioHack The Fat Body Transformation System lose 30-60 lbs. in just 3 months! Our Biohacking Coaches are trained to put together scientifically-backed meal plans that help you drive down Ghrelin and increase your Leptin levels. So, you can crush your cravings and never feel like your “DYING” throughout the day. Now is the time to “undiet” yourself and start your Biohacking Journey with us! Enrollment is now open for The BioHack The Fat Body Transformation System! To get instant access, click the link below and book a time to speak with one of our Biohacking Coaches: https://www.biohackthefat.com/biohack-your-fat. It is time to experience the science of Biohacking and how you can lose weight without ever needing to go on a restrictive diet again. We look forward to getting your body Biohacked in 2021 and beyond! For more information, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website! Read more from Trevor! Trevor Folgering, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Trevor Folgering is a leader in the weight loss and nutrition industry. For over 22 years, Trevor has relentlessly pursued the truth when it comes to losing body fat correctly. By uncovering the truth about how our bodies utilize body fat, Trevor created very specific nutritional protocols that allowed him to tap into his own body fat stores and lose 40 lbs. of body fat in a very short period of time. He achieved this without going on a low caloric diet or restricting the foods that he ate. He now helps men and women achieve the body and health that they truly deserve through the science of Biohacking. He is CEO of Biohacked, a global online health and body transformation company. His mission: To shift the paradigm of the weight loss industry and re-educate the world on the proper methodologies of losing excess body fat correctly.
- The Most Common Mistake That Keep You Stuck In The Same Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamic
Maybe you keep attracting the same type of avoidant, unavailable, or emotionally volatile partners. Are you ready to learn one of the most common mistakes people make that keep them stuck in the same dysfunctional Below are the most common scenarios that keep us stuck in the same pattern – Dysfunctional relationship Take a few deep breaths into your belly. Tap your thighs and other parts of the body. You can find 2 other common mistakes that keep you repeating the same relationship dynamic here.
- Stop Keeping Up Appearances, What Matters Is An Inside Job
Written by: Sarah McNicol, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. “I wake up in the morning running and never stop till I go to bed” Do you relate to this quote from the brilliant and highly respected owner of a successful law firm? Hers is a common experience for driven achievers who, try as they might to work smarter not harder, and succeed as they do at securing results, often feel dissatisfied, inadequate and on the verge of burnout on the inside. Even if, from the outside look like they’ve got it all together. Until I burned out a decade ago, I knew this territory well. How about you? This, on the other hand, is the new version of me. I’m sporting what in my family we call McNicol chic. (i.e. the random combination of whatever's handy and comfortable thrown over PJs. Generally, in the morning before properly getting dressed, but also could be at other times of the day.) As you can see, I'm doing a headstand on the roof of a narrowboat. My partner Andy took the photo. We're in a peaceful location having spent a restful pitch-dark night, quiet, apart from the owls twit-twooing. This unusual scene is one of my favourite experiences from my first-ever canal holiday. Nature, stillness, simplicity, connection, time, freedom. Nothing we must do or be. Pure choice. It takes courage. Simple as it is, this scene is not achieved without clarity, effort and determination. These qualities are all required to resist the pull of comparison and consumerism. Also, to overcome the fantasy that cultivating mental and physical wellbeing as well as a healthy romantic relationship is easy or a quick job to be fitted in around other more “important” pursuits. It takes courage too. It takes courage to step off the busy treadmill long enough to remember what really delights you from the inside out, let alone create a life specifically designed to deliver it to you. It takes courage to heal outdated habits too. Healing is where the liberation to live life on your own terms begins. I often warn clients considering coaching with me that although we will have fun and move mountains this journey is not for the faint-hearted. It can be a scary path. To consciously claim what's uniquely right for you and live your most meaningful satisfying version of life, whatever that looks like for you, is demanding as well as rewarding. Unhooking from societal expectations, comparisons and beliefs about what life “should” look like and changing perspective can be a scary path. The day before this picture was taken, I walked from the narrow boat along the canal into Market Harborough town centre. Taking in the sparkly shops full of pre-Christmas gorgeousness and the palatial houses with huge gardens backing onto the canal, inspired a twinge of nostalgia. For a moment, I wished that I still believed in the fantasy that “stuff” and the comparative social status it bestows delivers happiness and meaning. It was such a straightforward equation, work hard – get stuff – be successful – be happy. But, as you may know from your own experience, it’s not so easy. In fact, very often the pursuit of achievement and stuff begins with excitement and opportunity and turns into resentment and bondage. Of course, there is nothing wrong with stuff in and of itself. Possessions and environments can and do enhance and satisfy daily experiences. However, being bombarded as we are with messages about all that we must have, do, and be to have value, provokes in many of us a constant level of dissatisfaction, anxiety, and striving that excludes the possibility of deep peace and perpetuates our exhausting scramble through the rat race. It prevents us from knowing who we really are and what truly lights us up. YOU are marvellously equipped to turn things around Being on that boat with Andy, off-grid, off work, flipping my body upside down with ease, is possible only because in the last decade I've become really clear about my priorities and the ingredients I want in my juicy feast of a life. And because I've made choices and decisions aligned with that, giving me time, space, and energy to cultivate a midlife relationship, practise yoga, and take regular holidays from my deeply satisfying work to which I arrive with energy, not collapsed in a little heap of exhaustion. If I was still hooked on achieving all those external jingle-jangles chances are I'd be too stressed, tired, and focused on the next goal, to truly enjoy the here and now. The good news is if you recognise yourself in my first paragraph, you may not like where you are right now, but I can guarantee you have the skills, strengths, and characteristics that, should you decide to do so, equip you marvellously to turn things around. Just like that narrow boat, turning is a little tricky, counterintuitive even (you steer right to go left) and slow. Just like the narrow boat it takes courage and strength of mind and gets easier with practice. And unlike life on the hedonic treadmill, you uncover a sustainable virtuous circle, not a recipe for repeating burnout. Your first steps If you think that sounds amazing your first steps are: Make a list of things that make you feel good. Think about experiences, activities, and conditions. E.g. Being in nature, having fun, connexion, time freedom, and wellbeing. Start off with as many as possible. Refine, group, and prioritise until you have a handful of the most important. Simple is good. Think of these as ingredients for your joyful life. Decide how to regularly include them in your days, weeks, and months. Are you serious about re-finding the joy and meaning in your life, making the impact you want and still having time and energy for yourself? Yes? Then let’s have a chat. Book a free no-obligation call with me to explore what it might look like to create a life specifically designed to light you up. Follow me on LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info! Read more from Sarah! Sarah McNicol, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Sarah McNicol helps purpose-driven high achievers who are over-committed and feel like they are constantly running and burning out. Sarah helps them re-find the joy and meaning in life, so they can get what matters done and make the impact they want, whilst still having time and energy for themselves. Sarah is a healer and change agent. Her sensitive deep approach is underpinned by 30 years of people development expertise, working with thousands of individuals and teams in a wide variety of contexts.
- 10 Steps To Continue Growing To Keep Moving Forward
Uncomfortable is how you grow and keep moving forward.
- Why You Keep On Falling In The Same Hole
It also has the tendency to keep us stuck in our comfort zone. Your fears keep you stuck in your walls of where you are and how you perceive yourself. Coach, she helps her clients reach their higher potential by rewriting the persistent life stories that keep