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9793 items found

  • Public Speaking Anxiety – Tips For Managing The Fear

    Written by Ellie Smith, Yoga Instructor Ellie Smith is an experienced yoga and breathwork teacher, with “Ellie! Let’s start with you!” beyond rote memorization of your planned script, and add in a little vocal flare here and there to keep Mindfulness techniques like pinpointing five things you can hear, smell, and touch are great for keeping Read more from Ellie Smith Ellie Smith, Yoga Instructor Ellie Smith is yoga and breathwork teacher based

  • Is It He, Or Is It Low T? How Low Testosterone In Men Ruins Romantic Relationships

    Physical changes: Muscle mass declines, belly fat appears, and a man might start to feel generally weaker

  • Going Within

    Apply essential oils on your belly such as digestion, motivate and/or ylang-ylang. You can also place crystals on your belly to help clear the energy (citrine, tiger eye, and pyrite).

  • Empowering Self-Compassion – A Kinder Path To Goal Achievement

    Swap out those scary, negative words for something that lights a fire in your belly. all about those if-then statements: “If I hit a roadblock, then I'll take a step back, reassess, and keep

  • Why You Need To Lose Your Sh*t

    Our plates are full, yet we keep consuming. Instead of settling in, we “Go all out” and stuff suitcases, homes, and bellies with more, more, more and permitting myself to close the chapter on things I didn’t like, didn’t want, felt obligated to keep Letting go clears the pathways to Heaven that inspire us to keep living Breathwork stimulates the lungs

  • Are You in Your Personal Power?

    The Solar Plexus Chakra is our powerhouse energy center and is located above the belly button — at your Speak your mind and through your belly.

  • The Epic Search For Purpose – Unleashing Your Inner Trailblazer

    Unmasking your purpose Picture this: you wake up every morning with a fire in your belly, a spring in So, keep exploring, stay curious, and embrace the thrilling ride that is uncovering your purpose.

  • Laughter Is The Best Medicine

    What a great euphoric feeling that comes from good belly laughs. Keep funny movies and books around so you can access them when you need a pick me up Listen to humorous

  • Unlocking Hormonal Harmony – Transform Your Life Through Gut Health

    So, keeping your gut happy and healthy is key to restoring that much-needed hormonal harmony. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week to keep your gut (and hormones My best life hack for this is to implement 3 minutes of deep belly breathing after exercise to help lower

  • 7 Mindset Shifts To Turn Your Challenges Into Opportunities

    Before we address your mindset, let’s cover these essential, loving health practices that keep you in Practice belly breathing. Meditate in any form. 1. This will keep fear at bay and remind you of your most important partnership, the one with yourself. to the source of the stubborn thought, feeling, and behavior patterns that cause you suffering and keep

  • Why Is It So Hard To Listen To Your Body?

    This is a defense mechanism, one that evolved to keep us safe, often by dissociating from difficult or self-massage, placing your hands on your heart, or using a grounding technique like placing your hands on your belly

  • 1-2-3 Be Powerful And Free! – How To Make The Way Through Blocks And Limitations

    This is why it’s so important that we create and nurture a support system that is strong enough to keep What will keep us inspired to actually do it? Action. Only action brings change. Make it simple and keep simplifying. Practice and improve on a regular basis. So, come to the edge, really to the edge, being face to face, heart to heart, belly to belly with your

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