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9790 items found

  • Diaphragmatic Breathing – A Powerful Health Healing Tool

    But diaphragmatic breathing, or deep belly breathing, is a powerful way to improve your well-being. However, chronic stress can keep our bodies in this state of hyperarousal, leading to long-term health Keep your legs straight and arms relaxed by your side. Imagine the breath going all the way down beyond your lower belly. Once your diaphragm and lungs are full of oxygen, slowly breathe out through your mouth, keeping your

  • Beyond Kegels – A Comprehensive Guide To Total Pelvic Floor Exercises

    Your pelvic floor muscles (PFM) are like a hidden support system in your body and keeping them strong Incontinence (SUI) If you find yourself leaking urine during activities that increase pressure in your belly

  • 7 Tips For Entrepreneurs Experiencing “Video Fright”

    Deep, belly breathing to be exact. Another added benefit to belly breathing is that it supports our voices. Fear does not need to define you or keep you from speaking. 3. Be prepared. The resistance to having, or using, notes is simply another excuse we tell ourselves to keep us from

  • Unleash Your Inner Voice – A Guide To Conscious Speaking

    Can you deepen your breath, allowing it to flow from your belly rather than just your chest?

  • My Meditation Journey As A Widow –From Monkey Brain To OM

    first time my chiropractor taught me to breathe deeply by putting a hand on my chest and a hand on my belly One day after meditating, it occurred to me that the journal I was keeping, writing down and reliving

  • Top 5 Strength Exercises For BJJ

    Keep your back flat, chest up, and shoulders back. Keep elbows high and hands lightly gripping the bar Squat down by bending at the hips and knees, keeping Do not touch the glutes to the ground, maintain tension, & complete the reps as needed Training tips Keep your hips back with a barbell on the floor Without breaking a neutral spine, row the barbell to your belly

  • 5 Essential Steps To Overcome Fear Of Public Speaking 

    You inhale for the count of 7 and exhale for the count of 11, right into your belly. If your belly stays still and your chest rises, that’s no good. The point is to keep your stress low most of the time, so you don’t spiral down into panic. Pebble in your pocket: Years ago, when taking exams, I used to keep a soft furry toy in my pocket for Move around the stage to keep it interesting.

  • Nourish Your Gut For Whole-Body Wellness

    Choose whole, unprocessed foods To keep your gut microbes happy and thriving, focus on nutritious whole Thoroughly chew each bite at least 20-30 times and take a few long deep belly breaths before eating to

  • Going Within

    Apply essential oils on your belly such as digestion, motivate and/or ylang-ylang. You can also place crystals on your belly to help clear the energy (citrine, tiger eye, and pyrite).

  • How To Make Empowered Decisions?

    You can use breathwork to balance your nervous system: take five deep belly breaths. You can start by placing your right hand on your chest, your left hand on your belly and focus on your

  • Breathe Your Way To Better Health – The Science Behind Breathwork And Its Impact On Well-Being

    This balance is essential for acid-base stability in the blood, which keeps our body’s pH in check. foods, supplements, stress management, detoxification, and Pilates in her online program, The Happy Belly

  • A Better Business Strategy – How To Plan For Authentic, Long-Game Success In 2023

    And there’s a much better, more authentic, high-vibe way to strategize your success (and keep calm) for They aren’t sweating the details and daily tasks; they’re delegating and keeping themselves the face Is the fire of passion for other people alive in your belly?

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