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- The Importance Of Knowing HOW To Think
Written by: Eva Medilek, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. Knowledge is power. But it’s only powerful if you know how to use it. Forget about the right way to use your knowledge. The right way has to be mixed with your own way. That’s how you get the balance of not only what to think but how to think. If you think like everyone else, you’ll probably be like everyone else. If that’s what you want, then that’s fine. But when you know you are special, and you have your own unique set of skills and abilities, you get to carve out your own path to success. There’s a difference between knowing how to think and being told what to think. Engage your mind and experiences to create new levels of success. Use your own decisions, successes, and failures as a jumping-off point to elevate your thinking and results. If you want to get to the next level of high performance, knowing how to think is what will set you apart. If you follow the normal way, the way everyone else in thinking, you can be very good at what you do but will not develop the skills to manage when things veer from the norm. Are you confident and bold enough to believe that different doesn’t mean that you are wrong? Are you lighting your own fire or waiting for someone to light it for you or tell you how to light it? Your creativity, curiosity, and the ability to think for yourself are the spark to light your own unique fire. “When you know what to think, you are ready to compete. When you know how to think, you are ready to win.” Tim S. Grover…Winning In school, you are taught what to think. You are taught a subject and then tested on that subject. As an adult, your life and your experiences give you lessons in how to think. In life, you are tested first, and then the lesson is learned. Learning how to think for yourself creates independence. In the self-help and personal development space, you have mentors and gurus that will show you what worked for them and how they did it. That’s all well and good, but how will you know if that knowledge and doing it exactly that way will work for you? You won’t know until you try it and adapt it to work for you. Become so involved in the process of learning so that you can create your own thoughts, ideas, and solutions for your own unique circumstances. With your own knowledge, you can create your own ideas on how you can advance your career and up-level your success without needing permission or validation from anyone. If you are looking for a key to unlock your solutions, there is no key. There is, however, a combination lock, and it’s your responsibility to figure out the winning combination. When you can elevate your level of expertise and thinking, you’ll be able to figure out what combination will crack the code for your success. Then when you are faced with unexpected obstacles, you will be able to adapt, pivot, get creative and think differently about how to overcome the challenges that get in the way of you achieving your dreams and goals. That’s when you’ll have true innovative confidence. That’s taking responsibility. That’s how you learn to think for yourself. That’s how you will reach your next level of success. Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and visit my Website for more info! Read more from Eva! Eva Medilek, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Eva Medilek is a Certified High-Performance Coach, International Speaker, Author and Inclusivity Coach. She has coached both men and women in the areas of personal development, leadership and mastering habits for success in their personal and professional lives. She specializes in helping busy professionals have more money, time, and success without sacrificing health, well-being and relationships in the process. She uses her personal experiences along with her leadership, relationship and high-performance training to teach you how to have it all without sacrificing it all.
- Empaths Easy Questions To Create Your Boundaries
Written by: Tricia Dycka, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. Empaths, you love your biz but your parent, client, a friend is a tyrant or energy vampire. They demand your attention, drain your energy and dictate your time. You are accommodating towards everyone but yourself. Your client demands your time and energy after you closed for the weekend. Expectations of you taking care of their desired needs whenever the mood strikes them. This person is soggy overcooked pasta. Yet, you still feel the need to make them happy and do what they need. You are teaching them how to treat you by allowing your boundaries to crumble. Your parent expects you to say yes to whatever demands they have on your time. Pick them up, take them out, handle any situation they are unwilling to deal with. Your friend does not take you seriously because you work from home and believes you can get up and leave to hang out with them at any time. To placate them, you keep saying yes . Your partner is demanding of your time and energy to be present with them because they love you. So, the guilt comes in. You beat yourself up for not being able to spend as much quality time with your partner. What is happening is you had become an empty container filled with anxiety from the overwhelm you had picked up during the day and saying yes when you knew deep down you really wanted to say hell no. Some of these demands can feel like unwelcome obligations done out of a sense of duty or guilt. Yet you find you are angry for saying YES to one more request on your time. You’re growing your biz, and your boundaries are not high on your list to do. People are walking all over the little you do have. You wonder when did I become a doormat? You wonder why do I feel so drained at the end of the day? You don’t have the chutzpah, the energy, enthusiasm to get anything done. All the fun stuff that you were excited to do just got put on the back burner waiting for another night. That new book you wanted to start, paint night with friends, well all that is put on hold. Start to say yes to yourself. Saying yes is a form of self-care. Ask yourself these questions to start to build your boundaries, and always remember they will constantly be evolving except for a few non-negotiables. Your non-negotiable is something you are absolutely unwilling to tolerate. How much time during the day is left to do you? Some questions to think about. Can you end your day earlier? Can you raise your rates and have fewer clients or maybe create a group? Do you do what makes you happy? Some questions to think about. Do you want to actually create something new? Be artistic, be creative or maybe just have some downtime for total PEACE & QUIET? Start to say NO to other’s demands . Some questions to think about. Ask yourself does this make me feel good? Is this something I truly want to accomplish? Is this behavior something that I am tolerating and know deep down I am being treated with disrespect? Is it always easy saying NO? Hell no, sometimes you can feel terrible like you are letting someone down or you are holding yourself. You are the notorious people pleaser, always putting others before yourself. You are afraid to say NO because you fear you will lose friends and clients. By not saying NO, they will continue to be tyrants demanding your attention, depleting your time and energy, along with sucking the life outta ya, leaving you like a deflated birthday balloon without much left for anyone else or yourself. Now it is time to put yourself first. Time to create new beliefs and self-care rituals. Time between client calls. At least 15-30 minutes. Go outside and be in nature to relax your energy. Have clarity around the time you want to close your biz and switch over to your time to be with friends and family. Go to that paint night, or out to dinner, or even learn to make a new meal at your house. Whatever floats your boat do it. Find out where you feel bad about saying no. You know, usually, your stomach turns into knots. Let’s reframe it with a new belief. How do you want to feel, and what is your ultimate end goal? If it doesn’t make you feel alive, it is time to rethink it and stop letting others dictate where your time and energy go. Boundaries are so important. They truly show how you honor yourself as a person. They show people how to treat you. It takes back your power from over-giving your time and energy and shines it on exactly how you want your life to look. For more info, follow me on Facebook , Instagram , Twitter and visit my webs ite ! Read more from Tricia! Tricia Dycka, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Tricia is an intuitive empath coach, Reiki Master, bestselling author, teacher, & speaker. Her mission is to help other empath coaches and healers go from emotional overwhelm to learning how to manage their energy to be more visible and enjoy inner peace. Tricia has created quick and easy tools so people can recognize their energy and quickly clear anything they pick up that is not theirs.
- Mindset of a Champion
Written by: Rebecca Jones, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. As the 'Euros 2020' kicks off this week in 2021, I discuss how the average person on the street can create a winner's mindset! How do the world's top goal scorers create that winning mindset that allows them to do the impossible? How does the world's elite conquer their fears and live outside their comfort zone? How do world leaders and CEOs power through and build, boosting their motivation and confidence beyond all limits? And why might it be useful in your life to create that winning mindset? What are your goals? What do you wish to achieve in your life? And what can you achieve this week? And what feels impossible? Over the last 20 years, I have been working with people to create and build their best lives yet. As a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Mentor, I have helped Governments, CEOs, United Nations, OECD, EU, VIPs, and more realize their full potential and beyond. So how can you build your Winning Mindset and create your dream life? Well, it is quite simple, easy, and straightforward. You just don't know it yet. The best way to do it is to work with a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Mentor to decide what it is that you want, and then go get it! But in this article, I will show you 3 easy steps that you can follow today to start you on that journey. Do one thing today that breaks a pattern or a habit. It can be small. Yes, it can even be an incredibly tiny change. The size of it at the moment doesn't matter. No matter how big or small the change you make is, the power is in the fact that something has changed. This alerts your brain that change is on the horizon. When your brain detects that change is coming, it prepares itself. It produces different chemicals, and the neurological landscape of your brain changes. This changes everything! You don't need the willpower to change. Your imagination is far more powerful than your will. So when people say, "I don't have strong enough willpower to stop drinking/motivate myself to study/set up my own business," I remind them of this: Your imagination is a million times more powerful than your will. With your imagination, you are stronger than you ever thought possible. Your imagination is your secret weapon to change. You can learn to be happy. Happiness is a skill. It is something to work at and to practice. We learn bad habits (such as taking drugs or negative thinking). And we can unlearn them too. In the same vein, we can learn good habits, such as positive thinking and being happy. Why do some people seem to have been born happy and are naturally happy and always smiling when others are always sad and depressed? The neural pathways in our brain are the key to this and can be quite easily transformed. For further information and to get in touch today, just email me and visit my websites: www.paris-st-cloud.com www.harleystreettherapyclinic.com You can also follow me on Facebook , Instagram , and LinkedIn . Read more from Rebecca! Rebecca Jones, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Rebecca Jones (M.A. DipPCH) is a Clinical Hypnotherapist & Consultant (GHR, GHSC) (GQHP, MAC) and CEO/Founder of 'Paris St. Cloud' & 'The Empire State of Mind' Initially trained by Dr. Richard Bandler and Paul McKenna, & now a much trusted & highly valued part of their team, Rebecca is a highly sought-after expert in her field. Rebecca is an inspirational therapist and consultant with her thriving practice in Harley Street London and a successful clinic on Deansgate in Manchester; Rebecca is an inspirational therapist & consultant. An honoree of the Crea Global Award, Rebecca received this prestigious award in recognition of her innovative ideas, resourcefulness, and her achievements and accomplishments in the areas of mental health and therapy work. Other award winners included the incredible global celebrity, Oprah Winfrey. Rebecca works globally with clients across the world. Also, with a clinic on Fifth Avenue, NYC, USA, Rebecca works with International clients F2F and online virtually worldwide. Rebecca's clients include VIP & celebrities, Governments and Government Officials, United Nations, British Council, OECD, Diplomats, Silicon Valley, and more. Her new book 'Source Your Inner Jet Pack' will be published later this year. She also runs Hypnotherapy Retreats worldwide. During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, Rebecca has donated her services freely to all doctors, nurses, and medical staff working in hospitals and ICU departments in hospitals worldwide. Moreover, she has also been conducting her clinical research study and clinical trials to treat patients suffering from Long COVID. There is no other such study taking place in the world. It is unique and one of a kind. It is the first of its kind globally and is at the forefront of therapy and innovation, described as a flagship and ground-breaking research study. This has been followed by her uniquely devised therapeutic techniques and treatment plans for patients and clients and a series of workshops, seminars, and training programs for therapists, medical practitioners, doctors, and hypnotherapists. Rebecca is now the CEO and Founder of the 'Long COVID Therapy Institute.' During the pandemic and Lockdown, Rebecca has also provided additional Free Online services, including Free Coaching courses for 'Resilience and Wellbeing in Lockdown' and free services for NHS doctors and nurses in the UK. Rebecca has also been interviewed for the media and radio about her business and her work. As well as working with her private clients in the clinic, Rebecca also provides Corporate seminars, events, & training, as well as well-being sessions and Professional Development courses (CPD) for Businesses, Schools, Corporate, & other Groups. Rebecca is also a professional trainer, training, qualifying, and certifying future Coaches, Mentors, Therapists, and Hypnotherapists. Rebecca is a Guest speaker for public engagements, business events, charity dinners, and fundraisers, both in the UK and overseas. Rebecca's unique clinical hypnotherapy and consultancy methods enable individuals, private and corporate clients alike, to build better lives, redesign their futures, and create personal freedom today!
- How To Overcome Psychological Abuse
Written by: Cassandra Wiley, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. This is different from my three previous articles, but it is an important topic to discuss. When most people think of abuse, they think of physical abuse. They see black eyes, bruises, and maybe even broken bones. Psychological abuse is a little less obvious. Oftentimes, the victim does not know that they are being abused. For example, a woman has a spouse that is 15 years her senior. She may feel that she is being taken for granted with everything that she does. Cooking, cleaning, and even working outside the home. She is told that there is always something that she can improve; nothing is ever good enough, no matter what she does. She may even hear some mean comments from time to time. Factor in the fact that she hears all this over 15 years. This is psychological abuse. This is only one scenario. Psychological abuse can take on many forms. It is not gender or culture-specific. It could be a family member or business partner. It is all about control and keeping someone in fear, the fear that they will fail without the abuser in their life. It messes with your self-esteem. This can bring stress and may even lead to depression and other mental disorders. So how can one overcome psychological abuse? It is very possible to do so. Here are some ways: 1. Change your mindset. The abuser’s goal is to destroy your self-esteem. You must know that the abuse was not your fault. You are a survivor, and the abuser does not control your life and your future. 2. Talk about it. You can opt to see a professional counselor if you feel that is necessary. However, you have the option of talking to a trusted friend, spouse, or other family members. Talking about your feelings is cleansing and helps you move forward. 3. Give yourself time. Time heals all wounds, as they say. The effects of psychological abuse do not disappear overnight. 4. Have a plan. Many victims stay with their abusers because they do not have a plan to leave the situation. It can be because of finances, living arrangements, or children, depending on the situation. Plan your “escape,” if needed. Your peace of mind is more valuable than any amount of money or possession. 5. Rely on a Higher Power. Those that believe in praying to a Higher Power note the positive changes in their life. The changes may happen instantly, or sometimes it may take a little longer, but worth it. 6. Eat healing foods. As I mentioned, psychological abuse can lead to stress and possibly depression and other disorders. St. John’s wort helps mild depression and anxiety. Peppermint relieves headaches, which can be brought on by stress. Eating garden vegetables, fruits, and whole grains increase longevity. Eating meat is a choice; however, you can go meatless 1- 3 days per week. When you do eat meat, make sure that it is antibiotic-free and grass-fed. On a personal note, I have done this practice and started seeing positive changes mentally as well as physically. 7. Follow healthy habits. Exercise can calm your nerves. Avoid alcohol, nicotine, and other recreational drugs. Turning to these habits because of stress can lead to addictions. Being healthy not only includes the physical but also the emotional and mental. Are you looking for better whole health? Consider if health coaching is right for you. Visit my website here. Read more from Cassan dra ! Cassandra Wiley, Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine Cassandra Wiley is a health coach and founder of Have Faith and Live Well with Chasadah LLC. She focuses primarily on chronic illnesses such as pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity. Her mission is to empower individuals to lose weight and teach a new healthier approach to food to live better lives. She was successful in reversing her pre-diabetes and high cholesterol diagnoses naturally. The weight loss was an added benefit. She has helped clients change their diets and “have faith” in themselves to meet their health and wellness goals.
- An Exclusive Interview With Valentina Kordi – Top Mindset & High-Performance Businesspersons’ Coach
Valentina Kordi is a Certified Mindset & High-Performance Coach for Executives, Teams & Entrepreneurs, International Motivational Speaker, TEDx speaker, and author. She has 10 years of experience as an Executive & Business Coach having coached SME and multinational companies’ businesspersons and C-level executives worldwide from companies such as Microsoft, Novartis, Boehringer Ingelheim, Coca-Cola, Biomarin Pharmaceuticals, Nissan, AstraZeneca, Unilever and others to achieve their corporate and professional goals, build their leadership skills and manage effectively changes in individual and team level, by changing their mindset and behaviors, after having worked herself for 15 years as an Executive in multinational companies. Her book «Success is a mind game» has become a best-seller. In 2020, she was listed as one of Greece's Leading Women of Business and in 2021 she was awarded with the International Women of Courage 2021 Award from the International Human Rights Advisory Council, a member of the United Nations Global Compact , which is dedicated to Mother Teresa. Who is Valentina? I was born and raised in Greece. I grew up in a middle-class family, based in a small city, where I was mostly surrounded by people with broken wings and surrendered to their own fate of dreaming small and accepting things as they were. All I could see around me was misery, a blaming attitude, bitterness because of “not good enough” feelings, compromised choices, and a mindset focused on limitations, limited resources, and reasons why one couldn’t conquer bigger goals and achieve them. Going against the tide, I didn’t want to accept that this was a path I had to take for myself. I believed in the power of dreaming bigger and creating my own destiny by doing whatever was in my hand to make that happen. So, instead of asking myself each time I set an impossible, according to others’, goal: “Why this cannot be done?”, I would ask: “How this could be done?” searching for ways to realize it. This is how, I managed to study with my own money while working at the same time since a young age, which gave me the opportunity to create a successful career path reaching managerial positions in multinational companies, up to the point, 10 years ago, when I decided to make the biggest career shift, till then, quit the safety of my managerial job position and start my own coaching business, which was considered a crazy thing to do and impossible, back then, by everyone in my family and my social circle, taking into consideration that Greece was going through a severe financial crisis, during that time. As I see it and experience it, every single day, it was the best decision in my life! Why did you make the decision to become a Mindset & High-Performance Executive and Business Coach? In my 15-year experience working in organizations, what I realized about myself and people with whom I worked with, is that having career goals or the willingness to succeed is not enough. What gets us to experience success, in a way that makes us feel happy and fulfilled and it is sustainable is consciously decide who we want to be as human beings, first of all, and then as leaders or businesspersons, and create that set of behaviors and habits that will drive us every single day closer to achieving our professional goals, aligned with the corporate goals we work for, or our own business’s goals. And that might seem easy, but what acts as an obstacle of doing that is those sabotaging beliefs and fears that are deeply rooted within the mindset of each one of us that need to be changed, before anything else. Because, if we don’t change them, we will never be able to become confident leaders, who build high-performing teams, or see the growth we desire in our career, or even run a successful business, in which we are able to serve our clients in the best possible way. So, this is where I come and help my clients take those obstacles out of their way and unleash their authentic potential to achieve the goals they desire and deserve and being the best possible leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs, they could possibly become. You also take on culture transformation projects. Would you like to tell us some words about that, too? Of course! Motivation, job satisfaction, and high performance are never only one individual’s work. There must be a culture within the organization, and in every team or department, that will enable each team member to activate those three elements and contribute in the best possible way to reach the company’s goals. My job, in this case, is to help the decision-makers create that culture through building a way of thinking and doing in the workplace that their people will be happy to high-perform. You’ve written a book called Success Is A Mind Game that became a best-seller. What is it about? The book describes the 9 steps I followed when I decided to examine consciously what was that mindset state that helped me succeed in my career, even in challenging times, when the sabotaging negative mindset of my upbringing wasn’t taking over. With those nine steps, I’ve helped also many businesspersons around the globe overcome their one mindset, habitual and behavioral saboteurs and thrive in their career, but also help their teams do the same. As we hope we’ll get back to normal soon, how do you feel about getting back to in-person keynote speaking at events? If there’s anything I missed so much during this challenging for the whole humanity pandemic period is traveling around the globe, like I used to do, to speak at events about effective leadership, the mindset of success, organizational culture, and employee motivation and engagement. So, I can’t wait to get back on the stage again! If there was one advice you could give to businesspersons what would that be? I’ve worked with many businesspersons and high-level executives around the globe, as I provide mostly sessions online. The biggest obstacle in most of them in getting where they desire to be in their career is their fear of being inadequate, of not being enough. What I would say to them is to start believing more in themselves and never forget to acknowledge what they’ve achieved so far. They need to start believing more in themselves, so as to be able to trust more their people in their teams. How can people find you and get in touch if they want to work with you? The best way is to visit my website. They can also contact me on LinkedIn and my Facebook page. It was a pleasure and thank you for taking the time for us to get to know you better. The pleasure was all mine! Follow Valentina on her Facebook Page, Instagram, LinkedIn, or website for more info!
- Are You Ready To Quit Your Job? 7-Steps To Your Professional Exit Strategy
Written by: Adelina Stefan, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. Leaving your job can be sad or exciting. The way you resign may impact your future career opportunities. By leaving on good terms, you will be able to rely on your professional relationships that you have built since you started and influence your future job searches positively. As a Professional Career Coach, one common question I get from the people I work with is how to build an effective exit strategy and help them step out of a career they may hate. Though this has been a recurrent theme in my coaching practice, during the past year, it became more prevalent, with more and more professionals that feel stuck in roles that don’t bring any fulfillment in their life, don’t make them happy, or suffered from burnout, leading them to pursue their dream career later, by either finding a position that fits with their values or work for themselves. Why is an employee exit strategy important? If you want to leave your job and pursue your dream career, remove yourself with dignity and professionalism from a work environment that is no longer serving you or your purpose. Planning your exit strategy is very important. For instance, many job seekers struggle to address how and why they exited their last position and make the mistake of sharing too much information during interviews or with potential influencers. In this article, we will look at 7-steps to create your exit strategy. Know your “Why.” Before leaving your current job, ask yourself first what it is about your job that makes you leave. Is it because your values and personality no longer align with the company mission? Or is it because you dislike your organization, manager, or sector you work on? If the answer to these questions is yes , if you got a new job in another company, would you still want to leave your current position? Or is it because you are looking for a new challenge, or you want a job with better career growth opportunities? Then, would a different role, new responsibilities, or a new team make you feel different about your situation? Take time to write down all the reasons that lead to exit your current role and explore opportunities for career development and lateral moves before you exit your job. Define your vision. After defining all the reasons why you are looking for a new opportunity or type of career you would like to embark on, start thinking about your career goals and vision. How would you describe your ideal day? What would you do differently? What are your needs in a workplace environment? What are the major components that matter to you in your life? And how is your current situation aligned with these answers? If you decide to look for a new job, select a few reasons related to your professional life that you would like to highlight during an interview. Categorize your skills, relate them to specific accomplishments that demonstrate your skills, and show how you will make contributions to your target role in an authentic way. Invest in your personal branding. Your brand reflects who you are, what skills you possess for specific roles, what you have achieved so far, and what your target is. Your core values are passions are the foundation of your brand and will define its shape. If you are searching for a new opportunity, look for a job that fits your brand. Your personal brand will distinguish you from other candidates with similar interests and qualities by aligning your key skills, attributes, talent, and experience around your personal story. A consistent personal brand that describes your values, skills, passions, and accomplishments will position you as a stable and goal-oriented professional in front of recruiters and employers and enhance your credibility about who you really are in your profession. Measure your financial health. Financial safety is one of the main reasons that makes people think twice before quitting their job. Hence, before doing that, write down a list of your monthly expenses. Decide which ones are important and which are optional. Define how long you can afford to sustain yourself without a job. What if the worst will happen and things don’t go as planned? Do you have any money and resources to take care of yourself? This will show you whether you are ready to quit your job right away or need to take some small steps first to stay safe. For instance, having a buffer of survival for at least 6-12 months would be a safe strategy. Think about how much money you have and how you can find an equilibrium to survive and prioritize your health and well-being during your independence and transition. Leverage your network and build upon your support system. Reach out to your network and select a few people you trust to ask for help. Share your plan with few people in your career support system, such as mentor, career coach, legal consultant, or transition specialist, who carefully review your exit strategy, address missing points, and help you reflect on your situation from different angles to help you make the right decision at the right moment. If you are looking for a new opportunity, built strategically your network and position yourself as a problem-solver to a challenge that your target company is facing. Craft your elevator pitch to transmit clearly who you are and what skills and expertise you bring to that role. Remember that networking requires constant engagement, perseverance, and preparation to create an impact no matter your career goals and path to your dream profession. Polish your transition plan. Live your life by the compass and adjust accordingly. Make a transition checklist that covers all the steps that you need to take and how they are done. Don’t quit your job without reflecting first on your options. For instance, you may ask your employer if you can reduce your workload or work part-time while you are looking for a new job or plan how to start your business. You can also agree on a reasonable time to exit the company. Regardless of your reasons to quit your job, it is important to leave as a professional and have your former boss as one of your references. Stay positive and aim high. Even if negative experiences made you decide to leave your job, it is very important to stay positive throughout the transition process and find a positive way to move forward. An employer wants you to know you are trustworthy, stable, and responsible. Embrace every experience you had and focus on the skills you have developed in your current role, the good relationships, and the networks you have built with your co-workers, stakeholders, or customers. No matter how difficult or bad it may be, remember every exit is an entrance somewhere else, and with every step you take, you are closer to that door. Be kind, be courteous, and prepared! Follow me on Facebook , connect with me on LinkedIn , and visit my website for more info! Read more from Adelina ! Adelina Stefan, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Adelina Stefan is a Professional Certified Coach & Intercultural Facilitator specialized in Career Development, with deep expertise in international HR recruitment and selection and Training and Development. Having worked for 10+ years across cultures, Adelina seeks to catalyze individuals’ potential, helping them create and implement their unique career blueprint and, at the same time, achieve a healthy work-life balance. She specializes in working with ex-pats and mid-to senior-level executives dealing with challenging work environments that can affect their performance and well-being. She supports organizations in building a corporate coaching culture by highlighting individuals’ maximum potential and engagement to become dedicated and highly successful employees. Her practice includes Career, Life, Executive, and Agile Coaching for individuals and developing and implementing corporate Human Resources practices for improving intercultural relations.
- The Great Benefits From Deleting Your To-Do List
Written by: Agnese Rudzate, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. Shopping list, Playlist, reading list, top 10 places to visit list, jokes list, to-don’t list, to-do list, etc. It seems like we love creating lists. But do they actually serve us or hold us back? If you look at your life every day, you probably encounter several lists of who you have either created yourself or someone has done it for you. I personally have more than 100 lists on my phone that reminds me of different things starting from household chores to ideas and much more. Before we get into why you should (must) delete your to-do list, there are many benefits of other types of lists. They're not all evil. Lists can be super helpful: They serve as a great mind organizer. It’s a simple structure that doesn’t require specific knowledge. It’s easy to read them and add at any time. They look great, are organized, and are easy to share. It’s one of those things that our minds like as it’s easier to soak up the information because of the way they're structured. However, there is one very dangerous list that I would like to suggest you get rid of right now. I’m talking about your to-do list. Just because we are thought to create it doesn’t mean it has our best interest at heart. When I looked online, I saw hundreds of articles about the benefits of a to-do list. The reasonings why they are needed, how they keep us organized and give us a plan to follow. Unfortunately, this is very wrong. Very wrong. Let’s look at 3 main benefits that my online research has provided me with: To do list provides you with a plan. This couldn't be further from the truth. The To-do list itself is not a plan. It’s a list. It gives you a vague idea of things you “have” to do that should help you move towards your goal. However, the plan is something very different. The biggest difference is that plan has a timeline attached. It makes it scalable, unlike to-do list. The problem with a to-do list is that you can literally add anything there - big tasks, small tasks, tasks that take 1 minute, and those that take all day. Unless you are super aware of your timings and can precisely predict how long each task will take, you will only create more anxiety for yourself. This looks more like a situation "going with the flow" rather than "having a plan." By constantly and uncontrollably adding to your to-do list, you only make it harder for yourself to follow the “plan.” To-do list increases your productivity. This is a funny one. We have thought that it helps us not waste our time and keeps us focused on the most important tasks, therefore making us productive. OMG. While it helps us see what we need to do, unless we make time for it, to-do list will stay a to-do list for as long as we keep one. Whether your to-do list has 20 tasks or 3 for the day, unless you schedule them in your timetable, you will only make yourself disappointed. This happens at the end of the day when you realize how little you have actually ticked off from that list. And this is one of the biggest problems with to-do lists. They create too much flexibility. Therefore it’s much easier to get distracted, pulled away from the task, and lose focus. Because it doesn’t have a time block attached to it. To-do list helps with motivation. They can be very helpful to gain clarity, but only if used as a short-term help rather than a temporary thing. You can create motivation if you follow your passion and keep yourself accountable to do what you said you were going to do. Many entrepreneurs that I have encountered feel extreme anxiety, stress and tend to procrastinate when looking at their to-do lists. Unless you only put things like - "playing with unicorns on top of the rainbow" in it, it can highly diminish your motivation. And, of course, these types of activities will not move your business forward. You need to find a way to stop procrastinating and actually get to work and complete your daily goals. If you are too afraid to let go of it, use it as a quick tool to help you create better clarity. Use it when creating a roadmap, when putting together a plan, when scheduling your daily activities. But never use it as a collection of things that you need to do now, or later, or maybe never. It’s a very bad habit that keeps you highly unproductive. Because it gives you too much flexibility, illusion that there are unlimited hours in a day. There is a solution on how to achieve your goals after you delete your to-do list. This one simple technique will not only help you reach your set goals faster but also keep you accountable. It will create a habit of doing allow you to not over exhaust yourself when trying to fit your to-do list in a day. The simple, no-brainer solution is to schedule your tasks. That's it! By putting your to-do list in your calendar, you will: give yourself a time frame for each of them. prioritize much more effectively because you only have a set amount of hours to fill. be more attentive and focused on the tasks to complete them in the time frame you set up. become much more aware of things that don’t deserve your time. be more present at work, at home, and in other activities throughout the day simply because time is limited. Do you feel the power in this? Do you now see the fundamental disadvantages of keeping a to-do list? They say it gives you the confidence to achieve more once you are able to tick things off your to-do list. Imagine what confidence it would create if you could accomplish everything you scheduled in? All the daily priorities that really move your life and business forward? How rewarding would that feel? Would that boost your confidence? For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website! Read more from Agnese! Agnese Rudzate, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Agnese Rudzate is a Business Productivity Coach and Time-management expert with a professional background in Quality Management and Empowerment Coaching. She has turned her lifelong passion for organizing into her mission, helping women gain the confidence, clarity, and time freedom they deserve by providing action steps, tools, and customized strategies. Agnese is a firm believer that anyone can achieve business or personal goals through a deeply focused effort based on her coaching. Through structure, systems, and processes that bring results, Agnese teaches her clients to manage their business with ease, create time freedom, and scale profits.
- Why It’s So HARD (and so EASY) For Teachers To Lose Weight
Written by: Kate Bixler , Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. We’ve all been there. Wanting to lose weight but wishing that we could just have a 2, 3, or 6-month sabbatical to just focus on our health goals only and nothing else. One day turns into another, and it just feels so hard to finally get around to reaching that weight goal, health goal, or to just get into shape. Some teachers are lucky enough to have the summers off. 8 weeks to pack it all in. Many of us work year-round, though. Child care doesn’t close down for the summer. So, Early Childhood Education teachers often wake up early and head to work instead of the beach. We are bound to the classroom all day, except for our lunch break. We stay up late writing lesson plans. Sometimes in front of the TV. With a snack. Iced Coffee. With Sugar. All Day Long. Stress. Stress from supervisors. Stress from deadlines. Stress from children. Stress from parents. And pressure on ourselves when we compare our performance to another teacher. Sweets- from the children, from the parents, staff appreciation days, you get the idea. We are so good at taking care of others. We forget that taking care of ourselves first should be a priority. The children make us tired! They are little bundles of boundless energy that can spin in circles for hours. Just watching them go can be exhausting! If only you could bottle it up. But it’s all a matter of perspective, right? Our weekly routines can make it hard for us, or we can look for evidence that it is easier for teachers to lose weight than for those who are stuck in an office or who work at home. Routines. We plan all of our weekdays around routines. We know how to do that for the children. We can just extend that skill to our evenings and weekends. Go to the gym on the way to or from work. Decide when to lesson plan so that you can get to bed at a regular time. Get exercise right at work. Dance, play running games outside, do yoga every morning before lunch with the class, stretch after nap time, take brain breaks throughout the day and do one minute of high-intensity movement with children who can use a little re-direction too. Teachers can’t snack throughout the day. Can you find a way around this? Sure. But is it helpful too? You are in the classroom, so you have less options when it comes to deciding when to eat. Use this to your advantage and enjoy not being tempted with available food. Just decide that you can't snack throughout the day. Document with the children. Make tables, graphs, and charts based on the vegetables you eat, the minutes of exercise that you get, or the number of songs that you dance to. Teaching math skills can work for you, too, as inspiration to do just a bit extra each time that you do something for yourself. Plan a healthy lunch and eat with the children. Talk about what you bring and why it’s good for your body. Pack foods that make a great nutrition lesson at the moment. We want to prioritize ourselves, but if contributing to what the children are learning matters more to you, then use that motivation for you! We have little accountability partners all day, every day. Share some of your goals with the children. They will remember and be your cheerleaders, just as you are theirs. Great goals to involve them in are: eating healthy dinners, getting to sleep by a certain time every night, eating 5 servings and fruits and vegetables each day, drinking 8 glasses of water, or getting a half-hour of exercise each evening. Have a morning report and share about your evening, and you might have an extra incentive the night before. We can be role models and hydrate. Children really get into this when it is a group goal. If we always have iced coffee in our hands and tell them to drink water, they get a mixed message. Children love to do what we do. They don’t always love to do what we say. We come from such different energy when we are hydrating together all day. Make your evening workout adventures part of your literacy curriculum. If part of your plan is to walk your dog every evening, involve the children by promising, and delivering, fun stories about the adventures of dog-walking in your neighborhood. Include true moments from your evening, and then describe them in an engaging way, introducing new vocabulary. Invite the children to tell their own stories, and it is now a part of your day that will keep you going on your walk. It might encourage you to enjoy it more as you look for new material to talk about. It’s all a matter of perspective. You decide if it’s easy or hard to lose weight as a teacher. You have 100% control over which one you choose to believe. Either way, you will continue to prove your belief true. Why not choose the one that will help you to reach your goal? Want more from Kate? Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, or visit her website now. Read more from Kate ! Kate Bixler, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Kate Bixler is the certified weight-loss and life coach that women turn to when they are tired of struggling to lose weight on their own. She has a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership and has 30+ years of experience teaching, presenting at conferences, and training teachers to be the best version of themselves. She combines her personal experience of losing 40+ lbs. and coaching expertise to help women transform their current identity into the future self that they dream of, leaving their struggle with weight loss behind.
- A Holistic Approach To Autoimmune Wellness
Written by: Kimberly Wolfe, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. For over 15 years, I had suffered from mysterious joint pain, gastrointestinal symptoms, headaches, skin rashes, fatigue, and a plethora of other symptoms. Fifteen years and too many doctors to count, without a diagnosis. According to The Paleo Approach, by Sarah Ballantyne, Ph.D., in the United States, autoimmune disease is considerably under-diagnosed and research significantly underfunded, but estimated to be twice as prevalent as heart disease and four times as prevalent as cancer. There is no autoimmune medical specialty and no particular test to make a diagnosis. A diagnosis has to be pieced together through multiple tests, medical history, and symptoms. As a Registered Nurse in New York State, quite frankly, I knew very little about the autoimmune disease before I was diagnosed with one myself. Finding answers to my own health issues required a very different approach than what I was used to. No pills? No shots? No IV infusions? My doctor gave me a solution I was unfamiliar with: AIP. What is AIP? AIP, sometimes referred to as Autoimmune Protocol or Autoimmune Paleo, is a nutrition and lifestyle protocol aimed to heal the gut and decrease inflammation in the body, eventually leading to symptom reduction and even remission. Within the first 2 weeks of being on AIP, my joint pain had disappeared, I could think clearly, my skin cleared up, and I had lost 5 lbs. After 90 days, I felt like I had a brand new body. I felt stronger, had more energy, and was able to get up in the morning without being in pain. I no longer suffered from headaches, joint pain, GI issues, and I had lost a total of 25lbs. I had no idea how bad I felt until I felt better. Unfortunately, autoimmune disease is not curable. Once your immune system goes astray, it never goes back. Instead of just attacking foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses, the immune system attacks healthy tissue, sometimes leading to a fountain of complications. Fortunately, with AIP, autoimmune disease doesn’t have to control your life. In conjunction with a healthcare team and possibly traditional medical intervention, AIP can give you a say in how your body responds to your disease. Holistic intervention, like AIP, can help give your body what it needs to thrive rather than just survive. AIP is a scientifically-based protocol focusing heavily on nutrient-dense food that works for your particular body. Contrary to popular medical-based diets, there is no one correct way to implement AIP. AIP is designed as a bio-individual approach to weeding out food that no longer serves your body while implementing the most nutrient-dense foods for you. It starts as an elimination diet, in which certain food groups are taken out of your diet for 30-90 days and then slowly reintroduced one at a time. By listening to what your body tells you during the reintroduction phase, you can figure out which foods work for you and which ones don’t. Because AIP is so much more than just the food you eat, fundamental lifestyle factors are implemented alongside the diet. All changes implemented during this protocol work together to create a symbiotic approach to healing your gut. Yup, I said it. Food isn’t the only thing that affects your gut! Lifestyle aspects included in the protocol like sleep management, social interaction and support, connection with nature and yourself, stress management, and movement all support proper gut health. Your brain and gut work very closely together, assisting each other in many ways. If you’ve ever had an upset stomach because you were nervous about something, you’ve knowingly experienced the Brain-Gut Connection. So it makes sense that things like stress and sleep can have a huge effect on your gut health. Do I have to be on AIP forever? I find that this question comes up a lot. The quick answer is yes, but the truth is that nutrition and lifestyle aspects change as you change. Some foods never make it back onto your plate, but often, people find that what didn't work at first may work further down the road, after the gut has had time to heal. The fact is that AIP can make you feel better, but deviating from it can sometimes cause autoimmune flare-ups and make you feel so much worse. For most, the motivating factor to stay AIP compliant is the wellness and quality of life they experience when following the protocol. As someone who is in the maintenance stage of AIP, I can say for sure that the positives of AIP completely outweigh any struggles that come along with the lifestyle change. AIP truly is a lifestyle with a growing community of people who support each other every step of the way. How do I start AIP? As you may know, there is a plethora of information out there in the world, and not all of it is accurate. Having an AIP Certified Coach on your side can help you navigate this tricky terrain. AIP Certified Coaches are health and wellness practitioners who have been certified to help you properly implement and troubleshoot AIP. Health Coaches can help in a variety of ways, but they are first and foremost masters of habit change. Creating healthy habits is essential when bringing new lifestyle changes, like AIP, into your life because habits allow you to make changes without having to think about it every step of the way. When lasting habits aren’t formed, people often fall off track and revert to old habits that no longer serve them. A Health Coach can help by making new habits last so you can get back to being the healthiest version of yourself. Looking for an AIP Certified Coach? Ballantyne, Sarah. The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body. Victory Belt Publishing Inc., 2013. Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info! Kimberly Wolfe, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Kimberly Wolfe is a Registered Nurse and AIP Certified Health Coach who works with the autoimmune population in reversing symptoms, increasing energy, and improving quality of life. She uses a holistic and scientifically-based nutrition and lifestyle approach to heal the gut and decrease inflammation in the body, allowing clients to start feeling their best. As an autoimmune patient herself, she has found great relief in her own symptoms through this individualized nutrition and lifestyle approach. She is dedicated to teaching real solutions to empower people who suffer from autoimmune diseases to feel in control of their health and well-being.
- Disrupting Leadership Culture
Written by: Sonja Denovski, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. Leading corporate culture disruption and challenging the status quo is an enormous responsibility, and to many, it comes as a burden. Yet, it became a fundamental force in progressing towards success. The times when we were separating ourselves from work are long gone. Now it's a moment for us to shift our strategic focus and invest in creativity, collaboration, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal dynamics. The industrial age set up work criteria that the average worker hired to execute pre-regulated tasks is easily replaceable and should not bring their personality to work. The focus was not on people but on the output, giving the managers' power to use intimidating reviews to ensure the production didn't go astray. Top-down hierarchy, bureaucracy, detailed instructions, and silos were there to discourage individuality and impose control. Fast forward, our society evolved. As we are getting more and more connected and are becoming involved willingly or not in an increased human-machine collaboration, there is a realization that we cannot use the same mindset we used to structure our current and future ventures. Even though some business models are more resilient than others, it is clear that we must reinvent ourselves and rewrite corporate rules. We cannot afford to have emotionally detached workers disengaged from the work. As leaders, we must create a setting that supports the best ideas and unique skills. Our job is to guide them towards seeking their true passion and self-actualization. In a time of rapid change, success favors those who can make big leaps of imagination, courage, and effort. — Marty Neumeier When we look at the corporate culture, we should not see hierarchy but an ecosystem—an environment where people are aspired and are moving in a common direction. As leaders, our role is to empower people and encourage them to be the best version of themselves. Our responsibility is to support their eagerness to learn, promote development, and create a safe, non-judgmental atmosphere that fosters talent growth. Encouraging individuals to shine will create a purpose for the particular individual and define the way teams perform. Belief in a bigger picture, combined with the values of diverse essential team members (and every single person in the team is essential), is a foundation for outstanding teamwork. And when we work hard for something we believe in, are surrounded by the people we trust, and share the common goal, the work becomes a passion. Risks of staying in a comfort zone. A discouraging report comes from the Gallup organization showing 7 in 10 employees actively disengaged in their work, and 91% of the ones, which to be able to change their roles, had to leave their companies to do so. To make things even worse, according to CareerBuilder.com , 58% of managers did not receive any management training leading to an astonishing 75% of people quitting their jobs because of bad managers. Micromanagement (or nano management, if you prefer), managers undermining staff, failure to give proper recognition, working in silos, prejudice, passive aggression, etc., leads to demotivation, distrust, and low self-esteem. If we want to overcome these bad habits, we must learn how to communicate more effectively, actively listen, include others in decision making, build trust, and mentor others. Additionally, we must award the best work, not the one being the most predictable. Suppose we want our organization to flourish and diversify itself from those destined to stagnate and collapse (and I never met anyone intentionally wishing to create a dull business that is predetermined to fail). Our task is to recognize our staff, coach them in their development, and challenge them towards their full capacity. Finally, enterprises with engaged employees see 2.5 times more revenue than those thinking that their employees' happiness is not relevant to their business success. Be brave. There is no development if we settle for an average. There is no improvement if we continue doing things the way we always did them or just let the culture happens. If we wait for a severe crisis to introduce the change, this change will be forced upon us and probably will not have the desired outcome. Companies trying to shift their corporate culture towards more disruptive ones, using the same mindset they always had, are unlikely to see the deeply needed transformation. I cannot stress more how important it is to think out of the box. To look at challenges from a different perspective. Change the angle. Communicate and lead with questions. If we enter the mental "trap" where we have expectations about our findings or have a particular way of doing things, we will always use the same approach will not see other possibilities. We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. — Albert Einstein We must resist the need to be in consensus all the time and ignore other (opposite) points of view, leading to groupthink behavior. Groupthink is a psychological term introduced in 1971 by psychologist Irving Janis. It is defined as the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group, resulting typically in unchallenged, poor-quality decision-making. Fear of being outcast for speaking their minds can make individuals refrain from expressing their own thoughts and arguments, creating an environment where any kind of disagreement is being avoided. That is why it is essential to create a climate where voicing up your opinion is welcomed. When dissent is encouraged, groupthink is less likely to happen. So refuse to compensate. The difference between exceptional and mediocre is in the attitude. Change doesn't happen overnight. Cultural change in your organization starts with empowerment and creating a "we" spirit. Once identified with a corporate portfolio, it is easier to create a joined vision without overlapping and determine how each individual is related to the system and how they can contribute towards a mutual goal aligned with your company's mission. Emphasizing individual strengths and identifying unique personal skills is the most powerful way a manager can do to inspire teams to produce exceptional work. One of the successful ways of doing this is guiding your team members towards creating their own Authentic Leadership Model, where each member reflects on their principles and values. Defining the Authentic Leadership Model for each individual clarifies where the team is and where they need to be. This is how we win. This is how you lead from every level of the organization. Creative destruction - Process of radical innovation in which new business models destroy old ones by changing their entire basis for their success. — Joseph Schumpeter When the management focuses on the overall system and provides actionable strategic guidance instead of micromanaging every step of the process, teams can focus on day-to-day activities and are more likely to reach great results. Trust, transparent communication, and investing in staff to get the highest work quality is the key. Conclusion The need for re-skilling and development of new skills is growing. According to World Economic Forum Research , by 2022, 42% of essential skills required to perform existing jobs are expected to change. This means that we must strengthen the values in every aspect of our work, learn how to be socially smart, create connections, and understand the elements that build trust among our co-workers. Do not resist the inevitable change. Embrace it. Arm yourself with humility and open yourself to continuous improvement and personal growth. Have the courage to involve stakeholders in your leadership growth, and this interaction will open new opportunities and make you a linchpin that holds essential pieces together. Like it or not, the days of only being present are over. Follow Sonja on Linkedin for more info. Read more from Sonja ! Sonja Denovski, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Sonja Denovski is a visual and nonverbal communication specialist, brand empowerment guru, and leadership coach. She graduated with honors and holds a master's degree in Visual communication. As a creator of a unique Personal Empowerment methodology combining three approaches - Leadership Coaching, Nonverbal Communication, and Brand Tactics, she is committed to encouraging minds of all walks to overcome insecurities and guide them in their development to strengthen their brand and become exceptional leaders ready to achieve extraordinary things. She is incredibly driven and dedicates her spare time to continued learning and traveling.
- Setting Personal Boundaries
Written by: Merrill Isherwood , Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. We are often exposed to people telling us to set boundaries – many coaching articles or articles on gender-based violence talk about setting boundaries. It’s great that the awareness is being created but do we actually know what that means, and more importantly, do we know how to set boundaries? What are the steps we need to take to set boundaries? How do we know in which areas of our lives we need to set boundaries? What does the word boundaries actually mean? Here are some steps that will be helpful to you. I’m a step one, step two kind of person and have realized how this thinking helps others organize their lives. So, what are boundaries? In psychological terms, according to the American Psychological Association, a boundary is defined as a psychological demarcation that protects the integrity of an individual or group or that helps the person or group set realistic limits on participation in a relationship or activity. According to Wikipedia, personal boundaries are guidelines, rules, or limits that a person creates to identify reasonable, safe, and permissible ways for other people to behave towards them and how they will respond when someone passes those limits. It is generally accepted there are three main areas where boundaries are set. The most commonly mentioned categories are: Physical – Personal space and touch considerations, including physical intimacy Mental – Thoughts and opinions Emotional – Feelings and emotional intimacy In my opinion, it goes beyond the former. I have added the following four: Financial – Monetary, access to funds or assets Time – Encroachment on and expectation of your time Knowledge – Expectation of knowledge sharing, both in informal and formal environments, and frequently expected without compensation (or gratitude) Kindness – Unfair expectations Are boundaries a one-size-fits-all? Boundaries are definitely not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ scenario. Every individual, depending on their current or past experiences, must determine the limits with which they personally feel comfortable. What feels right for one may not feel right for another . They may differ drastically. Can someone else determine my boundaries? People can provide guidance to you and, if willing, can share where their boundaries lie, with examples of how people attempt to overstep them . Still, ultimately only you can determine what you are comfortable with or not. Can someone else tell me what my boundaries should be? Absolutely not . This is why they are referred to as ‘personal boundaries’ as they are the boundaries set by each person and are theirs alone. They must ‘own them’ as by doing so, they are able to clearly know when those boundaries are being encroached upon. Only they can stop someone who is overstepping the lines. No one else has the right to determine what feels comfortable for you, no matter who they are or what their opinion may be on the subject. It is one of the powerful bases of coaching, the realization that it is my life, and I decide what I am happy doing and what I am happy with people doing with me or to me. They have not experienced your life. They do not own your body or mind. The law determines from a legal aspect what is considered appropriate behavior; for example, assault, rape, breaking and entering, and murder, we know as a society as crimina l conduct. Each person has the right to determine what their personal boundaries are, both in their private or work environments and why. The individual also has the right not to have to declare to people why their boundaries are what they are, it of little or no consequence to others, and should be respected. Primary factor underlying boundaries. Respect is the basis for setting boundaries. If someone respects another, they will not encroach on them, use or abuse them. They will not cause them harm or discomfort. They will do their utmost to protect that person from anything that could cause them anxiety or fear. Respect for all peoples and creatures on the earth is key . Especially in all relationships between people, whether it be an adult to adult, child to child (even small children), or adult to child (or Vice Versa) relationship, respect is the most critical factor. Respect for a person’s space, time, attention are all a form of allowing that individual to have boundaries upon which the other person does not intrude. It allows their privacy, their personal thoughts, and their ability to live their lives without intrusion by others. Teaching our children and youngsters to set healthy boundaries at an early age will no doubt help to reduce toxic relationships where controlling narcissistic people feel they have a right to tell everyone else how to live their lives, including what they must think, wear, say, how they should behave and more. In all areas listed above, from physical, financial, emotional, mental, time, knowledge/resources, and kindness, everyone has a right to decide how much they share with anyone else. No one else can demand it, except where written agreements in work relationships, cultural lifestyles, or marriage/relationship agreements between two or more parties. Steps to setting boundaries Find a notepad and pen and complete the activity below. Once completed, paste the document where you will see it regularly during each day. This constant visualization of your choices will cement the boundaries in your mind and lead to them being forever embedded in your brain that, should they be overstepped by someone, your brain will alert you to realize you need to take action to stop it. In order to set clear boundaries, both in your mind and physically, when going through each of the below categories, consider the following questions: How much of each of these am I willing to share with others? Am I willing to do it for free, or do I expect something in return? How will I feel if I do it for free? Will I feel as if I’m being taken advantage of, or will I give willingly and in abundance? How will I feel if I charge for it? Will I feel fearful of what people may think / guilty/embarrassed / not worthy, or will I feel good/kind/worthy? If you responded with the negative emotions in the last question, why do you think you would feel that way? Do you not feel able to be compensated for your gifts, skills, knowledge and more? There may be instances where you want to help others for free but other areas where you would like or expect to be compensated – be clear about what the circumstances would be for each, and be sure you are happy and comfortable with your choices. Display your answers boldly, in line of sight for your daily reminder. Should you unwittingly permit someone to cross one of your boundaries and you are not pleased with how it made you feel, tell the person as soon as possible and ensure it does not happen again. Be in control of who you let do what to you and what others are permitted to expect from you. Physical Mental Emotional Financial Time Knowledge Kindness Conclusion The sooner we, as a society, acknowledge the foundation of mutual respect for one another, the sooner these issues of boundaries being crossed and abused will dissipate and lead to a healthier, more tolerant, and forgiving community and world. I trust you have found solace in the words you have read, realizing it is good to spend time on your own, on yourself, by yourself if so desired, doing activities that bring peace and joy into your life. It is important to realize that you are in control of your life . We cannot control everything that happens to us, but we can control what we allow others to expect from us or do to us and how we react and live with what has happened to us. By setting boundaries, we are protecting ourselves in every aspect of our physical and emotional lives. Respect others, but first and foremost, respect yourself. Once you have determined what your needs are to live a good, calm, and well-balanced life, it is easier to set the boundaries so that others are not able to unsettle us and our life’s equilibrium. I wish you love, peace, and a magical sense of wonder at how valuable you are in this mighty scheme of life. Merrill Want to learn more from Merrill? Follow her on Facebook , Instagram , LinkedIn and visit her website . Read more from Merrill ! Merrill Isherwood, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Merrill Isherwood is a life transformation coach who has spent much of her life being of service to others in the corporate world and her personal life. She has an exemplary work ethic and is driven by living a life of integrity, having honesty, kindness, trust, and respect as her core values. Her psychological counseling degree, supported by her accreditation in life coaching, allows her to ensure her clients are suitably supported in transforming their lives. She specializes in body image, lack of self-esteem, overcoming abusive or toxic relationships, finding life direction, forgiveness, and overcoming adversity. To her, a life well lived means making a difference in each person's life that you are fortunate enough to touch, even if only in the smallest way possible.
- Return To Nature
Written by: Cheryl Meyer, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. Happy summer. Get back outdoors to enjoy nature again. It is time to get out into our forests and to enjoy the art of “Forest Bathing.”[i] There are many health benefits of forest bathing, both psychological and physical. Research shows that “forest bathing” positively creates calming neuro-physiological effects through changes in our nervous system, reducing the stress hormone cortisol and boosting the immune system.[ii] Trees Shower (or bathe) themselves in an antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial compound called phytoncides and is a way that trees combat disease. When people breathe in these chemicals, our bodies respond by increasing the number and activity of a type of white blood cell called natural killer cells or NK. These work to thwart cancer. Other chemicals called “terpenes” are released by some plants. Terpenes come from leaves, pine needles, tree trunks, and thick bark. They are also released by bushes, herbs, shrubs, mushrooms, mosses, and ferns. They enter our bodies through our skin and our lungs. Terpenes are anti-inflammatory, anti-tumorigenic, and neuroprotective. Terpenes are also anti-cancer chemicals.[iii] The benefits of “forest bathing” include:[iv] Boosted immune system Reduced blood pressure Reduced stress Improved mood Reduced anger Reduced anxiety Helps fight cancer cells Increased ability to focus, even in children with ADHD Accelerated recovery from surgery or illness Increased energy level Improved sleep Deeper and clearer intuition Increased capacity to communicate with the land and its species Increased happiness Improved mood and an excellent antidote for depression Reduced cortisol, your stress hormone. These chemicals vary by season, which makes sense. Terpenes are highest in the summer and lowest in the winter. When you get back into nature, take the time to use all your senses and to enjoy how the air feels on your skin, see the beauty of the forest; feel the textures of the forest- “feel a tree trunk;” put your hands into the dirt or take your shoes off and “ground.” Smell the fragrance of the forest. Use your time to reconned to the earth. Take long breaths deep into the abdomen. Extending the exhalation of air to twice the length of the inhalation sends a message to the body that it can relax and allows you to enjoy the experience completely. Forest bathing can be a shared or group activity. Forest bathing can spark creativity and or problem-solving. Forest bathing promotes wellbeing. This is information from my 7x award-winning book Feeling Good Living Low Toxin. Available on Amazon. I have many tips to help you return to health. Set up your first complimentary appointment today. Once I hear your health history, we tailor a program just for you. Want to learn more from Cheryl? Email her at Cherylmhealthmuse@gmail.com and follow her on Facebook, Instagram and connect with her on LinkedIn! Read more from Cheryl! Cheryl Meyer, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Cheryl Meyer suffered from autoimmune disease. By eliminating hundreds of toxins, she reversed her pain. Cheryl has a BA from UC-Berkeley and is a health coach from IIN. Cheryl is an award-winning author, international bestseller, health coach, speaker, local tv host, and guest podcaster. Cheryl has written four books on health and toxins available here. Her podcast is on Voice America. Cheryl specifically works with clients with chronic illness giving them hope and helping them find solutions. It is never too late to start healthy habits. Cheryl is available to speak about the toxins in our world that are making us ill. She is a sought-after expert on toxins, in our food, cleaning, water, minds, including toxic stress and toxic lack of sleep. She also talks about the impact of toxins on our children and our pet’s health. Contact Cheryl for one on one coaching or speaking at cherylmhealthmuse@gmail.com. Eliminating toxins is a crucial step to regain wellness. References: [i] https://www.growwilduk.com/blog/5-simple-steps-practising-shinrin-yoku-forest-bathing [ii] https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/everything-you-need-to-know-about-forest-bathing [iii] https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/the-science-of-forest-bathing [iv] http://www.shinrin-yoku.org/shinrin-yoku.html