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- Inner Critic... Hells NO... It's the Itty Bitty Shitty Committee!
Written by: Guest Writer Elaine Lindsay People are always so ready: Always so eager to dive deeper into the onion that is a human being… Searching for truth. Empathy. Compassion. For others. And yet, at the same time you are all too eager to annihilate the supposed “bad bits” of you. All too eager to stomp out the pieces within yourself that you don’t like. The pieces that if you are honest, you sometimes fear. The pieces we often loathe. I’m here to say STOP . You have it all wrong. You know when you poke a bear she/he only gets angrier. Adding to the negativity is not productive. When you are working on your personal development, your self-healing journey often starts with changing, or eradicating the pieces that are not so palatable. I want to give you a very different option. I want to suggest, strongly, that you not try to hack out the bad bits. I want you instead, to embrace those bits and love them into your complete being. With empathy and compassion, I want you to embrace the weaknesses and comparisons they show you, while you turn them around to embrace the strengths you know or can learn that you possess. The itty bitty shitty committee , the infernal and internal self-abuse machine, has been by your side, actually inside you, for ages. Whispering and hissing in your mind: You are Not enough . You are too tall, too short, too fat, too thin.. From how you look, to how you speak, and even to how you think. The IBS committee has an opinion. And to be sure it is NEVER a positive opinion. I did not coin the phrase Itty Bitty Shitty Committee. I first heard about it a couple of decades ago and am not certain of the attribution. My take on WHY we have an Itty Bitty Shitty Committee (IBSC) From what I’ve read and learned over time, I believe the IBSC develops in childhood, as we become more comparative... Human beings are comparative by nature... You cannot be fast unless someone is slow. You cannot be good at math unless someone is not good at math, or science, or writing. You get the picture. Excelling at something, comes with a reward. Rewards, feel good. In order for you to go on, when you're not the winner, when you are not in the top spots, your IBS committee begins to show you all the reasons you’re NOT the winner; Not suited to lead; Not at the head of the pack. It lulls you into a victim state, and pacifies you as you lick your wounds. You and the rest of the average people in the tribe, commiserate with each other.. You’ve heard the old saying “Misery loves company” and studies have shown that people gravitate to the lowest common denominator, because there is safety in numbers. When you are a really little kid, you believe you can be and do anything you want. The self-doubt, fear and negativity come along gradually. In order to fit into the tribe, you had to find your place in the hierarchy. Back in the olden days, your station in life was part of that placement. Very few people, over time, bucked the system and won. In the history of the human race, those standouts, those contrarians were few and far between. All of this relates to the limbic system. Many call it the lizard brain, the main parts of the limbic brain are the hippocampus, the amygdala , and the hypothalamus. It's the part of the brain that's responsible for behavioral and emotional responses. This is the part of your brain that really has not developed with the changes in the human race. Keeping you in the tribe and not being left on your own shoved out on an ice flow or left to bake in the sun on the desert floor. The limbic system has one overriding function-above all else: survival. What is the biggest motivator when it comes to doing what is expected of you? It’s being ridiculed, being laughed at, being shunned, and ultimately being ousted from the tribe, left to die. What was the easiest way to survive back in caveman days? This outdated part of your brain wants you to keep your head down. Stay in the middle of the pack. Don’t charge into possible danger. There are saber-tooth tigers!! You laugh. Sadly for all of us, our lizard brain has not developed beyond that fear. Our lives, scenarios and reactions no longer fit that scenario. The limbic reaction is all out of proportion to what and how we live today. Being laughed at can have you feeling like you are dying inside. Not fitting in, not wearing the right clothes, current fashion, preferred size: all of these expectations and ideals are rolled into the limbic system’s concept of keeping you safe. [In times of high stress and mental health issues, this can lead to self-harm and worse] Yes the limbic system believes its keeping you safe, however, not safe in the true sense or even in the adult sense of the meaning of the word safe. I believe the limbic system functions at about a six year old level. And furthermore it is still functioning as though it were caveman days for all intents and purposes. This means it's juvenile and petulant and immature. Six years old is also about the age the IBSC begins to take hold. To impact your inner world. To create, doubt, fear, shame and more… What’s a person to do? Maya Angelou said “when we know better, we do better.” Now that you know that your IBSC is nothing more than a child stuck in a loop of overreaction to all stimuli… You can choose. Choose how and if you are going to react. You can choose to shower yourself with love and understanding. To make your insides match your outsides in a positive manner. Figuratively taking that six-year-old, your limbic system, by the virtual hand. Showing him/her/them all the bounty that awaits when you gently step out of your comfort zone, lovingly, incorporating your inner survival instincts, into your mindful practices, your mindset and your #gratitudeattitude. I believe we all need to be gentle with ourselves. I believe we are all capable of great good. I believe we can make a difference in the world. That difference must begin with you. For you. To you, and through you. Let’s love the IBSC into becoming a positive part of each of us. It's your choice. For more information, please visit my website ! Elaine Lindsay, Guest Writer Brainz Magazine At age 16,Elaine lost her close friend to suicide. After being crushed between three cars at age 20, Elaine made an important choice: either be a victim of pain and adversity or she could choose to overcome it. Elaine chooses joy and life every day, Elaine encourages you to do the same. Now 65, Elaine aims to improve 1% daily, to learn something new, and to make every effort to live a #GratitudeAttitude.
- Are You Thriving Or Surviving?
Written by: R. Natasha Stephens, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. Let's just dive right in. I discovered that knowing your true identity through your life's purpose is the difference between surviving and thriving. For many of us, every morning we awaken with the stress of reaching our workplace on time then work like donkeys and by the time our work gets wrapped up by the end of the day, we are exhausted. Once we reach home, we sit before a television as our means to unwind, while grabbing food that is most convenient to eat and most likely unhealthy. We spend years practicing this ritual. Operating at this pace, our inner voice as it is connected to God often gets suppressed. As we scurry around to materialize our ambitions, we are too busy for reflection and introspection, not realizing the reason for our existence. Therefore, our identity, which is the true reflection of ourselves in relation to God and not things, people groups, careers and achievements, gets lost in the hustle and bustle. This is surviving! As we unsuspectingly build a life making decisions based upon societal and cultural norms and people's acceptance, it limits a life that is meant to be creatively designed according to the innate gifts and talents that you have yet to unearth because it is impossible for conformity to lead you to this discovery. Your true identity that is the treasure hidden deep within, will require some excavation. This is exactly why you have questioned the meaning of life. Think about it, as creative as God is to create the earth and all things above and beneath it, including each one of us of which there are no duplicates, surely there is more to be discovered of your place here on earth. I challenge you to make efforts to connect to that inner voice. Try taking some time to disconnect from the world. Start with 20 minutes out of the day to turn off the tv, radio, and any form of media. By the way, did you know that another word for media is medium which means to stand between the source and the object? The media in whatever form can stand between you and the life source, the Creator God who designed and created you for a specific purpose. Your purpose is a life vision you were meant to build upon that solves a problem in this world during a specific era. How exciting is this! All of the problems you feel you are inundated with, your life is meant to be a solution. Oh, the irony! That solution will actually save lives around you as your calling is not only meant to benefit you. We will talk more in detail about the specifics of purpose later, but for now, you must first be convinced that there is far more to you than what you have seen thus far. Once you are able to focus inward, ask God questions regarding your existence like, what were you created for? What would bring you joy? What would bring you peace? Where do you start in discovering your true calling? Practice this regularly and soon you will start to see positive change in your life. Pessimism, fear, insecurities and anxiety will have no place in your life and will be replaced with kindness, love, peace and joy as the answers to your questions are revealed through a guided process. Be patient with the process. It takes time as you come to know yourself in its most truest form..actually, it takes a lifetime. You are created to thrive! Follow Natasha on her Facebook and Linkedin. Watch her videos from her Youtube channel. Read more from Natasha! R. Natasha Stephens, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Natasha, a retired dental hygienist, turned entrepreneur as owner of Transformational Coaching with Natasha and a women's athleisure clothing brand, Ripped and Restored, is committed to the transformational journey as she discovers new ways of being and higher than realized levels of existence through the power of pain and using it to her advantage as a springboard to create an ideal life for herself. Along the way, she answered the call to empower others with this revelation. With fiery passion and authentic advocacy, she is dedicated to revolutionizing mental health and fitness by embracing the pain of conflict and resistance in whatever form as a weapon for good. Realizing that thoughts shape reality, Natasha's coaching model is built around mindset shifts resulting in realized potential. She loves to volunteer in local and global dental missions, physical exercise, and travel in her spare time.
- Seeking Meaning in Life – Interview with Author Jane Ramsey
Jane Ramsey, formerly a business executive for a global Fortune 500 company, is now an author, artist, meditation coach, and Founder of SoulArt Meditation. Upon retirement, Jane embarked on a course of study in philosophy, fitness, health, nutrition, quantum physics, happiness, and spirituality. She has been meditating for more than twenty-five years and is a Chopra-certified meditation coach, helping clients create a strong daily meditation practice. Jane shares her spiritual journey in her book VISION QUEST: a journey to happiness. Her story is inspiring and enlightening. As a part of her journey, Jane has become an avid and accomplished artist. Jane’s quest to get clearer on her purpose in life inspired her to combine creativity with meditation and spirituality, and that’s how her signature class, SoulArt Meditation, was born. First and foremost, what would you give as a general definition of a "vision quest"? In your case, what specifically were you seeking? In my ‘vision quest,’ I was seeking meaning; answers to existential questions like why are we here? and what is the purpose of life? I wanted to find out how scholars and learned people find answers. And, did you find the answer? What do wisdom traditions tell us? Many teachers agree that the purpose of an individual life is something akin to ‘be all you can be.’ However, in seeking meaning, I also believe it is about finding your own path to happiness. I have also come to believe that the size of the stage for the production of life is not what matters. One person can have a huge impact and find joy and deep meaning by interacting with family, friends, or seeming strangers. Do you have a favorite quote about seeking meaning? Yes, there is a quote that I treasure from the Upanishads. The ancient Vedic teachers encouraged their students to take nothing on faith and to question everything. Human beings cannot live without challenge. We cannot live without meaning. Everything ever achieved we owe to this inexplicable urge to reach beyond our grasp, do the impossible, know the unknown. The Upanishads would say this urge is part of our evolutionary heritage, given to us for the ultimate adventure: to discover for certain who we are, what the universe is, and what the significance of the brief drama of life and death is we play out against the backdrop of eternity. (Anonymous, The Upanishads) You started this spiritual journey in what many call the third chapter of life. What would you say to those seekers who feel they're too old or too set in their ways to begin a quest? I think everyone’s path is unique and new adventures unfold when the timing is right. One of my beloved teachers, Jean Houston says that we are all works in progress. She explains most of us are dull and exhorts us to “Stop boring God!” As a late-bloomer, I felt like a complete beginner among more seasoned, experienced, often younger people who had been on a spiritual path for longer than I had. But, as I was seeking meaning, I reminded myself to embrace my beginner status and even relish the process of discovery and learning. I am inspired to stop boring God. If you feel the pull to seek, to learn, to go on this type of adventure; listen to that call. It may be the universe saying, “wake up! There is more here for you to learn!” You set out on this year-long journey shortly after retiring. What baby-step activities would you recommend for those who are curious about connecting with and enhancing their mind, body, and spirit, but either can't or aren't ready to take that big of a step? I would suggest they ask themselves daily what they have done to nurture mind, body, and spirit today. Progress can be made by taking simple steps. His Holiness Dalai Lama asks, “How do you create peace? Smile at your neighbor.” Meditation helps nurture mind, body, and spirit. To access your own inner wisdom, begin or strengthen a daily meditation or other contemplative practice. Techniques abound. Find one that resonates and stick with it. Meditation is the ultimate way to find meaning. Following any of the Oprah and Deepak 21-day, guided meditation series is a wonderful way to begin. On my website, I offer a free online on-demand meditation training program. A number of books from various scholars and luminaries are mentioned in Vision Quest, and they all seem to have been very helpful to you in different ways. If you had to choose only one to recommend to anyone curious about undertaking their own vision quest, what would it be and why? Your path is unique. It will begin to unfold as you being to seek it. Articles, books, you-tube videos or podcasts will often show up in synchronicity just after you pose the next question in your journey. For my path, Deepak Chopra resonates strongly with me, but for someone else it may be another teacher. The first book I most often refer to my students is The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga by Deepak Chopra and David Simon. Your traditional Catholic upbringing and family feature quite prominently in some sections of the book. What would you say to people who perceive a conflict between traditional Christianity and the broader spiritual practices and teachings in your book? One of my favorite poems is Outwitted by Edwin Markham: He drew a circle that shut me out — Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout. But Love and I had the wit to win: We drew a circle that took him in! You believe there are many paths on the road to enlightenment and they are all valid. Say more about this. Yes, I believe you have the right to choose your own belief systems and not just adopt, by default, those beliefs that are thrust on you by someone else. Many people follow a certain faith but also have a wide enough perspective to appreciate broader views. Though millions of people hold that their personal belief system about God is the only correct one, millions more reach out with curiosity to see what has interested others and to enlarge their understanding and awareness. I think of priests who welcomed divorcees and gay people to mass during times when this was not a typical practice in Catholicism. Many Christians believe in reincarnation. Though the view from the pulpit may be that there is only one exclusive group that can get to heaven, someone in the congregation can have more breadth in their private view. This openness to understand a broader view is helpful in seeking meaning. Your Dad was a devout Roman Catholic. Did he inspire you in your own spiritual quest? Yes. In a letter I wrote him on his 90th birthday, I thanked him for his lifelong example of deep spirituality and said: “I believe that the face of God looks different to different people but that we all can get to the same place, entering the same beautiful room from different doors. I’m grateful for the belief in a soul, in immortality, and in the idea that there is something bigger than each of us, that we will be together again after this life.” How do you reconcile the faith of your childhood with what you believe now? I will always feel connected to Catholicism and I have been inspired my entire life by the devotion of my dad and other members of my family. My close cousin and friend who is called Clara in my book works ‘within the system’ of the Catholic church to modernize views and broaden roles for women. I follow Pope Francis in the news and send him positive intentions and support. I still feel welcome in the church. The works of many current priests including Father Richard Rohr are always on my reading list. In my travels, I often stop into a Catholic church for a meditation break. Christianity and Catholicism are woven into the fabric of my belief system. I was gratified to learn that many Hindu teachers are followers of Christ, including Paramahansa Yogananda, the yogi featured in Autobiography of a Yogi. The major wisdom traditions all contain some version of a core belief in the Golden Rule. Can you expound on this? I am particularly drawn to the explanation of “many paths to the same door” in the Bhagavad Gita: Whosoever comes to Me, through whatsoever form, I reach him; all men are struggling through paths which in the end lead to Me. (Gita) Painting is a great passion of yours, and you often mention certain pieces were inspired by meditation or retreats. Do you feel painting---or, for that matter, engaging with any art form, including writing---can be a spiritual practice? Yes, definitely. Both meditation and creating are vehicles for connecting to our higher self; they are both vehicles that help us escape the rigidity of our thoughts. As a meditation teacher, I see the benefits and power of sitting in regular meditation. As an artist, I realize that the act of creating can also be a type of meditation. The process of painting, writing, composing, making music, cooking — anything creative — can help us tap into a deeper, quieter part of ourselves. We enter into a state of flow and present moment awareness. This place helps us find meaning in life. How can creative activity enhance mind, body, and spirit? Creative activity can uplift you and help you transcend physical parameters. When you create something, just like when you meditate, you can glimpse that place beyond space and time and realize that you are more than your thoughts, your mind, your body. Your soul can be stirred into expanded awareness by looking at a sunrise, a work of art, or listening to music. Creating something can take you to the same place. Daily practices like meditation and creativity can nurture that spark within you that provides stability, balance, harmony, and a constant connection to your true self. This helps enhance mind, body and spirit. Finally, you include a lot of inspirational quotes throughout the book. Give us one that is foundational in your belief system. “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Tell us about your current passion, SoulArt Meditation. My secret dream for a long time was to combine art and meditation and the dream has manifested with the creation of SoulArt Meditation. I work with spiritual seekers who want to amplify life with more meaning, purpose, and self expression, but who struggle with unleashing their creativity. My students learn to tune in to their own intuition, enjoying the process of creation. Through deep, introspective work, they consider the answers to questions like who am I? and what is my purpose? They identify their unique gifts and talents, their legacy and examine how they are When they are at their best. We do imagination exercises, get clearer on desires and learn tools to go deeper in spiritual practice. What do students learn in SoulArt Meditation? The ultimate lesson of the class is that we all have the ability to use more of our potential, create the life we want and find meaning and purpose. My courses help you silence your inner critic, free your inner artist and connect with your inner wisdom so you use more of your potential and make a bigger impact. This helps you find meaning and enhance your mind, body, and spirit. Is SoulArt Meditation right for you? Enroll in Jane’s free webinar to find out: https:// www.soulartmeditation.com/courses/free-webinar-are-you-a-soul-artist Or to hear more about Jane’s book, free courses, or SoulArt Meditation, visit her website at janeramseysoulart.com Learn about Jane Ramsey's Book; Vision Quest; a journey to happiness Sign up here to receive future blog posts
- Simple Tips For Achieving Your Dreams
Written by: Anna Filatova, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. I’ve always had a lot of dreams. I've wanted to be an entrepreneur since I was 14, but I only had the courage to pursue it and make it a reality almost 20 years later. And it was the best decision I've ever made. When I look back at my journey, I don't regret anything, as the experience, knowledge, and connections that I've gained during this time are priceless. However, I still wish I started sooner. There are many things that are stopping people from going after their dreams, but here are the most common obstacles that many of my clients have had to overcome in order to become successful: Not knowing what they want specifically. Thinking that past experiences create their future. The voices in their heads telling them that their dreams are not worth anything. Not knowing where to start. Fear Waiting for the "right moment." Not making their dreams a priority. Giving up before seeing results Sabotaging themselves when things go well I get it. It's scary. It's uncomfortable. But just imagine how you would feel to achieve your dreams and live the life you've always wanted ? Amazing, right? So here are 8 simple tips that will help you to move forward: Have a clear vision. How do you want your life to be? Be very specific, and don't be afraid to imagine something that might not feel real for you yet. It’ll help you to stay motivated, enthusiastic, and committed to your dreams. Turn your vision/dreams into goals. Your dreams might be too big, so break them down into chunks and set goals. You don't really need any specific time frames yet but be as specific as you can. Break your goals into smaller steps. I can't stress enough how important this is. You will be surprised how much you can achieve in a week if you set small steps and goals instead of very large ones. Every little step you take brings you closer to your goals. Identify potential obstacles. What exactly is standing between you and your goals? What are your current challenges and barriers? Awareness is important for success, so it will be much easier to overcome it if you know what could stop you. Educate yourself. Be curious, learn new things, and be open-minded. Knowledge is power as new information and continued learning nourishes our minds. Learning new things gives us a feeling of accomplishment and boosts our confidence in our own skills and capabilities. Get support. Find a mentor or hire a coach. Trying to do something alone isn't easy, but with the right help and support, you will achieve what you're looking for much faster and more efficiently. Celebrate your successes. Any win or achievement, no matter how big or small it is, is worth celebrating. It’ll help you to stay positive and motivated and boost your self-esteem and confidence to take the next steps towards your dreams. Enjoy the journey, and don't give up. There will be days when you won't feel motivated, and you’ll want to give up, but if you stay focused and remind yourself of your vision and big goals, it’ll help you to stay on track. And one day, you’ll wake up, and your dreams become a reality. I believe that we all are capable of so much more. This is what my company Dreams and Beyond Coaching are about. It's about unlocking that full potential and creating the life and business or career that is better than your dreams. For more info, follow me on Facebook , Instagram , LinkedIn and visit my web site ! Read more from Ann a ! Anna Filatova, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Anna is the founder of Dreams and Beyond Coaching Ltd, a coaching and mentoring firm that was founded in March 2020. The company offers a variety of services including coaching, mentoring, one day intensives, group programs, team coaching and personality profiling. From a young age, Anna has been curious about learning and development and areas such as personal fulfilment, potential and success. She has always believed that people have hidden potential and by believing in them, challenging and mentoring them, she has helped a large number of individuals to thrive and achieve high results in their careers and lives. Anna earned a Honours BA Degree in Business Studies in International Hotel Management from National University of Ireland Galway in 2011 and a MBA for Executives with Global Perspective from London School of Commerce in 2015. She has been awarded the Brainz CREA Global Award 2021 in recognition for her creative and innovative ideas, and adaptability in business. Before becoming a certified coach, Anna spent 9 years in Hotel Management and 5 years in Investment Banking. When she was 25, she had burnout that made her realize that health, well-being and work-life balance are more important than killing herself for a fast career progression. As a Business and Success Coach, Anna helps entrepreneurs, business owners and their teams to strive for success in business and their personal lives without feeling stuck, overwhelmed and burned out. She ensures that they have all essential tools and resources for development, growth and success.
- Wonder Boosting, Brain Coding & Clinical Hypnotherapy
Written by: Rebecca Jones, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. Are you interested in learning brain hacks, being able to reprogramme your brain, learning how to deal with life's challenges, and boosting your success? Then read on... In this article, I will be showing you how, and will be answering some of the following questions and more: Why are our brains so incredible? Can we use coding and reprogramme our own brains? What is trauma? What is shock? How can we survive anxiety, trauma, depression, addiction, and PTSD? How can Clinical Hypnotherapy help? How can we use hypnosis to become more confident, more motivated, and boost our self-esteem? Are we able to create the business, the relationships, the wealth, the health, and the life of our dreams? Let's go... Why are our brains so incredible? Our brains can store an infinite amount of information and knowledge. Our brain's storage is unlimited. We have approximately 86 billion neurons in our brain. And each neuron can connect with other neurons to multiply and ultimately reach up to 1 quadrillion neurons. Moreover, our brain information travels at an incredible speed of 268 miles per hour! This means we can hold vast amounts of information in our brains, utilize this knowledge at a super speed, and outsmart any computer! Can we use coding and reprogramme our own brains? The average person has between 12,000 and 60,000 random thoughts a day. Of these thoughts, 95% are the same repetitive thoughts as the day before, and 80% of them are negative. So how can we change this? Coding. What is coding? Coding: "Coding is defined as Computer programming; The process of designing and building an executable computer program to accomplish a specific computing result or to perform a specific task." We are able to treat our brains in the exact same way as a computer. In the same way that we can use coding and the coding languages such as HTML, Python, Javascript, and more to (re) program computers so that they do and behave in exactly the way we want them to, we can also reprogramme our brains so that we think/feel / and behave in the way we would like to. And instead of using Computer Coding, we use hypnosis and hypnotherapy instead. This means we enable ourselves to overcome negative experiences in our lives, reduce pain, overcome bad memories, negate harmful experiences and reduce the emotional intensity of these painful experiences in our lives. Therefore we can overcome trauma and rebuild our lives for the better. What is Trauma? Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, or a natural disaster. Immediately after the event, shock and denial are typical. Longer-term reactions include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships and even physical symptoms like headaches or nausea, as well as developing eating disorders, an addiction and PTSD. While these feelings and reactions are normal, some people have difficulty moving on with their lives. This is where Clinical Hypnotherapy can help. How can we survive anxiety, trauma, depression, addiction, and PTSD? Clinical Hypnotherapy, with the help of an experienced and well-qualified hypnotherapist, is an incredibly effective and proven therapy to successfully remove and eradicate the negative and harmful effects and symptoms of anxiety, trauma, shock, grief, depression, and PTSD. Moreover, Clinical hypnotherapy is widely used to treat addiction, self-harm, and eating disorders. To find out more, email Rebecca Jones at rebecca@harleystreettherapyclinic.com How can we use hypnosis to become more confident, more motivated, and boost our self-esteem? In the same way, Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy can also be used to create, recreate and build up all the positive aspects that we wish for, dream of, and desire in our lives. Supercharge your life for the better, today! For more information, email Rebecca Jones at rebecca@theempirestateofmind.com Are we able to create the career, the business, the relationships, the wealth, the health, and the life of our dreams? Yes, Yes, Yes! With Clinical Hypnotherapy, everything IS possible. Rebecca's latest book 'Source Your Inner Jetpack' guides the reader, using a toolkit, and a unique series of strategies and techniques, to help you find what it is that you truly want. And then she helps you get it! You too can source your own inner jet pack, take off and have lift off like a supersonic rocket ship, and soar the clouds! Her new book will be published later this year! Email Rebecca Jones at info@paris-st-cloud.com You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Read more from Rebecca! Rebecca Jones, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Rebecca Jones (M.A. DipPCH) is a Rebecca Jones (M.A. DipPCH) is a Clinical Hypnotherapist & Consultant (GHR, GHSC) (GQHP, MAC) and CEO/Founder of 'Paris St. Cloud' & 'The Empire State of Mind' Initially trained by Dr. Richard Bandler and Paul McKenna, & now a much trusted & highly valued part of their team, Rebecca is a highly sought-after expert in her field. Rebecca is an inspirational therapist and consultant with her thriving practice in Harley Street London and a successful clinic on Deansgate in Manchester; Rebecca is an inspirational therapist & consultant. An honoree of the Crea Global Award, Rebecca received this prestigious award in recognition of her innovative ideas, resourcefulness, and her achievements and accomplishments in the areas of mental health and therapy work. Other award winners included the incredible global celebrity, Oprah Winfrey. Rebecca works globally with clients across the world. Also, with a clinic on Fifth Avenue, NYC, USA, Rebecca works with International clients F2F and online virtually worldwide. Rebecca's clients include VIP & celebrities, Governments and Government Officials, United Nations, British Council, OECD, Diplomats, Silicon Valley, and more. Her new book 'Source Your Inner Jet Pack' will be published later this year. She also runs Hypnotherapy Retreats worldwide. During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, Rebecca has donated her services freely to all doctors, nurses, and medical staff working in hospitals and ICU departments in hospitals worldwide. Moreover, she has also been conducting her clinical research study and clinical trials to treat patients suffering from Long COVID. There is no other such study taking place in the world. It is unique and one of a kind. It is the first of its kind globally and is at the forefront of therapy and innovation, described as a flagship and ground-breaking research study. This has been followed by her uniquely devised therapeutic techniques and treatment plans for patients and clients and a series of workshops, seminars, and training programs for therapists, medical practitioners, doctors, and hypnotherapists. Rebecca is now the CEO and Founder of the 'Long COVID Therapy Institute.' During the pandemic and Lockdown, Rebecca has also provided additional Free Online services, including Free Coaching courses for 'Resilience and Wellbeing in Lockdown' and free services for NHS doctors and nurses in the UK. Rebecca has also been interviewed for the media and radio about her business and her work. As well as working with her private clients in the clinic, Rebecca also provides Corporate seminars, events, & training, as well as well-being sessions and Professional Development courses (CPD) for Businesses, Schools, Corporate, & other Groups. Rebecca is also a professional trainer, training, qualifying, and certifying future Coaches, Mentors, Therapists, and Hypnotherapists. Rebecca is a Guest speaker for public engagements, business events, charity dinners, and fundraisers, both in the UK and overseas. Rebecca's unique clinical hypnotherapy and consultancy methods enable individuals, private and corporate clients alike, to build better lives, redesign their futures, and create personal freedom today!
- Rules — To Break Or Not To Break —That Is The Question?
Written by: Dr. Gigi Arnaud, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. I was always a good student. I followed the rules. Then, truth be told, it took me a while, a really long while (more than 5 decades) to ask the vital question, "What rules? Who makes them? Who says I have to follow them? And a big one, "Why can’t I make my own rules (while keeping morals intact)?" When’s the last time you asked yourself this question? Or even let yourself get quiet enough to question yourself about your beliefs, behaviors, and thoughts (mostly subconscious)? Life moves on, it gets busy, and as adults, we’re, supposedly, grown-up and living our life, and still, we don’t often ask ourselves if what we’re thinking and doing is what we really think and want to do. But then, it happens. Middle age hits, and you start talking to yourself; asking yourself the important existential life questions, particularly if you feel stuck, empty, sad, depressed, joyless; in other words, feeling that you’re living the ‘wrong’ life, perhaps someone else’s idea of what your life ‘should’ be. I know about this because I did it, both personally and professionally. It's important for us to figure out why so many of us, particularly the younger generations, are experiencing ever-increasing anxiety and depression. Could it be that they’re trying to follow rules that no longer apply? That the 1940s and 1950’s ideas of how we ‘should’ live no longer make sense? Even back then, many were unhappy and had to hide rather than step out of the box to live the lives they were really meant to live. We have learned that younger folks have many more options about how to live and, at the same time, more challenging economic and social realities. Who knows? Maybe it’s time to start loosening or even letting go of certain rules and ideas which no longer quite fit the world as we know it today. In the last couple of generations, things have really been changing. Yahoo! When it comes to choices about career, how to work, where to live, childcare, personal partnerships (straight, gay, gender fluid, etc.), there are so many more possibilities now than there were when I was a kid (baby boomer generation). Having too many options can be confusing and dizzying, but it also opens the world up... and the traps in our minds, too. Perhaps there is a way to figure out what works for you and, at the same time, is helpful for the larger community and society. Without certain laws for the rights of all our citizens, there might be chaos. I am optimistic. I believe younger folks will get things moving towards more equality and social justice and, at the same time, will find the unique and particular life and lifestyle that fits them. Rebirth: An important, not so easy concept to accept immediately that you may have heard throughout your life; when one door closes, another opens (or you can climb through a window). It’s the same kind of thing when you’re changing your ‘rules’ for your life. To start a new life or just a new chapter of it, you must let the past one go. Your past ways of thinking, being, and doing fade away and die to make space for the new ways. In essence, if we’re learning and growing, our life becomes a series of deaths and rebirths. This can be something to look forward to, knowing that you can and will change towards your desires and dreams and move away from your lack of choice and possible trauma. You become like a Phoenix rising from the Ashes. Here are some ways that you can make choices, change and live in a new, better, and healthier way for and with your unique wants, needs, and desires. Choices: Here are some of the newer options we have for our lives and lifestyles: (These weren’t all-around half a century ago when we baby boomers were kids or teenagers). 1. Married, single, divorced, with or without children. In my day, there was no question, especially for a girl. You were meant to get married, have and raise kids, and perhaps work, mostly to help the ‘household’ with finances. When my European grandmother said to me, ”You’ll never be a ‘balabooster’ (loosely translated as a housewife in Yiddish). “ I responded, “Meme (French for grandma), I don’t want to be a balabooster. I will have a career and will hire people to clean my house.” She gasped in shock and exasperation and said, “you’re fresh.” (as in ill-mannered). She knows that I hated having to help my mother clean the house and was resentful that my brother didn’t have to. (There were clear and delineated gender roles in my childhood). I don’t love cooking, though I’m not bad at it, thanks to my French mother, who taught me well. In my generation and those before me, if you didn’t get married, there was something wrong with you (in their eyes). This same grandmother stressed the girl’s ‘looks,’ and since I wasn’t a great beauty, she began to focus on my brains but not to the point of having my own career. I was lucky enough to have a mother who insisted that I go to college, something that she didn’t have the opportunity to do. She was determined that I would have a career and make my own money. Just a little note. At the end of my grandmother’s life, I was living abroad and came to visit her. She confessed to me that I was right. That she was proud that I was a Dr. (dentist) and that I would never have to depend on a man or anyone for money. She was married three times and told me that she had no choice; she needed the money. In her generation, many women didn’t necessarily associate marriage with love or love with sex. Different times! Divorce was also a no-no. I think that I may have been one of the first (certainly women) in my family to divorce. Though I was quite unhappy in my marriage and my aching lower back, anger and resentment were telling me so, I was told that I had to try to make it work until I could take it no longer. In our present-day culture, you can marry if you choose to, either with the same or a different sex; you can divorce without judgment (since it’s about half of us), and you can even choose to stay single and enjoy it. As for whether or not you want to have children, I know that there are parents out there who are not meant to be parents and single parents who do a great job on their own. Some prefer the safety, security, and intimacy that can be created and developed with another human in a marriage or partnership. Others prefer different partners and to live independently. And for others, they prefer freedom and to be location-independent—all these choices. In a way, it was easier and less confusing to have fewer options. On the other hand, when you have your own choices, you don’t have to be silent and suffer in a bad relationship, the wrong marriage or even, the wrong body. Fun facts: It seems that the notion of marriage has been around for a while, at least as far back as the ancient Romans. Earlier on, the main goal of marriage was to be an alliance between families, often for economic reasons. Many were, and some still are, arranged by families, and the people involved often didn’t or don’t have much to say. The notion of romance didn’t even exist until medieval times when the troubadours (12th century) thought of courtly love in the same way we think of love now. 2. Work or stay at home. This one really depends on your financial situation. In the USA, in the first half of the 20th century, most middle-class and wealthier white women stayed home. The man was the breadwinner, and the woman minded the house and kids. Of course, many bright and frustrated women were not so happy and started working to make extra money and keep their sanity. In many minority populations, women mostly had to work. To earn enough to support their families, there had to be two folks working. Presently, even middle-class women have to work (two incomes needed) to live the same kind of life some of their mothers lived on just one income. A lovely and newer choice is that some men choose to stay home with the kids or their partner earns more, and them staying home makes more sense. Fun facts: In the 18th and 19th centuries, some women worked; they were critical to their family’s economic well-being. They grew and made the products that families sold for a living. But as mechanization increased and moved outside the home, women’s role in the market economy receded. From the late 19th century to the 1920s, it was mostly poor, uneducated single women who worked. From the 1930s to the 1950s, married women entered the workforce in significant numbers. The family’s income was inversely proportional to the woman working (money). From the late 1970s (when I went to dental school) up to the very early 21st century, the ‘quiet revolution’ began (Goldin). Women altered their career expectations and invested more in education. They also began postponing marriage and childrearing. The introduction and popularity of the birth control ‘pill’ (circa 1960s) really helped women see themselves differently. It is astounding to know that, in my lifetime, the work and roles of women have changed so much. I feel so lucky to have been born into this more modern era for women. 3. City/suburban/country mouse? Since the 1950s, when the suburbs really expanded, Americans have decided to live in the city, the suburbs, or the countryside. There were several factors involved: finances (what you can afford), schools (if you have kids), and nature (if this is important for your well-being). With the Covid pandemic, we’ve seen some changes in the choices people are making. Many are choosing to move out of cities for more space, safety, and silence. Fun Facts: William Levitt built the first Levittown, the archetype suburban community, in 1946, in Long Island, NY. I know this because I was raised in one of the towns next door. He purchased mass acreage and then ‘subdivided’ lots, and many homes at economies of scale were built to offer affordable suburban housing to veterans and their families. This began a massive migration. As the suburbs developed, auto and appliance sales rose dramatically. The rise of these suburbs transformed much of America’s countryside and rural space and turned agrarian communities into suburban landscapes. My area of Long Island had been potato farms and, way before that, land that belonged to Native Americans. 4. Local/National/International When I was a kid, most folks stayed their entire lives in one town or one area (in the USA), excluding some immigrants, refugees, and some others. Today, we have a choice; we can stay in the region we were born into or move to another part of this vast and beautiful country or even live abroad. I chose to do the latter for 5 years — an empowering, enlightening, and amazing experience! The world is now more global, and some people have done a lot of traveling, whether in their career or for pleasure. Of course, this may also change a bit now that many of us are working with Zoom…. The world is big and yet, so small. 5. Work/Career: Employee, Employer, or Entrepreneur? More fun facts: I prioritize education, and my personal favorite is travel. I took my son everywhere we were able to go. Here are some reasons to travel abroad while you’re young, on your own or with others: You’ll get out of your comfort zone Traveling builds confidence. You develop cultural sensitivity and consequently become more open-minded and understanding of different ways, attitudes, and lifestyles. You have the chance to adapt to globalization (a necessity in our new post-Covid world) Learn more languages. The more, the better. You can really understand others this way... and it’s fun! So many opportunities to network: personally and professionally. You will have lifetime memories! When I was in South Africa and staying at the Karongwe Portfolio, in a small cabin-house that looked like it came from the film: Out of Africa, we received a note, each day, on our pillow. This one says: “The world is a book and those who do not travel, read only a page.” I couldn’t agree more! So, the question is, "Who wrote the rules and who and what says I have to listen to and follow them?" Of course, you need to go deep inside to ‘feel’ what feels true and right to you and for your life. You rule you. What do you want to ‘rule’ you? Look at the should haves, would haves, could haves, you keep repeating to yourself and see if they still make sense for YOU. Of course, you must consider your family, community, country, world, and planet. Without certain global ‘rules,’ we may experience some not-so-good occurrences. As you evolve, change and grow, your rules may also change. It’s really all about the questioning. You’ll always be evolving and transforming, and choices will be there for you to make and take. Good or bad, easy or hard, we now get to decide which ‘rules’ we can live by and with; and which we can’t. If marriage is not for you, okay. If living abroad for a bit is not your thing, okay. If working for a while and then taking off appeals to you, go for it. Whatever rules you decide for yourself and your life, make sure they bring you joy, let you get ‘in the flow’ and don’t hurt others; stay true to yourself and kind, caring, and compassionate, too (to yourself, to those you love, and to all others). With smiles and love, Dr. Gigi PS: Join me @www.gigiarnaud.com, and SIGN up for your FREE Discovery Session! Or you can find me @DrGigiArnaud on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Read more from Dr. Gigi! Dr. Gigi Arnaud, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Dr. Gigi Arnaud is an award-winning, NYC-based Mindset Coach, Hypnotherapist, and Speaker. For over thirty years, she worked as a dentist in her own private practice and, 17 years ago, also decided to become a certified life coach and hypnotherapist. For so many years, she had been that smiling person who looked sunny and successful on the outside yet was quietly suffering on the inside. Through her own discovery and years of training and treatment (i.e., coaching, therapy, and more), she did the work to change from the inside out and unlock the traps inside her mind. Now, she helps others do the same and change their negative and unhelpful thought patterns to those more aligned with who they authentically are, what they truly want, and how to get there (actions). She uses her unique ‘art and science’ background, intuition, and practical tools to help her clients hear their own unique voices so that they finally flourish in their personal and professional lives. Her mission is to transform your thinking to transform your life, become the real you, and thrive!
- Set Your Course
Written by: Haseena Shaheed-Jackson, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. In John 8:14, Jesus was having a discussion with the Pharisees. They were questioning him on who he was. He stated, “I know where I came from and where I am going.” Jesus knew his origin, destination, and purpose, whereas the Pharisees were confused and floundering. They did not know who they were or where they were going. They had no set a course. They were using old methods and ways, having programmed their minds to only one way of thinking. The Pharisees were failing to opening their mind to seeing with new eyes. The Pharisees lacked vision. Their minds were closed and were not adaptable. In order to evolve, you must be adaptable and have set a course for your life. Your course will be based upon your vision which will incorporate your values. Your vision must be expandable. You must believe in more, having and living in abundance. You will incorporate where you have been, using your past to catapult you to where you need to go. You will set a course and having direction resulting in your being focused. You will become consistent and be resilient. Failing to set a course will cause drifting instead of steering. You will be coasting along have not set your course. You must direct your course, allowing you to go higher, having a better life, and becoming exceptional. When you set a course, you will tap into your potential. As you tap into your potential, you will become to know who you are and where you are going. Failing to tap into your potential, can cause you to become lost, distracted and unfocused. You will become like the Pharisees who were frustrated and angry because they were not adaptable or teachable. They were missing out on an opportunity to become better because they were not open to learning. They were settling for old ways of thinking and methodology. You can elect to be a person that is: Confused, lacking a sense of purpose. Frustrated, don’t know what you like to do. Fulfilled who know you are, what you want to do, and do it. Which person are you? Choose wisely. You do not wish to reach the end of the journey of your life, having regrets and wasting time because you failed to set a course. To assist you in mapping out your course, take an inventory of your gifts. Ask yourself these questions: What do you like to do? What are you good at? What propels you out of bed? What lights you on fire? Do you have the skills to do what you like? What are you good at? Once you have answered these questions, set your course. Be a steerer and not a drifter. Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn and visit my website for more info! Read more from Haseena! Haseena Shaheed-Jackson, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Mrs. Haseena Shaheed-Jackson is a Certified Coach, Speaker, and Trainer under the John Maxwell Team. She is the author of Reflections Within and Messages from the Spirit. Her mission is to add value to people to add value to others by intentionally growing, resulting in transformation and changing their world. Growth is a continual process that never ceases. It is a lifetime commitment that must become a habit. Ms. Jackson is the Owner of Faith, Hope, and Spirit, LLC, which offers training, coaching, and speaking in growth, development, leadership, and influence. For over 30 years, she has held leadership and management positions for various companies and organizations, where her responsibilities included mentoring, coaching, development, and training. She hosts a monthly networking group, Connecting and Collaborating to Thrive (CC2T). CC2T focuses on developing relationships and establishing a community. She actively seeks to form partnerships with others to make a difference and be impactful.
- What Is A Travel Coach And How Can They Help Me?
Written by: Veerle Beelen, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. Travel Coaching is a relatively new niche in both the coaching and the travel industry. You may be wondering what this means, and most importantly, why would you need a travel coach? In this article, I will tell you everything you need to know, whether you are a traveler yourself or a company looking to hire a travel coach. A Travel Coach is not the same as a Travel Agent First of all, let’s start by clarifying that a travel coach is not the same as a travel agent. There is often confusion around this, but in short, travel agents are responsible for booking trips, making reservations, and organizing itineraries. However, a travel coach doesn’t do any of this but focuses on giving you the tools to find out the deeper purpose of your trip and how you can prepare yourself. Instead of focusing on a specific destination, a travel coach helps you to understand why you travel in the first place before figuring out the where and how of your trip. “…a Travel Coach helps you understand why you travel in the first place, before figuring out the where and how of your trip.” Depending on the type of traveler, travel agencies and travel coaches could complement each other to provide a full package of support. On the other hand, travel coaches can also empower travelers to take full control over their own travels by providing them tools to become more independent and confident in terms of creating their own itinerary. In addition, some travel agents also certify themselves to add coaching to their services, or vice versa. There are travel coaches who add the booking credentials to their resumes. What does a Travel Coach do? Travel coaches usually support travelers to focus on wellbeing, mindset, and personalized, transformative travel experiences. However, there are many niches within the travel coaching industry, and depending on someone’s needs, they can find a coach that can support them in their journey. Popular niches within the travel coaching industry are, for example, corporate/expat and business travel, solo travel, family travel, sustainable travel, local travel, and wellness travel. “Some travel coaches focus more on the practical parts of a trip… while others also integrate mindset, personal development, and wellbeing.” Some travel coaches focus more on the practical parts of a trip, like trip planning or finances and travel hacking, while others also integrate mindset and personal development, wellbeing, or a more spiritual approach. Reasons why you want to engage with a travel coach are, for example, to receive support on getting clarity on your next steps in life, seeking to connect with yourself or with your loved ones, using travel to heal from trauma, or improving (mental) health issues, finding ways to use travel as a tool for self-empowerment and personal growth, taking a break from work to make better use of your annual leave days through travel, or improving your wellbeing and work/life balance during business travel. “Coaching helps them through the preparation process of moving abroad and while transitioning into a new country.” Personally, as a travel coach, I focus on assisting expats and other travelers who move to another country. Coaching helps them through the preparation process of moving abroad and while transitioning into a new country. This doesn’t only include helping them to figure out the practical steps of a move, like visas, housing, shipment, finances, etc. Also, the mental and emotional part, by focusing on mindset, is an important aspect of the coaching, including addressing problem-solving skills, ownership, and self-growth. Besides that, I help expats, and other travelers transform their personal lives and careers through their travel experiences. I share more about the importance of focusing on expat wellbeing and how travel can be a powerful tool for personal growth further below in this article. A Travel coach is not a therapist Besides the fact that travel coaches are not the same as travel agents, they also shouldn’t be confused with therapists. In general, travel coaches focus on the future and how you can achieve your goals by providing empowerment and motivation. At the same time, therapists tend to focus more on healing from past problems and traumas and looking into solutions and how to deal with this in the present moment. A travel coach can support you in finding your own answers by asking you powerful questions. “The focus is on the future and how travel can be a tool to, for example, gain more confidence to reach your future goals and create meaningful experiences abroad.” The focus is on the future and how travel can be a tool to, for example, gain more confidence to reach your future goals and create meaningful experiences abroad. That being said, travel can have an incredibly healing effect on someone as well. However, it’s good to know the difference between coaching and therapy to find the right support that you need for your situation. Life Abroad and Expat Coaching As a travel coach, certified with the International Coach Federation, I specialize in helping people move to another country and transition into a new country. Coaching can cover the first step of planning a move all the way through the transition abroad and even up to the repatriation phase. This type of coaching is mostly focused on expats but can also be beneficial for other types of longer-term travelers, like digital nomads, international exchanges students, people on a gap year or sabbatical, or partners who accompany their spouse on an assignment abroad. In whatever capacity someone moves abroad, there will be challenges. As a travel coach, I support people through these challenges to feel good and thrive abroad in all areas of their lives. “My personal experiences and challenges as an expat adjusting to a new life abroad, motivated me to become a certified coach and to help others during this process.” I specialize in this area because of the gap I felt in this industry while being an expat myself. My personal experiences and challenges adjusting to a new life abroad motivated me to become a certified coach and help others all through this process. While working as an Immigration Specialist in the corporate global mobility industry for over 6 years, I have worked with many expats and their families. I realized that most companies, which have policies in place to support their employees with their moves abroad, are only focused on the practical parts of a move but often forget the wellbeing part and the challenges their expat population faces when adjusting and settling into a new country. Research has shown that expats are likely to suffer from more stress, depression, anxiety, and a risk to their overall wellbeing in general compared to other individuals who stay in their home country. This is caused by a variety of factors, like language and cultural barriers, lack of local knowledge in their new country, loneliness due to the lack of a support network, homesickness, uncertainties in terms of finances, health care and visas, high demands at their job abroad, etc. Not only expats themselves, but also the companies they work for, should prioritize their wellbeing and find ways to seek support before and during a move to face all these challenges. This is not only beneficial for the employee but also for the company. When someone can have a successful transition and feels good in their new country, it positively affects their career, productivity, efficiency, and ultimately on sick leave. Even though most of the challenges that expats face take place outside of the workplace, it is not a luxury for employers to pay attention to their expat’s wellbeing. Transformative Travel Coaching An important part of travel coaching is creating transformations. That’s why it’s often seen as an extension of life coaching but specifically related to travel. Meaningful and purposeful travel experiences can have a life-changing impact and create transformative mindset shifts. It’s perhaps even more related to an inner journey first than the ‘outer’ journey that eventually takes place. “Sometimes support from a travel coach can just be sufficient to take the stress off the planning process of a trip…” Sometimes support from a travel coach can just be sufficient to take the stress off the planning process of a trip by discussing options and providing useful tips and tricks. Other times, depending on the specific approach, a travel coach can really help you to look into the deeper meaning of your trip, why you want to travel somewhere, and what outcome you are looking for when you return from your trip. By providing different types of exercises that you can do before, during, and after your trip, a travel coach can help you find a deeper transformative experience and further self-discovery. Besides that, travel coaches aren’t only there to support you before your trip and coach you during your travels or when you return home. You could also think about other types of scenarios that lead to life transformations, like using travel as a career break, sabbatical or gap year, or even the opposite; to boost your career by relocating to another country or adding some extra travel to your business trip, so that you can see more of a country rather than just a meeting room and a hotel lobby and return to the workplace re-charged. Besides that, from an other-centered approach, travel can also be used to transform other people’s lives by combining travel to volunteer or to raise awareness about certain issues. Eventually, whatever option applies to your specific situation, if you’re open to explore more and discover yourself during your travels, it is without a doubt that travel turns you into a storyteller and gives you new perspectives on life. Why companies should work with a travel coach While the above mostly focuses on working with a travel coach as an individual, companies can benefit from the travel coach approach. For example, companies can hire a travel coach for their expertise on how travel can boost their employee’s wellbeing. Whether that’s related to their expat population and helping them through the relocation, or whether it’s for the employees who don’t travel at all by raising awareness of the benefits to use their annual leave to travel. “These initiatives help to raise awareness among employees on the importance of taking time off to re-charge.” This could also benefit the business travel population and companies’ well-being policies to include more space for travel. These initiatives help to raise awareness among employees on the importance of taking time off to re-charge. Research has shown that taking time off work to travel boosts someone’s health. Even after returning to the workplace after an extended trip, travel coaches can keep employees on track with their personal and career goals, boosting their productivity and creating a healthy work/life balance. Also, other companies within the travel and hospitality industry, like hotels and booking agencies, could benefit from working with travel coaches. While travel coaches gain a deeper understanding of the needs of their clients, they can refer to other travel companies for recommended accommodations, special retreats, offerings, or arranging the booking process. Besides that, they can advise the companies on what to focus on in their offerings so that it matches the current needs of travelers and make sure packages are tailored to the client's needs. To summarize… To summarize all of the above, travel coaching offers new opportunities within the travel industry. By bringing the importance of travel to the forefront in terms of transformational experiences, boosting wellbeing and productivity, or just in more practical terms, to make the travel process easier and smoother, both companies and individuals can benefit from working with a travel coach. For more information about travel coaching and how you can work with Veerle Beelen to discuss your individuals’ or your companies’ needs, you can reach out to her here to schedule a call. For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website! Read more from Veerle! Veerle Beelen, Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine Veerle Beelen is an Internationally recognized Certified Travel Coach. As a Travel Coach, she empowers travelers to have transformative travel experiences and focus on their “Travel Mindset.” Her goal is to help expats, and other travelers transform their personal lives and careers through their travel experiences, guide them through the preparation process of moving abroad and coach them through the transition process of living in a new country. Besides that, Veerle inspires people to use travel as a tool for personal growth, self-awareness, reflection, and to boost their overall wellbeing. She has been featured in various online media publications and guides her clients during their journey through her eBook, blog, online videos, articles, and personalized coaching sessions.
- I'm Challenging The Statement The Universe Is Testing You
Written by: Leah Marmulla, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. Don't worry, the universe is testing you… How many times have you heard this or a similar saying? I bet more times than you would like. You have decided to change direction; to say no to things you don't enjoy anymore, are not your greater life plan; say goodbye to your partner, friend, work, etc. You know the scene, you have decided, and now you just want to get on with it, and then... The very thing, person, experience, offer, etc comes back and 'test you'. It feels like something is asking "Are you sure about that decision? Are you really, really sure you want to move away, give up, turn your back on XYZ? This is what I would like to challenge with you the idea that it is the Universe is testing us, for me, it doesn't quite ring true. Please let me explain. Firstly, we are all energy, our thoughts, feelings, and actions create a vibration that goes out into the world, sending a signal of what we want more of. The new choice, the newer way of feeling, being, doing, and having. Second, the feelings, and vibe we lived at before the magical decision there were situations, unwritten agreements between you and the people you hung out with that had similar energy, beliefs goals, etc. Now that you are feeling and therefore vibing different the relational dynamics are different and new. Thirdly, Newtonian Law of Motion states 'that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.' There will be a reaction from others, change in dynamics and challenges come up. You are starting to feel, think, be and do differently and others will react to this. Newtonian's Law alone suggests the statement, "The Universe is testing you" is at best a quasi-inspirational quote and at worse an undermining trauma binding, guilt trip. What I propose is: Once the decision has been made, the person's emotional and therefore vibrational state changes, becoming more in alignment to the state required to create the new choice to come 'true'. Anything that doesn't match the new vibration creates a frictional discord. This feels like a rift, being unsettled, out of sorts; disagreements, or changes in relationship dynamics. The challenge now is to continue with the new feeling and staying true to the new decision, the emotion of the decision, the actions of the decision. There is a time of adjusting and up-leveling from the old you as you embody the decision, it is this stage that feels like a test, but it is only an adjustment phase. The stirring of the pot between the old and new. The familiar and unfamiliar, for the ego's need for familiarity and safety goes against the adventure of the unknown. Changes trigger memories of other times when change caused angst or rifts; it triggers fears of being the odd one in the tribe or worse being kicked out of the tribe – an innate fear that equates to death in our psyche. What else is happening: Others are triggered! They want to keep you in the familiar, in their group, they don't want to lose you. What you represent to them, and there could be fear of being feeling or being shown up less than you. You are growing, something they may not have thought of doing, are scared of doing, have previously struggled with, etc. This new evolution and doing things differently can trigger thoughts, and fears of "You are moving on, what is wrong with me?" "Why aren't you staying with me and our shared thoughts, values, and decisions?" "What is wrong with what we have been doing? Why do you want to be, do, have different, NOW?" Now, this is another part of the challenge. When you decided to be, do, have differently a part of you either had worked through these ideas and created counter steps; or your Soul gave you a brainstorm message of "Just do it!" to which you agreed to accept on the fly and act on it. Now, you have to create the game plan and work through the emotional, physical, and relationship discord as a result. The next phase is to stay the course, but when people closest to you are not in agreement (alignment) it can feel like you are living an obstacle course challenge from Heaven or Hell. How to stay true to yourself when it feels everything is against you while you are morphing into the butterfly emerging from the cocoon? 1. Get clear with the end in mind. Tap into the bigger feel of where you are going, or at least the next step if the longer-term seems too foreign. Describe who you want to be, feel, interact with others, etc. Make it about feelings, and use items and events as the anchor for the feeling. 2. Consider who is in your current group you hang out with. Who your work and play with. What you listen to, read, interact with, etc. after all where we spend our focus is what expands. Is the news going to support your growth? Are your friends supportive, also open to growth and living their dreams? Can they support, encourage and motivate you to become who you choose to be? If not, expanding your circle of connection is invaluable. 3. How do you spend your time? Do you need to learn new skills, be exposed to different ideas, expand your awareness, insight, and experiences to expand who you are to become who you need to be? Listen to, read, and learn from inspirational and educational material prepared by those who have paved the way. Learn from the experts, soak it up, embody the ideas and personalize to your goal and purpose. Make it part of you, walk the talk and talk the walk. 4. Feel the resistance to change, and heal them. Resistance, fear, and a blatant NO! really are gold nuggets in the process of creating what you want. We learned at a very early age want was appropriate for us according to the family, society, race, gender, and class we were born and raised in. When we step beyond these, all the old rules of what we can't do, be, have come up to keep us safe and in the familiar. These parts are only doing their job, so go gently with yourself and explore the when, where, and why you took on the ideas of what you can and cannot do, then choose which you want to keep, delete or re-write. 5. Learn healing and shifting techniques that you can use when things come up. EFT is scientifically proven to change mind and body states, meditation and creative visualization, listen to subliminal or music at specific vibrational frequency. 6. Employ therapists to work with the subconscious programming and fears. Kinesiology, Reiki, Bars, Hypnotherapy, Meditation, Yoga, Pilates, Art therapy, Mirror work to name only a few of the broad range of change therapies available. 7. Use a variety of forwarding anchor techniques to keep you focused on what you are moving towards. Vision boards, daily affirmations, journaling, define and read out loud your perfect day, week, month, job, clients, experiences, etc. Daily gratitude for your future you emerging from under the rubble that has been hiding the potential that is becoming alive now. 8. Celebrate the smallest and biggest of wins towards your goal. People love to win, be acknowledged, etc., so celebrate yourself and watch yourself start to shine that little bit more. 9. See, feel, and become your truth. Believe in yourself and until you do, listen to those who believe in the greater parts of you that you can not yet see, or feel. Hang onto their coattails. Engage with a mentor, a trusted friend, others who are doing what you are asked to do, and become. 10. Accept the challenge with an open mind and heart. More we resist, strangely the voice becomes louder, the discomfort becomes greater, it can lead to illness and other problems that are not worth it. But this is another topic for another day. As adults, it is our responsibility to create the life we choose to create. For sure, we can follow the dreams and expectations of others, if that is what we choose. No judgment is given. I challenge though, to become clear as to who's calling you are living up to. Is it yours, your parents, siblings, peers, boss', society' etc.? For it is when we own our choice, with an open heart that magic happens and our expansion is met with greater support. The Universe conspires with us, but in truth, the Universe is matching the new vibe we are putting into it. We are co-creating with the greatest force possible. Now, the ultimate questions for you... Who do you want to be? What do you want to be known for? What do you want to experience from this time on? Go now, and declare your true desires, do the inner work so your outer world is created on Your Terms. Want to learn more from Leah? Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit her website. Leah Marmulla, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Leah has been to the dark side and back at least three times. It was during her last life attempt that triggered a deep realization. She recalls thinking, "If I'm not allowed to leave, then I need to work out how to live." With this realization, Leah deep-dived into her own shadow sides and now shares with others her passion — 'creating life on one's own terms.' We all have a choice, but often we are so buried under other's expectations and rules we feel hopeless and disconnected. Growing out of the painful past, resulted in Leah authoring What the Mind Sees, the Body Feels, Creates and Attracts, and an Awareness and Accountability Journal of self-awareness, discovery, and manifestation towards the person the reader chooses to be and live from.
- Tactics Gets Things Done
Written by: Jenn Drakes, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. Sun Tzu, the author of the influential tome The Art of War, was a Chinese military strategist, general, and philosopher. He once stated that “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." With this statement, Sun Tzu was essentially confirming that having a strategy without any associated tactics is akin to flying blind, and executing tactics without a strategy will prove pointless in attaining anything. Since tactics go together with strategy, many take the approach of combining both in a single article. However, I chose to separate them for two reasons: To remain consistent in writing about each of the components of the “three-team tiers foundational business model,” and; Each component of the model deserves full attention and understanding. Tactics are the final component of the model, as presented in my earlier articles, and will bring closure to that line of discussion. In closing with tactics, it truly is an example of leaving the best for last. Tactics have significance and importance to businesses of any size. They are the specific actions or steps tacticians take to accomplish intended objectives. They are the doers, the worker bees who execute to achieve defined outcomes. Tactical execution should be based on delivering based on a plan or a roadmap. Tactics are about the method. Across all the ‘three-team tiers’ articles, there is an underpinning message to know why you do things (the vision), what you do (the overseeing strategy and roadmap), and how things get done (the executable tactics). Author, Simon Sinek, stressed the importance of knowing all three, especially the why. In fact, Simon Sinek referred to the why, what, and how as a “three-piece puzzle” that can create an imbalance if any piece is missing. Specific to the why, Sinek further indicated the presence of an imbalance because it “…shows up in different ways — increased stress, loss of passion, obsession with what your competition is doing, being forced to play the price game, trouble differentiating.” In last month’s strategy article, I called out that strategy-oriented individuals work on answering two questions: “What are we doing or trying to achieve?” and “Where are we headed or going with what we are doing?” The missing question required to ensure the defined tactics correlate back to Sinek’s “three-piece puzzle” is: “Why are we doing what we are doing?” Seeing all these questions answered within a strategy and its associated roadmap better supports the tacticians in formulating the right action steps to implement. Chess players are trained a lot like athletes, and a critical part of that training includes the game tactics. Chess is played with a keen eye on the tactics unfolding with each move made. Applying this same focus to business creates a new perspective on possibilities in leadership. Can tactical patterns be seen within and across industries? Can new tactics be formulated to cause disruption or provide the distinct advantages business owners seek? These are interesting questions that could reframe the approach(es) a business takes. However, we cannot forget that whatever methods are used, they should connect back to a strategy and any associated roadmap. Tactics should not run standalone. After all, they are the specific sought-out actions or steps you will execute to accomplish your strategy. Large-sized businesses may deal with multiple strategic documents that cover the various areas of their company. These business areas are typically finance, marketing, operations, product and services, and pricing. Of course, there are other areas (i.e., human resources), but the previously listed ones tend to be the most prominent. What is important is realizing that strategy can become complex with growth and that strategy may be directed at different departmental levels. In cases like that, companies may be impacted if departmental strategies do not connect to corporate-level strategies, and/or the strategic framework proves to be fragmented layers that result in disjointed execution and outcomes. A financial tactic is different from a marketing tactic and certainly different from a pricing tactic. It is for this reason that the alignment of shared goals becomes paramount. A factoring financial strategy may not support low pricing tactics, but low pricing tactics may support donation marketing tactics. Within the same industries, different tactics can be used. For example, Apple runs with proprietary tactics, while others may utilize open-source tactics to achieve market dominance. In contrast with larger businesses, the strategy of small business owners may consolidate all business areas into a single document. What becomes plausible is that small business owners can achieve the distinct advantage they wish for simply by structuring their business as early as possible. It is then simpler to instill certain “big business” disciplines such as strategy and tactics. Lawrence Freedman wrote in Strategy: A History, “…There is a call for strategy every time the path to a given destination is not straightforward.” That “not straightforward” playbook is certainly the case for most small and medium-sized businesses. This suggests that being strategic and tactical is more crucial than most think. There was a time when small businesses had the attention of the government and bankers. There was a time when society called out the importance of small businesses and the key economic role they played. All that importance was soon overshadowed by dot.coms, businesses getting bigger via mergers and acquisitions, new businesses emerging bigger than most, and large businesses growing even larger. Today, COVID-19 impacted all businesses, but greater pressure was on the small and medium-sized ones (SMBs). The ‘three-team tiers foundational business model’ that started this series of articles was about being nimble in your operational structure, guided by strategy and tactics. It presented an opportunity for smaller businesses to become bolder in running their company. Operating in a streamlined, flexible, strategic, and tactical manner can make any business badass, especially so for the SMBs. Simon Sinek and many others have stated insightful messages over the years. One such insight is Sinek’s, “…Leadership is about pointing in the direction, articulating a vision of the world that does not yet exist. Then asking help from others to ensure that vision happens.” The business model that fueled this 4-article series epitomizes the essence of this insight. Tactics are what will be used to get things done along the agreed pathway. Follow me on Facebook, connect with me on LinkedIn and visit my website for more info! Read more from Jenn! Jenn Drakes, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Jenn is a mom, serial entrepreneur, and life advocate who hosts the podcast Arrays of Living. She is also the creator and co-host of the Get Awesome Show, author of the book Aladdin Carpets - Change your Perspective, Change your Life. In addition to Brainz Magazine, she is also a Featured Author on Plumose.co for her poetry and stories, as well as Contributing Author on Boss Ladies Mindset. Jenn is a hidden gem in a desert of gems, and everyone who discovers her is forever changed by her personality and presence. Over the years of working with youths and young adults, she was crowned The Original Goddess to acknowledge the shared feeling that "Jenn is wise beyond her years. I find her to be almost an "old soul" type of spirit." Her voice and writings are powerful, impactful, and life-changing because they trigger thought and promote tantalizing, intelligent conversations. Today, she uses that wisdom to shatter glass ceilings and power up the purpose she believes everyone holds within. A belief that is foundationally based on all of us being born with a gift and a responsibility to use and share that gift to achieve sustainable happiness. Her mission is to improve how people feel about themselves and empower their sense of self-worth to achieve more personally and professionally than they imagined.
- How To Dominate Procrastination
Written by: Patricia Renovato, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. We all fall prey to procrastination from time to time. It’s a behavior that we develop during early childhood to protect us from something we don’t want to do. As soon as we are old enough to have a responsibility, like cleaning up or doing homework, the habit of avoidance starts to form. In the beginning, it’s benign. It’s a simple decision between doing something fun versus not doing something fun. It’s about instant gratification. The tricky thing about procrastination is that it encourages us to avoid doing the work while convincing us that we create our best work under pressure. While this may be true sometimes, what we don’t realize is how consuming procrastination can really be. We take procrastination’s offer to have fun first and delay what we don’t want to do. But the avoidance game actually gets you thinking and anxious about the task for much longer than if you had started it with ample time for completion. For example, let’s say that you had an assignment that is due a week from now. You will have the weight of the task and some level of distress about this assignment for the duration of the week or until the assignment is complete. And then you will play games in your mind about when you need to start. The effort given to stalling accumulates both time and energy even when no actual output towards the task is generated. You find reasons, excuses, and distractions to explain why you can’t start working on the assignment right now, and then suddenly you run out of time, and the assignment is due tomorrow. This behavior alters your overall level of stress and anxiety and could ultimately impact your result. It is true that some get inspiration fueled by the adrenaline created by the pressure to complete a task last minute. But this may not be the best approach for every task and may not be the most effective long-term strategy. Much like everything in life, it’s about having balance so you can properly assess and respond to each situation as necessary. The chronic procrastinator uses the delay tactic to hide something much deeper than the occasional choice to delay a boring task. The true nature behind the hesitation is fear. Sometimes we avoid doing something because it’s hard or we may not know how to do it. Or we are not confident we can do it well. We don’t want to feel vulnerable. It may cause fears you rather avoid, like public speaking, to suddenly come to the surface. The reasons can be obvious, and the person can be so proficient at hiding their real fears that they might not even be familiar with them. Here are some strategies to help you understand why you procrastinate. Is it for instant gratification or fear? Understand WHAT and WHY you’re delaying Does your WHAT really matter? Every responsibility has varying degrees of importance in your life (cleaning the garage vs. changing a habit that no longer serves you) Is your WHY fear or mere boredom? Identify your distractions Understanding your distractions is the gateway to the solution. Once you identify your go-to distractions, they can become your alert system to help you make a change. Make the task easy to consume Break it into smaller chunks - this will make the task more consumable to start and require less effort during each working session. You will also experience small wins every time you complete the task, which will motivate you to keep going. It takes practice Beating procrastination is hard. It shows up in different ways, and you may not recognize them all until you start paying attention. Remember the win Encapsulate how you felt the first time you won a battle with your old friend procrastinator. Remember what it felt like, so the next time you face it, you can make a different choice for yourself. Stay committed. If you’re trying to dominate your procrastination, I recommend you adopt a growth mindset. It’s the antidote. You can learn how to adopt a growth mindset in this blog. If you want to learn how to implement these ideas and be coached by me, you can email me at truepassioncompany@gmail.com. Follow Patricia on Facebook , Instagram , LinkedIn , and visit her website for more info! Read more from Patricia ! Patricia Renovato, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine For over a decade, Patricia kept ignoring the growing sensation that she could do more to serve the world. It was daunting to think about dramatically changing her life without direction. After spending some time searching for the answer, Patricia found her calling as a Life Coach. This became the vehicle for her to facilitate the transformation of people who felt stuck in their life, not knowing how to begin a new journey. Patricia dedicates her time to connecting people with their genuine passion for living a passionate and purposeful life. Patricia’s innate ability to see people’s potential beyond their purview inspires clients to work through the inner blocks preventing them from living their dream.
- How To Ground Yourself Before You Pursue Your Desired Outcomes
Written by: LaTrenda George , Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. Grounding allows you to become totally present now. You can focus more clearly on your to-do list, goals, dreams, and relationships. Have you ever felt all over the place where you cannot get out of your head, and your thoughts are running rampant? I know I have many times. I can recall during my morning meditation time, past interactions running marathons in my head and repeating a mantra was not working. How can I stop these thought marathons? I have found grounding myself before mediation works. Here are four steps on how to ground yourself before pursuing your desired outcomes. 1. Calm and Clear your Mind Practice breathing techniques; there are many to choose from. You can breathe in for 5 seconds and breath out for 5 seconds. Do about 5 rounds of them. Allow yourself to become present in your surroundings without judgment. Keep your mind focused on gratitude. Allow your mind to ease into a calm and safe state of being. 2. Seek Inner Wisdom Ask questions of yourself. What do I need? What am I afraid of? What do I want? What can I let go of? Record your answers. Seek out others you believe in and your desired pursuits. Imagine you were born with the keys to open all the desired doors on your path, and all you must do is activate the code. Remember, the power lies within. 3. Take Inspired Action Follow your inner promptings to read that book, go somewhere, call someone, finish that project, apply for that job, or to try something new. There is no reason to doubt who you are and what you can accomplish. Trust yourself and act. 4. Believe See yourself accomplishing your desired outcomes with ease. No matter how much work is needed, it can be done with inner ease because you know where you are going, and you are open to better outcomes. There is nothing you can not accomplish when you are grounded in your truth. Want to learn more from LaTrenda? Follow her on Twitter , Instagram , and LinkedIn ! You can also click here to purchase her book! Read more from LaTrenda! LaTrenda George, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine LaTrenda George is an author, podcaster, and transformational coach specializing in spiritual coaching and mentoring. She is also a certified mind, body, and soul practitioner and facilitator. LaTrenda brings eleven years of experience to the table, un-programming her clients from past challenges and teaching them how to live from within. She inspires and empowers others to act on their deepest desires.