9789 items found
- How To Keep Your Energy High Whilst Juggling Life
particularly challenging, especially when the progress of your business relies on you having the energy to keep Writer and Yahoo Finances’ Top 10 Female Life Coach of 2021, is here today to give you her top tips on keeping do each activity, you’ll prevent things getting left out and create a flow that best allows you to keep Get a coach If you’ve followed the above tips and are still struggling to keep your energy high whilst
- 4 Ways To Keep Your Sanity This Holiday Season
Written by: Wendy J Olson, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. The holidays are my favorite. Or at least, I used to SAY the holidays were my favorite. I came to a cold, hard reality last year that the holidays are in fact not my favorite time of year. I can trace a large amount of my trauma back to this time of year. And there's nothing like some good ole fashion trauma counseling to make you realize you're living a lie. It's no wonder so many people get depressed this time of year. First up, there's the pressure. Who started the notion that one day, two days, even a whole season needed to be filled to the brim with perfection, and lots of fake snow on your mantle…? I could blame Clark Griswold, but I suspect he wasn't the first one. For years women have been putting pressure on themselves to create the perfect Christmas without any actual clue as to what a perfect Christmas is and should be. Therein lies the rub. We have no idea what is attainable, let alone expected. And there's the second: what should we expect? Are our expectations too high? I don't know, and yes. There is no perfect Christmas. There is no perfect Thanksgiving. It's all relative and it's all based on your idea of perfection. Not Missy Influencer Jones over there with her perfectly monogrammed stockings hung by the chimney with care, and her family in matching PJs. And also, if only… So here are four reminders for the holidays I'm gonna need you to have living rent-free in your head: 1. Your holiday traditions don't have to be like everyone else's. Read that again. Your traditions are just that: yours. You don't need to live up to the Target commercial brand of holiday hub-bub. If your tradition includes eating Chinese food alone in your apartment, kudos to you! I wish I could join you. Don't let the pressure of social media eat you alive, even more than it already does, during the holidays. 2. Cut yourself some slack. The holidays come around every year, which means next year you'll get another go at this thing. Not every year can, or should be perfect. Give yourself grace. Most years one or all of us is sick. For Thanksgiving this year, we were running 2 out of 3 in that department. Trust me, it's going to be ok even if you burn everything and nothing comes out right and all your packages are late. Who cares? That's not the point. Relax. Be kind to yourself. And for that matter, everyone else too. 3. Your trauma will resurface during the holidays. This is an all-but guarantee if you are someone living with trauma. (And you are. More on that next month.) There's something about this time of year that brings it all bubbling to the surface. For that, I am sorry. There's nothing you can do about it other than be aware of it, take care of yourself, and be curious about it when it does resurface. Don't try to wrap it in the box like Aunt Bethany did when she went to visit Clark and Ellen. It will get electrocuted and set your Christmas tree on fire. Nobody wants that. 4. And lastly, take care of yourself. FIRST. No, I mean it. Don't make me come over there! Take care of yourself better than you've taken care of yourself all year long. I know, this year has been hard. And so have the last two. But we're here. We're in this together. We're almost at the finish line. Take a breath. Take a break. Take a long bubble bath and book a massage. Find a meditation practice you love. (I'm super into Movement Genius right now!) And practice the heck out of it. If it were a cassette tape in the 80s, play that baby on replay and wear out the deck. You cannot take care of anyone well unless you first take care of yourself. Say it again. Remember that the holidays are stressful…and also they don't have to be. If you're visiting people that trigger you, set a timer and don't stay long. If you're traveling, expect long lines and delays. And STILL, be kind to your airport staff. Expect tantrums, expect meltdowns, expect tears. And that's just from the adults. Give yourself grace. Give yourself space. We're all in this together. You are not alone. Reach out, reach back. Let's be together this holiday season, even if we're miles apart. Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit my website for more info! Read more from Wendy! Wendy J Olson, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Wendy J Olson is a healing coach, founder, and president of Grit Plus Gumption Farmstead. Wendy believes in the power of story to change and shape people's lives. She walks with women through their stories of past hurts and traumas and guides them to find their own freedom and healing. Through Grit plus Gumption, she serves survivors of sexual exploitation and domestic violence. Having applied all she teaches to her own life as a survivor herself, she is able to guide women with kindness and grace, showing them there is always more freedom to be had in one’s life. She believes everyone has a story, and even if that story is really hard, it doesn't mean the rest of the story has to be.
- Inner Child, Part X, Archetype, Or Shadow – Understanding Who Is Keeping You Stuck And Why
So who or what is keeping us from reaching our true potential? Stutz shares this same idea: “If we keep sabotaging ourselves and don’t know why, we can’t do anything Her daughter smiled as mom made a silly voice, saying, “Oooh, I want to keep my clothes on. “Thank you for helping the banana keep her clothes on.” knowing why they keep repeating the same patterns in their lives.
- Women Healers Are Taking The Wellness Industry By Storm
Written by Miss Kelly, Psychic Medium Healer and Teacher Miss Kelly is a global female spiritual leader Global award-winning spiritual healer Kelly Fry from Miss Kelly psychic services Recently I won a Global Read more from Miss Kelly Miss Kelly, Psychic Medium Healer and Teacher Miss Kelly has dedicated her lost or perhaps just at crossroads in life or if one has found themselves in a deep dark place Miss Kelly
- 4 Fears That Keep You Working Harder Than Other Business Owners
There are certain fears that keep you working harder than necessary. Below are four worries that could be keeping you working harder than necessary and a way to start breaking This can keep you anxious as your fears rest on their reactions. That does not mean you must keep doing so much as your business scales. Keeping all this in can have you acting like something you are not.
- How To Keep Your Emotions From Damaging Your Success
Written by: Eva Medilek, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. Emotions are toxic. They cause you to act without thinking. Whether it’s out of pride, fear, or excitement, you have likely experienced situations where you have rushed into things. Where you have ignored that quiet voice inside yourself that’s telling you to slow down or reconsider, only to regret it in the future. It was a slap witnessed around the world. A slap that knocked a beloved public figure off of his pedestal as a role model for emotional intelligence. In March of 2022, The Motion Picture Academy Awards were broadcast on National Television. As comedian Chris Rock took the stage to present the award for best documentary, he started his monologue with some jokes, as comedians often do. One of his jokes was aimed at Jada Pinkett Smith, wife of actor Will Smith. Now as uncomfortable as the joke was, there was some nervous laughter in the audience. But Jada Pinkett Smith did not find it funny and could be seen rolling her eyes. At one point her husband, Will Smith walked up to the stage, approached Chris Rock and slapped him in the face. Now Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith, as a couple have built their brand around personal development and emotional intelligence. Will wrote about his journey and his struggles in his best-selling autobiography titled “Will”. His reaction and actions were not in line with his brand or his messaging. It was painfully obvious to all who witnessed this incident that his feelings and emotions took control of his actions. Those actions will have some repercussions that will surely have an effect on his career. But what happened that night, at the Academy Awards, was a stark example of how your feelings and emotions can sabotage your success. Your feelings are rarely aligned with what's best for you and when you are not in control of your feelings and emotions, you will react in ways that aren’t aligned with your vision, your goals, and your values. Here are 6 things you can do to develop the mental and emotional energy needed to take action based on your values and priorities and gain control of your emotions. 1. Routines ‒ Establish a morning routine. Be the boss of your mornings. A morning routine wipes out 20% of stress and brings positivity and preparedness for the day. 2. Resets ‒ when you reset, everything shifts. Establish a strategic reset every 50 minutes. Move, drink water, stretch, or sit quietly for 3-5 minutes to reset your body & brain. 3. Re-Charge – Eat to fuel and recover. Have a performance diet. A diet that is built for the performance needed during the day. 4. Re-Activate – Work out at least 5x per week. Moving activates energy. 5. Rest your brain – How you treat other people comes from your brain. Rest your brain. Nourish your brain with supplements. Meditate for your brain. 6. Recovery – Develop a sleep routine ‒ get 7-8 hours of sleep to optimize your performance. No food 3 hours before bed Stop working 2 hours before bed No screens 1 hour before bed When you can win the battle with your feelings, you can take true ownership of your life. And when you move through life with clarity of thought and purpose, nothing can stop you. Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and visit my Website for more info! Read more from Eva! Eva Medilek, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Eva Medilek is a Certified High-Performance Coach, International Speaker, Author and Inclusivity Coach. She has coached both men and women in the areas of personal development, leadership and mastering habits for success in their personal and professional lives. She specializes in helping busy professionals have more money, time, and success without sacrificing health, well-being and relationships in the process. She uses her personal experiences along with her leadership, relationship and high-performance training to teach you how to have it all without sacrificing it all.
- Getting To The Heart Of The Matter – 7 Ways To Keep Your Heart Healthy
Water helps to keep your body fluids balanced and your kidneys healthy. Keep Active Being active ‒ walking, swimming, housework, gardening ‒ all activities that can help to keep your body healthy. Exercise can help to keep your heart, lungs, bones, and muscles strong, which are vitally important as Tip: Take a walk out in nature, not only will it keep your body strong it will boost your mood. 4.
- 4 Ways To Heal Generational Money Wounds Keeping You From Financial Freedom
Keep going & remember a little compassion here and there can be the one thing you need to unlock the
- 3 Money Mistakes That Keep Your Business Broke
Written by: Dr. Bonita Parker, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. Poor money management has been the cause of more business failures than any other single issue. And it’s no wonder. We aren’t born knowing how to manage money. And the truth of the matter is that most of us aren’t taught how to handle it or develop a positive relationship with it either. We figure it out along the way, after costly mistakes and through much trial and error. Those same mindset issues and bad habits that wreak havoc in our personal finances can plague our business finances as well if we’re not careful. Trust me, I know firsthand! Catching Shiny Object Syndrome It’s no secret that we love new things! We like to partake in what’s trending and current. I get it— some things are just hard to resist —especially when your friends and colleagues are all jumping on board! New technology, conferences, group coaching programs, and even business models can all have a strong pull, and if you aren’t careful, these shiny objects can quickly distract you from your current goals. If you find yourself catching shiny object syndrome frequently, try this two-step plan instead: For “too good to refuse” offers, make a plan for achieving a positive ROI before you purchase. If you cannot find a (realistic) way to make the purchase pay for itself, don’t buy it. Get into the habit of assessing how to monetize the investments that you make and know that it’s okay to pause and think about its benefit. For exciting new business ideas , create a “someday” list. If you are anything like me, your mind stays turned on and ideas are always coming to you. Jot down your idea and create a basic outline, then get back to the task at hand. Now that great idea won’t be lost, but it also won’t join the ranks of half-finished business plans that litter the internet. Falling for the Sunk Costs Fallacy If you’ve ever said to yourself, “I’m not using this subscription, but I can’t give it up! I’m still paying the launch price and now it’s much more expensive!” Then you’ve fallen for the sunk costs fallacy. This common mistake is famous among economists, and we all fall victim to it from time to time. Simply put, the sunk costs fallacy is what makes us justify investing more money or time in something—even though we’re not seeing results—because we’ve already spent so much. It’s what encourages us to repair the car one more time (after all, you just put new tires on it), eat a meal we don’t enjoy (simply because you’ve paid for it), and yes, continue to pay for tools and resources you’re not using. Part of my entrepreneurial success strategy was to conduct quarterly dumps that saved me from wasting tons of money on things that no longer served me well in my business. And you should too! Take time to examine your current business expenses. What are you paying for month after month that you’re not using? What can you get rid of that is no longer assisting with conversion? Either make a plan to put them to work for you, or cancel them. Stop falling for the sunk costs fallacy. Too Much Penny Pinching You thought this was all going to be about overspending, didn’t you? Here’s the kicker: Spending too little is just as bad for business as spending too much. Shocked at all? When you’re constantly on the lookout for free and low-cost tools or working 16-hour days because you “can’t afford to outsource,” you’re not doing your business any favors. Sure, it looks like you’re bootstrapping and working really hard to make something from nothing, but what you’re really doing is digging yourself a hole that will be nearly impossible to climb out of. Not only that, but you’re reinforcing a scarcity mindset that will continue to plague you for years if you let it. Rather than pinching pennies, learn to spend money strategically. Buy what you need, when you need it. Invest in top-quality products and programs rather than settling for the low-ticket, half-baked plans. Just like quality clothes, cars, and furniture, quality services and software last longer and work better. And unlike that car, good quality business tools will pay for themselves. Need a mindset reset to rebuild your relationship with money, I can help! To know more about me and my work, please visit my website and follow me on Faceb ook , Instagram , and Link edIn ! Dr. Bonita Parker, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Dr. Bonita Parker is an experienced and certified Master Life Coach, CEO Success Coach, Publisher, and 3x international bestselling author who is the driving force behind the success of Bonita Parker Enterprises, a multifaceted corporation that strategizes with new and aspiring business leaders to identify their core strengths, build out their individual success blueprint and provide resources that get excellent and proven results in their business. Dr. Bonita knows firsthand the importance that authenticity and transparency can have when building a thriving business and has dedicated her time to helping women break through emotional barriers and mental blockages that hinder their success. Under the tutelage of her Dream Achievers University (DAU), a virtual certification academy that focuses on the study of life coaching. she has helped a multitude of clients across a wide range of personal development sectors step into the light of entrepreneurship and build successful brands using her personal Radical Success Brilliance Model. Using this interactive step-by-step methodology, clients are able to break free from invisible enemies, shift their mindset and align with their optimal success path.
- Do You Need A Spiritual Detox?
Written by Miss Kelly, Psychic Medium Healer and Teacher Miss Kelly is a global female spiritual leader self-help tips above that I have shared, as I know spiritual detoxing is paramount in my daily practice to keep Read more from Miss Kelly Miss Kelly, Psychic Medium Healer and Teacher Miss Kelly has dedicated her lost or perhaps just at crossroads in life or if one has found themselves in a deep dark place Miss Kelly
- How To Live Joyfully With A Chronic Disease – 5 Key Steps To Keep Thriving
Written by: Jennifer Maharajh, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise. Living with a chronic illness presents many challenges and a rollercoaster of emotions. The physical, emotional, and spiritual distress can become overwhelming. The bad days seem to be on autorepeat, the mind is oversaturated with anxiety, and before we realize it, the joy of life is depleted. The way we respond and simulate our experiences in these unprecedented situations can help us find the joy of life again. We can live and thrive joyfully with a chronic illness by just shifting our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. Anything becomes achievable once you gain perspective, reframe your thinking and have a desire for change. I’m sharing 5 key areas of focus that helped me to reclaim my joy, despite living with Parkinson’s Disease. Acceptance To begin the healing process, we must acknowledge those feelings associated with the disease. To fully step into embracing acceptance and acknowledgment, we must first find the middle ground to accept this is part of the journey. Thoughts are a dynamic part of everyone's journey; you don't have to bury these feelings, yet allow yourself to accept the experience of each emotion. Go through each of the emotions that come up such as anger, frustration, grief, sadness, or disgust. Recognize each mental state and what it represents for you. Let your mind and body become aware. This mental sweeping of your internal self may be repeated often. Once you've found peace with embracing the challenge, you can now focus on changing the outcome. Gratitude To wake up each day to a new life filled with opportunities and beauty is undoubtedly something to be thankful for. As we open our hearts to gratitude and allow the moments around us to give us pleasure and contentment, the joy slowly begins to reunite with our hearts. Gratitude is appreciated joy, the simplicity of a divine experience or moment that we can replace with difficulty or pain. Gratitude boosts our self-awareness, releases stress, and opens us to the actively positive flow. Cultivate gratitude with intention by allowing yourself to visualize and manifest every moment and milestone as a treasured gem that brings a smile to your face and releases joy. "Be thankful for what you have. You'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." — Oprah Winfrey Self-Care The mind often creates barriers to self-acceptance and love once we step out of our comfort zone. The disease we are dealing with may have us latching on to limiting beliefs about ourselves, and the experiences around us. Recognize your self-worth and desire to be happy and joyful. Connect with your inner consciousness by giving yourself kindness, love, and compassion. A few minutes of meditation and solitude to embrace the awakening of your worth and value will help you to refocus on reclaiming the joy. Give yourself creativity and laughter by indulging in hobbies or experiences that encourage peace and happiness. Especially when dealing with a chronic illness, extra attention to our mind, body, and spirit allows us to recognize how important we are. Give yourself grace and indulge in the simplest of moments. Through the darkest of moments and deepest of adversities, once we love ourselves unconditionally, without judgment and guilt, the joys of life will be in every moment we capture. Creative Flow A disease may make us think we can no longer do the same things we loved doing before, but the truth is, we can continue to find enjoyment in cultivating our creative flow. Remove the limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and self-judgment. Sylvia Plath said, "The worse enemy of creativity is self-doubt." Follow your passion and intuition. Taking the time to be creative throughout your day will enhance your emotional, physical and spiritual attention to regaining balance. To rejoice in your creative flow, choose activities that have profound pleasure and dedicate time to doing them. Draw, dance, write; whatever puts you in your flow. Bring your awareness to your experience at that moment and notice all the joy and happiness. Allow yourself at least a few minutes a day to practice this. Relationships Human connection and interaction are powerful tools to unleash unlimited happiness. When we make a conscious effort to focus on building and maintaining relationships with others, including family and friends, we will notice the mental shifts that occur. Use every opportunity to enjoy the moments with loved ones and continue cultivating those relationships. Call a friend for his/her birthday, send a greeting card to your aunt or uncle, or stop in and say hello to your neighbor. Be heartfelt in your intentions to build relationships. Celebrate life with the people around you and find a supportive group where you can be honest and humble. The human touch is dynamic and healing; when you allow yourself to be immersed in building your network of support. The joys of life are attainable, despite living with a chronic illness. Treasure the little things, celebrate the small wins, and embrace the journey. The joys of life aren't always seen by the human eye yet felt by the human heart. Adapting to life with a chronic illness is never easy but doing it with a smile and joy can certainly make the journey easier. Pick up a copy of my new book "Inspirational Quotes and Affirmations," to help you affirm your joy, manifest your desired outcomes, and encourage positivity. Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info! Read more from Jennifer! Jennifer Maharajh, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Jennifer Maharajh is the CEO/Founder of Simply Healthy Global Media, a global movement and platform that empowers and educates the community about resilience, mindset, healthy living and more. After being diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease as a young age, Jennifer was determined to change the outcome of her story and has become a published author, Podcast Host, Global Summit Producer and Health and Beauty Entrepreneur. She is the creator of the annual global healing motivational summit gathering dynamic voices to uplift and empower through their stories of tragedy to triumph. Jennifer uses her platform to build community, create global change and promote a healthy life and always make the impossible, POSSIBLE!
- 3 Ways Your Emotions Keep You Bloated
Your body keeps the score. So let's have a look at three ways emotions keep you bloated. 1. Emotions as trapped energy . Repressed feelings are 'stuck' in your belly, impairing your digestion. All in one program called Bye Bye Bloated Belly. Reach out to me for more details.