Written by: Gilbert Ansah, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Humans are living longer, and there has been an epiphany about wellness and health. We are savvier and have come to realize that the body is more than just one entity but rather a body, mind and spirit. One of the most compelling aspects of the body is our cells.

Cells are the foundation and spark of life. There are trillions of cells in our magnificent bodies. Cells have many parts and functions,such as transporting food and converting food to energy. Cells can also replicate themselves for the betterment of our survival. Cells have an expiry and eventually stop dividing and ultimately die. However, at times, cell damage can bring about resistance to "apoptosis"-programmed cell death and void cleansing and turn into zombie cells or senescent cells which excrete toxins, thus infecting other cells and causing premature aging in the body due to inflammation. Zombie cells also contribute to age-related diseases. With aging these cells accumulate and are one of the main reasons for cancer, arthritis and also cardiovascular and Alzheimer's disease. It is interesting to note that obesity triggers the production of zombie cells which hurts fat tissue function in the body. What are some of contributing factors to zombie cell accumulation?
Metabolic stress, radiation exposure, high fat intake, poor diet, lack of exercise and failure to rest adequately and hydrate the body. We live in a world that is inundated with pollution, and the adverse effects on the body can not be emphasized enough. Pollution is also a major contributing factor. Pollution particles pass through the lungs and are picked up by the cells, which expose every single cell and our organs in the body and promote zombie cell accumulation. We can, however minimize the scourge of these rogue cells and flip fate in our favour:
Exercise Exercise has been noted to reduce the number of zombie (senescent) cells by the process of autophagy which helps repair and maintain cells.
Intermittent fasting
Nutrient-rich diet
Calorie reduction
Stress reduction
Proper supplementation
Sauna ( turns on genes that repair damage and reduce inflammation
Cold plunge ( assists in better immune function, lowers inflammation, converts white fat tissue to brown, which is more thermally active and burns more calories.
We are living longer why not thrive and live your best life with nutrition and exercise? You will be the best version of yourself no matter what your age is. After all, in the end, you are the value.

Gilbert Ansah, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Gilbert Ansah is a CEO of J11_PERFORMANCE. He has been a staple in the fitness industry for over 25 years. His unique strategies have led hundreds of clients to new heights using a wholistic health approach encompassing body, mind, and spirit leading to personal mastery.