Written by: Dr. Gigi Arnaud, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

It’s August and it’s time for a pause — personal, professional, physical, psychological...
My parents were from Paris, France, and a country where everyone takes time off in August. That’s right; at least 4 weeks straight of vacation. If you want a quiet, empty Paris, go and visit in August, when the streets are empty, many stores are closed and the mood is summery.

Part of me stays French in this way. I believe in vacations or staycations – in changing the regular rhythms, routines, and sometimes ruts, of our lives. When you take a pause and unplug, you give your mind, body, and spirit the time and space to calm, center and relax, so they can all come back, recharged, and rejuvenated.
I’m a first-generation American and was born and raised in the NYC area. So, though I presently live in the go-go-go culture of working too hard, playing too hard, and being way too connected, I tend to hold onto my European roots and the French idea that life is about – enjoying food, people, discussion, sensuality, love, and time-off to be in silence and peace and to hear your inner stirrings or inner voice. Though my folks didn’t have much money, they understood that to be and do all this, there is a need to take breaks, pauses, stops, vacations...
In the USA, we have the background of the Puritan work ethic and it has stayed with us. Americans work hard, they always have. It served us in previous generations. Now... not so much. Folks are working more and more (with increased amounts of and speedier communication), for less and less… and they are frustrated, angry, and just plain exhausted. Forget the idea of listening to their authentic selves – many are just trying to survive.
For this reason, we have to make our pauses purposeful or intentional, whether they be for 5 minutes/day or 5 weeks of vacation/year, whether at or near home or far away. The idea is just to pause, stop, breathe and let yourself rest…
So now it’s time for your Summer Rx (prescription): Take a pause — no matter if it’s intentional or forced on you.
Relax and Rest
Refresh and Rejuvenate
Then, my friends, you’re ready to take action…
Let’s dig just a little deeper. When you take a pause, even a tiny one, it allows your body, mind, and spirit to settle down, relax and rest. It also gives a break to our often hyperactivated nervous systems so they’re able to go back to homeostasis (equilibrium or balance), which is our centered, relaxed state. Once we rest and relax, we start to feel refreshed and rejuvenated in every way. Our mind is clearer and sharper. Our body holds less tension and it moves in a more energetic way and our spirit feels quiet and centered. Then, you feel recharged and more in alignment with the real you and what you really want, after which you can reevaluate – if your life and lifestyle are where you truly want them to be (not necessarily in alignment with the general society’s view of success); if you feel healthy, in peace, joyful about your life – your relationships, your personal life, your professional life. Whether you’re ready to take a small step or a life-changing one or anything in between, a transformation will occur. When you take the time to pause and slow down, whether intentionally or you’re forced to, a pause is always helpful. It gets you clear on who you are and who you want to be and what you want to create and do in this world, by allowing you to be open to all that comes your way.
Pauses: Purposeful vs. Pushed
Let’s talk about pauses, whether they be purposeful (intentional) or pushed/ forced, (ie: by a pandemic, illness, surgery, etc.). Clearly, purposeful pauses win the day. When you make the decision for self-care (and being self-ish) and giving yourself time to reset your mind, body, and spirit, then you are ahead of the game. You know that when you return from this pause, you will be better, calmer, sharper, happier, and more productive — not to mention all the experiences and memories you’ll have for the rest of your life.
Then, there are times (I’m raising my hand here) when the Universe ‘hits you on the head’, to tell (and force) you to pause, stop and regroup. I’ve gotten many of these hits in the last several years, in the form of severe joint pain and some joint replacements. I’ve learned to really listen to my body (and my mind and spirit) when a rest or pause or even, full stop, is needed. This year, I’ve been ‘told’ to pause and breathe, lots of times. First, like the rest of us, with COVID. I listened. I had to stop working as a dentist and closed down my dental practice (in NYC). I knew that I needed a second knee replacement (another ‘hit on the head’ from the Universe). Thank goodness we have only 2 knees 😊 I had been living and aching for so long with severe arthritis in my hands and other body parts; I knew it was time for a decision. My Orthopedic Doctor told me it was time to lay down my drill and my financial advisor let me know that I’d be okay. I did my homework and research. Making a decision is the hard part. I did it and once I did, I was on my way. I set up an action plan and got to it. I sold my dental practice to a group of caring and wonderful dentists who, I knew, would take care of the dental patients I really cared about.
Retirement Vs. Reinvention
I don’t believe in the concept of ‘retirement’. Retiring, for me, means pulling away from life and I’m not one to do this. So, I reinvented my life, once again and continued my work as a Mindset/Trauma healing Coach, Hypnotist, and Speaker, which I had started 17 years before. I am seeing clients virtually and loving it! It’s in alignment with my mind, body, and soul and with my WHY, my purpose, as a healer and creative. As a multi-passionate person, there is nothing better than learning. I’m now learning about online business, which is certainly different than dentistry. I’m always reading and studying about the art and science of the mind, brain, trauma, not to mention taking courses in art, writing, and whatever else strikes my fancy.
By the way, you can reinvent your life or just be a part of it, at any age and at any stage. Sometimes, you can muster up the courage and energy to do it yourself but for most of us mortals, professional help is needed. It gives the process speed, relational security and interaction… and lots of good learning.
In my case, I had to be ‘hit on the head’ for decades, to allow myself to slow down and reevaluate my life. This is how it works. If you’re meant to learn a lesson and you don’t, you will see this lesson repeated over and over again until you do get it… and change. I did myself a disservice, not only in the physical joint suffering but in the anxiety I could never get rid of; the inner conflict of not being in tune with the real, authentic me. You don’t have to do the same. Listen to the ‘hint’ and learn the lesson!
These days, though there is, perhaps, too much communication and some overwhelm, there are also more chances… and choices, to pause and sometimes, to escape.
1. Apps: there are so many apps available: for calming, meditation, hypnosis. You name it… there’s an app for it. For those of us who prefer the more natural or less technological way to stop and center, there’s mindfulness, visualization, meditation, movement/exercise/dance, yoga, walking/hiking in nature, soothing music… and much more.
2. Movement/exercise: Again, so many options. You can find classes (in person or online) for cycling, dancing, yoga, pilates, etc. To calm and regulate your nervous system, shaking your body (like animals do) or dancing around, allows you to discharge pent-up energy that needs to be released for your parasympathetic nervous system to help you return to homeostasis (balance).
3. Time-out: take a minimum of 5-10 minutes/day, to be alone and just let your mind wander… no judgment, no meanings attached. Just be an objective witness to what comes up. This can be eye-opening.
It’s really nice to take some time to take a walk while your partner watches the kids or when the kids are out or... just by yourself and for yourself.
4. Make Pausing a Habit: I am a Mindset Coach and very much believe in choosing what habits and routines we want, in order to get the beliefs and thought patterns we want. To do this, you must make things habitual; be specific, and be consistent. It takes time and some self-discipline but once a habit is established in your brain (and your neural pathways have been altered), it will become ‘automatic.’
5. For a Longer pause: you can have a vacation: local, national, or international. You can enjoy a staycation and spend some time in creativity, whatever this means to you.
6. These days, many of us have the opportunity and the ability to be Location-independent. Truth be told; I intend to spend some winter months abroad when the cold chills my bone in the NY winters. (the south of France and Israel come to mind).
7. Your Imagination is limitless and is always with you!!!
Taking a pause is a gift — to yourself, to those you live with, and to those you work with — in essence, everyone.
It’s time for a purposeful or intentional pause — if not, the Universe may give you one anyway (pushed or forced). It gave us the COVID pandemic, folks. Take it as a time to — regroup, reevaluate and even, recharge your life or start a new one… One that’s in alignment with your body, mind, and soul (Hint: If it gives you joy, the feeling of being ‘in the flow’ and the feeling of peace and freedom). You deserve it!
With smiles and love,
Dr. Gigi
PS: Contact me @www.gigiarnaud.com to book your Free Discovery session and learn to rest, refresh, recharge, and reevaluate, and then, to take action, whether it’s a new life or lifestyle, or a professional or personal change. Take the time, take the pause! It’s not a waste of time —it’s a saving of time; to learn how to connect with the true you and to live the life you were born to live. I’m here for you…
Or you can find me @DrGigiArnaud on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Dr. Gigi Arnaud, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Dr. Gigi Arnaud is an award-winning, NYC-based Mindset Coach, Hypnotherapist, and Speaker. For over thirty years, she worked as a dentist in her own private practice and, 17 years ago, also decided to become a certified life coach and hypnotherapist. For so many years, she had been that smiling person who looked sunny and successful on the outside yet was quietly suffering on the inside. Through her own discovery and years of training and treatment (i.e., coaching, therapy, and more), she did the work to change from the inside out and unlock the traps inside her mind. Now, she helps others do the same and change their negative and unhelpful thought patterns to those more aligned with who they authentically are, what they truly want, and how to get there (actions). She uses her unique ‘art and science’ background, intuition, and practical tools to help her clients hear their own unique voices so that they finally flourish in their personal and professional lives. Her mission is to transform your thinking to transform your life, become the real you, and thrive!