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Your Subconscious Mind is Running The Show!

Written by: Nadia Chapman, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Did you know that our conscious mind occupies only 5% of our brain’s activity, and that our subconscious mind dominates with 95% of it? What role does the subconscious mind play in our day to day life, and how much power does it have over our thoughts, beliefs and habits?

If you haven’t paid much attention to the magic of your subconscious mind, it’s time to discover it’s infinite intelligence, and learn how to program it, so you can bring more happiness, wealth, health, beauty, or whatever you truly desire in life. The good news is that you don’t need to acquire this superpower because you are born with it, and it’s truly one of the greatest secrets of all time!

I first learned about the power of the subconscious from a mysterious book I found on bench in my hometown when I was still a teenager, one of most random and awesome gift I received from the universe. I spent hours and hours, devouring this book, and applying the exercises, and concepts, and slowly my whole life started to shift. I realized that I could control so much more than I thought, and that, at any given time I was able to reprogram my subconscious mind to obtain great outcomes in different areas of my life.

In a world full of coaches, teachers, mentors, and other people here to “save us” and empower us, I’m always surprise at how very few people know and understand the subconscious, and how it can be used to obtain the results we want. You see, the subconscious is the part of your brain that regulates your heartbeat, your digestion, your breathing, and puts everything on auto-pilot so you won’t have to think about it. It makes things happen while you focus on other stuff, basically operating non-stop without you being aware of it, sort of like a program running on a computer.

The subconscious mind is also where your memories are stored, your previous experiences, your beliefs, and where habits are molded. Everything that you have ever seen, done and thought of is also stored in there!Sounds like a great thing, right? t is, but the only problem is that our subconscious also loves to put our thoughts, beliefs, and habits on auto-pilot as well, and that’s when things get a little tricky. You see, the subconscious mind controls much of our behavior, and the way we react to things in our life.

When you first learn how to ride a bike you consciously pay attention to everything you do, same thing when you learn how to drive a car. But with time, your subconscious takes over, and you start thinking about other things as you ride or drive, and eventually you will start multitasking and do several other things at the same time. Once the conscious mind accepts something as true after persistent repetition, it will slowly move this information to the subconscious.

Repetition of thoughts through the conscious mind, will also locked themselves in the subconscious. If you repeatedly tell yourself you that you are overweight, and unhealthy for instance, and you feed these thoughts with strong emotions, your subconscious will believe that this is the ultimate truth. Eventually, it will make sure that you stay unhealthy, keep the same bad habits, and will not look for new ways and opportunities to make you a healthier person.

So, when it comes to your thoughts, the image you have of yourself, or the world you live in, the same thing happens. Your negative self-talk, limitations, and the things you constantly repeat to yourself have a huge impact on your mind, especially when filled with negative emotions. Eliminating those limited beliefs, your negative self-talk and negative emotions are important steps towards freeing yourself from creating more of the same and getting unstuck in unwanted patterns. You’ve got to practice replacing all forms of negative thoughts with powerful positive thoughts while increasing your positive feelings and emotions as well. When done with a calm and rested mind, affirmations are a great way to reprogram your mind, as well as mediation, creative visualization and mental rehearsals.

Basically, what rules your mind is belief! So, if everything that you are experiencing in life right now is a reaction of your subconscious to your thoughts, you can manipulate it and change the stories you tell yourself.

Stop believing your self-doubt as true, the negative opinions of others, or the common fears and doubts from society and people around you. Instead let your mind believe in endless possibilities, health, happiness, good fortune and prosperity. Change your mind, you will change yourself, and you will change your life! Just remember that as soon as your subconscious mind accepts an idea, it will immediately begin to execute it. So, use this law wisely, and you will change your life forever!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website for more info! Read more from Nadia!


Nadia Chapman, Executive Contributor Brainz Magainze Nadia Chapman is a leader in transformational coaching. She is a certified health and life coach, Law of attraction and success coach and NLP practitioner. She loves to bring her wisdom, contagious optimism, and life experience to her many projects and with her clients. Nadia is also a professional figure skating coach and lives on an organic farm, she understands first hand that a healthy body and mind is the foundation to a happy life. She is the host of "The Nadia Chapman Show", a podcast designed to inspire and motivate people with life-changing hacks on habit change, positive mindset and wellness. Nadia was born in Montreal, Canada, lived in France for many years before settling in Southern California with her family.

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