Dr. Murielle Thezenas is a Mindset Business Mentor and Trainer for Female Entrepreneurs, Certified Closer, Creator of ©LoveClosing. She helps solo female entrepreneurs (coaches, trainers, consultants, freelancers) overcome their struggles with sales and build financial freedom. She is one of the Top 15 Coaches in Paris by Influence Digest Media.

Your relationship with money goes beyond budgeting and saving; it reflects your beliefs, habits, and emotional patterns around wealth. By understanding and reprogramming these patterns, you can shift from financial stress to abundance. Explore the 7 "R" principles of financial reprogramming to transform your mindset and unlock lasting success.

Reprogramming "For all women and girls: rights, equality, and empowerment" is the theme chosen by the UN for this year's International Women's Day.
When we consider that women who make up 49.6% of the global population:
Provide 66% of the world’s work
Represent 70% of those living in poverty
Earn only 11% of total global income
Own just 1% of the world's land
It becomes clear that financial inclusion is key to achieving gender equality and empowering women.
This issue takes on a particular significance for female entrepreneurs, many of whom do not see money as a priority and rarely question their relationship with it.
Yet, we start with a significant disadvantage compared to men in this area.
Indeed, women's free access to financial resources is a relatively recent right. It has only been 60 years since we legally gained the ability to open our own bank accounts without needing permission from a man (father or husband).
The challenge is that while entrepreneurship is a powerful vehicle for women’s empowerment and financial freedom, it is first and foremost a financial system, and women’s struggles with money directly affect their businesses daily.
1. Your relationship with money shapes your success
If you unconsciously believe that money is scarce, hard to earn, or that making a lot of it is frowned upon, you will sabotage your own success.
Beyond the difficulties of setting your prices, closing sales, and paying yourself, there is a much deeper and more serious reality:
A business without financial flow is a dying business. If your company does not generate enough revenue, it cannot grow, evolve, or survive. A lack of cash flow is a guaranteed chokehold.
Without sufficient income, your business becomes a prison, not a vehicle for freedom. Many women start businesses to gain independence. However, without profitability, they end up working harder than they did as employees for much less money. They exhaust themselves, question their abilities, struggle to survive, and ultimately, they give up.
Without financial success, your dreams of self-fulfillment remain out of reach. Money is not everything, but it enables you to realize your projects, invest in yourself, support your loved ones, and have a real impact. How can you hope to change the world if you are struggling just to pay your bills?
Like it or not, money is part of the equation!
After coaching over 800 female entrepreneurs, I can confidently say that 99% of women who come to me for help with closing sales and growing their businesses have an unresolved issue with money.
The official statistics are undeniable:
According to Urssaf, female self-employed entrepreneurs earn an average of €4,733 per year, or just €395 per month.
Réseau Bouge Ta Boite reveals that 66.82% of female entrepreneurs earn less than €1,500 per month.
Insee states that the average income of a self-employed entrepreneur is €590 per month.
For reference, the poverty threshold in France ranges between €811 and €1,216 per month.
It is evident that we carry a societal legacy that equates money with morality, financial success with greed, and sales with manipulation. But if you are an entrepreneur, it is time to question your own conditioning and how it affects your business growth.
The good news?
You can reprogram your brain to overcome these barriers with my simple 7-step method!
2. The 7 "R" of your financial reprogramming
Here are the 7 "R" that have already helped dozens of women entrepreneurs identify and break free from their financial blocks:
1. R for subjective reality: Identify your limiting beliefs
Write down the phrases you tell yourself about money:
"Making money is difficult."
"If I raise my prices, no one will buy."
"Money corrupts."
Your thoughts create your reality. What you believe today shapes your financial situation.
2. R for root causes: Where do these beliefs come from?
Our fears around money often stem from our upbringing and environment:
Did you grow up in a household where money was a taboo subject?
Did you hear statements like "Rich people are thieves" or "You have to work hard to deserve money"?
Unpacking these root causes is essential for progress.
3. R for universal reality: What you believe is not the truth
If you think all wealthy people are dishonest, look for counterexamples:
Are there successful ethical entrepreneurs you admire?
Who are the people for whom money is a tool for positive impact?
Your perception of money must evolve into a neutral and constructive vision.
4. R for reconciliation: Make peace with money
To reconcile means to wipe the slate clean of past grievances and start fresh. If you have faced financial struggles, don’t let them define your future.
Forgive yourself for past financial mistakes.
Stop projecting old patterns onto your present reality.
You alone can choose to see money as a tool, not as a source of stress.
5. R for reframing: Replace limiting thoughts with empowering ones
Consciously swap "I don’t deserve to earn more" for "My work has value, and I deserve to be well compensated."
Money does not define who you are, but you have the power to define what it represents for you.
6. R for repetition: Anchor these new beliefs
It took you years to internalize limiting beliefs. It will take time and repetition to adopt new ones.
Repeat positive affirmations daily.
Take actions that align with your new financial mindset.
Be patient and kind to yourself.
7. R for rejoicing: Learn to celebrate money
Our emotions and mindset play a major role in financial transformation.
Celebrate every payment received and every invoice paid.
Feel genuinely happy when another woman achieves financial success.
Changing your relationship with money means choosing to honor your ambitions. This is deep, transformative work, but it is the key to finally reaching your goals.
3. The first steps toward your new financial reality
Once you start seeing money as energy, you can take practical steps to propel your business and finances forward! Here are the immediate actions I encourage you to take:
1. Reassess your pricing
Your previous pricing was based on your limiting beliefs. Now that you are at peace with money, you can confidently charge the true value of your services without guilt or doubt.
2. Master the primary acquisition channel of your target audience
Identify where your ideal clients are and develop a methodical and strategic approach to connect and convert them. Stay focused: master one channel before moving on to another. Precision over dispersion.
3. Challenge yourself to book one sales conversation per day
Many entrepreneurs spend too much time creating content but avoid direct sales conversations. Set a goal for regular client meetings each week to increase your revenue, refine your sales skills, and strengthen your business mindset.
4. Join me at the “LE FRIC C’EST CHIC” Seminar on April 18-19
Reserve your spot for my exclusive event on Women’s Wealth and Money and gain free access to key strategies for boosting your revenue in 2025.
Click the link in my profile now to start your financial transformation!
Read more from Dr. Murielle Thezenas
Dr. Murielle Thezenas, PhD Mindset Business Mentor Coach
For many female entrepreneurs, sales and closing are synonymous with pressure and manipulation, which slows down their expansion.
Dr. Murielle created the ©Love Closing to teach these professionals to appropriate the keys of an ethical closing, aligned with their energies and sacred feminine, enabling them to master their sales, grow their revenue, and achieve financial freedom.
©LoveClosing places the female entrepreneur and her values at the heart of a simplified sales process driven by love, the most powerful energy for ethical negotiations and sales.
Dr. Murielle Thezenas is renowned for having trained over 800 female entrepreneurs in her proprietary ©LoveClosing method: she is one of the Top 15 Coaches in Paris by Influence Digest Media.