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Your Most Authentic Professional Life Requires You To Get Over Your Ego Stories

Written by: Alix Rufas, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Ego stories. We all have them. These are stories in our heads that keep us small. The ego is there to protect us, to keep us safe and in the known — inside our comfort zones.

This is how ego stories might sound like in our heads:

  • Let’s not take too many risks here

  • Let’s play it safe and stay in the known

  • This is too scary. Let’s divert into a distraction instead

  • I’m not an expert yet, so I better not share what I know

  • Other people will judge me; I better not put myself out there

  • I’m not good enough yet; let’s “learn” a little more behind the scenes before actually creating value for others...

But also:

  • Why am I not there yet?

  • Why haven’t I made it yet?

  • Why does my path to success take so long?

  • Why do others seem to have it better?

Ego stories shame us for not being “further ahead” in our lives while simultaneously getting loud every time we seek to grow and expand outside our comfort zones.

It’s important to know how to recognize our ego stories and their attempts to sabotage our growth if we seek deep fulfillment and satisfaction in our professional lives.

The best way to counter disempowering ego stories is to tap into the voice of our higher self.

Contrary to our ego, our higher self wants us to trust, have faith, and tap into a much more empowering take on life.

Our higher self wants us to tap into our unique blueprint of skills, personality, superpowers, life experience and leverage into the world to create value in our unique way.

This is how our higher self tends to sound like:

  • Dare to access your unique truth and vision

  • Know yourself; it’s all already within you

  • Trust the above, follow your intuition and take steps accordingly

  • Dare to create value for the world in your unique way

  • You creating value in your unique way is *more important* than your fears

  • You are here to step into your most authentic life path fully

  • The more you embrace your most authentic life path, the more the universe has your back, and the more likely you are to create true fulfillment in life

Embracing our higher self requires us to allow ourselves to access it in the first place. It requires us to learn how to take away the power from our ego stories.

And it requires us to take powerful action in alignment with our higher self, not our ego stories. If you feel like (re)connecting to your higher self, I invite you to head over here to request your free 15-minute guided audio in the yellow pop-up you’ll see appearing.

My “future-self” guided meditation is an all-time favorite of my clients worldwide and moves many to tears when they let themselves be guided.

Make time to tune into your higher self. Learn to trust that voice. Take consistent, powerful action in alignment with it. Take the ego stories off the driving seat. And watch your most authentic (professional) life bloom.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website for more info!


Alix Rufas, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Alix is a Full Potential Speaker and Coach, empowering women worldwide to build their most fulfilling professional lives. Before growing her current coaching business and its team, she started several other ventures; worked for the International Labour Organization (United Nations), several universities, and a start-up accelerator. ​To date, she has individually coached 300+ female leaders around the world. She has led 10 leadership retreats around Europe; and given 50+ public talks. She has also created multiple online programs and transformative digital experiences. Alix is incredibly passionate about and committed to empowering women worldwide to thrive on their full professional potential.

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