Written by: Susan Francis, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

The best ideas, the most explosive growth, or the one decision that will completely transform your business trajectory and income won’t come from logic.

Knowledge of what has worked in the past, common sense and statistics can help us in business up to a point, but it’s your intuition that is your true superpower.
There is a famous quote by Albert Einstein I love
“ No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”
When you’re focused on the problem, trying to figure out what to do next, wondering what you're doing wrong, or what needs to shift for next level growth, you are operating in the consciousness of the problem, not the solution.
Instead, when you learn how to align your energy with the end goal, to tap into the feeling of it already being done, when you can access a new level of consciousness; then you activate your superpower… your intuition.
We are always being guided. Whether you think of it as your higher self, your inner being, your soul, your consciousness or god; there is a power beyond your logical mind that you have access to.
This power has the direct guidance to take you rapidly into your most abundant expansion, no matter what is happening right now. Things can shift so quickly it will blow your mind.
Your logical mind is limited. It only knows what it has learnt up until this point, or what has happened in the past. It can’t see its true potential. It can’t see your true limitless nature.
If you truly desire to create magic in your business and scale rapidly, then it's time to unlock your intuition.
When you unlock your intuitive guidance you receive downloads, ideas, nudges that lead you forward in the most powerful way.
The thing with intuition is that it often doesn't make sense, it can be scary, and if you’re not open to receiving and trusting the guidance, then you’ll ignore what it tells you.
When I started my business I did what seemed logical, what made sense, and had little to no results. I signed up for high end programs to help me grow my business, and yet I was stuck. It all felt hard.
I desired ease, I desired it to feel aligned, I resisted being told that I had to follow someone else’s cookie cutter strategy. I just knew there had to be a better way. I started this entrepreneurial journey for freedom, not to be tied to running a business in a way that felt heavy and draining.
When I finally trusted the pull to sign up with a manifestation coach, just a few weeks after just investing $10K in a business program, it didn’t make sense. It was so freaking scary. I was running out of money. It wasn’t logical at all.
But it felt right. Something inside me just knew.
After struggling for 9 months with no more than $500 a month income in my business, once I signed up with a manifestation coach I had a $5K month, then a $15K month, and the rest is history. That was 3 years ago now. Since then I have developed the muscle of listening to my soul's true desires, aligning energy, and tapping into the intuitive guidance. Even when it’s scary, even when it doesn't make sense.
Magic lies in listening to your intuition, in allowing it to guide you, in taking bold crazy actions that you feel pulled to do, even when you can’t see where they are leading.
Your intuition is connected directly to your higher self, or your higher consciousness, it is connected to all things. It can see the way, even when your logical brain can’t. It knows the fastest, most joyous way to your most abundant timeline.
The truth is, the future is unknown. You are never going to know how your greatest expansion will happen. If you knew how the results were going to come then you'd be repeating the past, because your knowledge and logic only know what you've done before. This is fine if you’re happy to keep repeating more of the same, but if you’re here for magic, for incredible expansion, if you're ready to defy logic, then your intuition knows the way.
If you're ready to tap into your most abundant timeline and access your super power you can download my free Quantum Manifestation Guide here.
Or listen to my podcast episode No.16 ‒ Trusting your intuition on the Soul Aligned Business Babes Podcast
To follow Susan you can find her on Facebook, Instagram, learn more on the website, or listen to the Soul Aligned Business Babes podcast.

Susan Francis, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Susan Francis is a leading Mindset, Manifestation, and Business Mentor and Coach empowering female entrepreneurs to create more income and impact their soul-aligned businesses. She helps women unlock the truth of who they are, helps them to step into their full power, and teaches them the secrets to taking quantum leaps in their success. She believes life was meant to be easy, to feel good, to flow, and you can create anything you damn well want! With a background in senior management in the fashion industry, she escaped the 9 to 5 hustle after her daughter's birth to follow her passion for helping other women create epic time and financial freedom. Trained in NLP and Time Line Therapy and obsessed with the Law of Attraction, she knows at a very deep level that everything is an inside job, and as she helps clients make shifts in their mindset, and energy they become magnetic to their dream lives and business success.