Written by: Diane Hiller, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

The lotus flower blooming out of the mud is symbolic. This flower is significant, with each part representing some aspect of life and existence. Buddhists view it as a symbol of spiritual awakening and purity.

The mud is also very emblematic of this tradition. It can serve as a representation of the challenges and suffering we all must face throughout this life. Through learning and experience, we can overcome being in the mud (ego or subconscious) to break to the water’s surface and unfold (like the many-petaled loti) to reveal our true beauty, our divine essence.
Is it possible to be totally “enlightened” in this lifetime? Good question, but after decades of study, I am inclined to say no. This quest is not for the faint of heart. I recall discussing with a graduate-level professor about us being the only species capable of witnessing our thoughts. Try as I might, this person had no idea what I was talking about. Many books will be referenced below. But the question then becomes, who is the witness?
Many of us who work with the realm of spirit have access to this part of our mind to utilize to help others and ourselves, but do we live there all the time? No. I/we call this part the higher self.
One day we may be in our higher mind 80% of the time and another more in the ego mind. When I read for clients, I am in my higher mind the entire time. I lose track of time; I often need to remember what I say. I am totally present at that moment.

As you evolve in consciousness, it becomes harder and harder to stay in the ego mind, as well as painful.
Here are some examples:
Ego Mind ‒
Running the same patterns and problems repeatedly, including addictions and habits.
Seeks to protect self out of fear.
It runs on auto-pilot.
Likes the familiar.
Holds on tightly to the unhealed part of you.
Higher Self ‒
Lives more in the present moment.
Wants you to reach your highest potential.
Loves the new.
It is the best part of you.
It is connected to the divine.
I have heard some say we need to “abolish “ the ego. This is neither possible nor is it realistic.
We need the ego to function. As Cameron Day says in his meditations below, the ego was meant to be a GPS, but it has taken control and gone haywire. When you are in the presence of someone with a huge ego, they are unbearable.
Trust me, when you decide not to live your life in a fear-based, conditioned way, the ego will put up one hell of a fight. This internal struggle for control is often called “The Dark Night of the Soul” Or egoic death. You may spiral up and down with this many times. The ego will eventually become subservient to the higher self, and you will live with a different way of seeing the world—a new perspective.
It can take some work and practice to make this transformational shift. If you were to do Vipassana mediation, you would watch your mind in action and realize it is like James Joyce’s stream of consciousness.
It is random; a thought happens, then an emotion, then another idea, and it becomes a real show. It is called the “Monkey Mind.” The goal of any valid meditation method is to tame or slow down this unproductive and redundant thought process.
Connecting with the breath is the fastest way out of the monkey mind. All mindfulness practice is cumulative. Even 10 minutes daily would be enough to slow down this thought process. Pranayama, or opposite nostril breathing, is one such method.
It should be noted that it is not always possible or advisable to try to overcome a genetically based anxiety, depression, or other mental health disorder with this alone. You don’t slap a band-aid on cancer or meditate away a broken bone. Let’s get real here.
Many clients seek me out when they are in the process of transition. It has more and more become an area of focus. It feels to them as though nothing is working with love, career, family, or money. Perhaps not all areas at once but enough to see that this pattern has emerged from the subconscious to be healed. It will be apparent everywhere. Decisions will need to be made. Stay where you are or change. Some doors will need to be closed. New doors may not have opened yet, and it feels like nothing is happening when in reality, there is much going on internally. At this point, some will decide to turn back.
At another point, you will take one more step and be unable to turn around. I call the place of closed doors when new ones have not opened yet, the hallway. It is uncomfortable. I am often asked how long it will last and do not have the answer. Free choice and free will come into play here.
Carl Jung said it best; as you can tell, I am a massive fan of his work.
“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls.”
I can say with a relative degree of certainty; Your ego is the problem. You do not have to live in fear and uncertainty: you can make positive changes. Once you decide, may many excellent teachers find you. Below is a list of resources you may find helpful on your journey.
And do remember,
“The journey is the destination.” ‒ Dan Eldon

Book References:
The Power of Now ‒ Ekhart Tolle
The Hero with a Thousand Faces: The Collected works of Joseph Campbell
Jack-Engler ‒ interview-You-have-to-be-somebody-before-you-can-be-nobody
Handbook to Higher Consciousness ‒ Ken Keyes, Jr.
Thoughts Without a Thinker: Psychotherapy from a Buddhist Perspective ‒ Mark Epstein
Cameron Day ‒ https://ascensionhelp.com/higher-self-meditation.php

Diane Hiller, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Diane is a Licensed Psychotherapist, Psychic Medium, Certified Feng Shui Master, and Medical Intuitive. She has been tested for accuracy. After working in the nursing field as an LPN for 13 years, she returned to college and received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa. She then went on to earn her Master's (MSW) with a Major in Clinical and a Minor in Research, both from the University of Connecticut. She is licensed by State examination as an LCSW. In 2005 she founded Elemental Empowerments, LLC. She is noted in the book “The Top 100 Psychics and Astrologers in America.” She is one of the most well-researched psychics In North America.