Written by: Liz Sparkes, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

My interest began when I started studying Health Psychology, my passion for metaphysical anatomy. As I started to observe not only my own physical discomforts and conditions, but also those of others, I was fascinated by what I realised. There were patterns between certain experiences, beliefs or life issues and the conditions or discomforts that were felt and experienced at a physical level.

Primarily focused on my own chronic long-term pain from endometriosis I made it my aim to understand it more clearly. I will point out that I am aware that there is a complex interaction between many factors and our health, however we can’t deny that our psychological disposition and historical experiences play a big role. The wonderful Bruce Lipton educated me on many Sunday afternoons, watching his YouTube videos, he talks about those first 7 years shaping our whole belief system and therefore our internal landscape through which we experience the world. The good news is that once aware, anything limiting or destructive can be gently attended to and remolded and shaped, or released to be better suited to who we really are.
The practice of focusing, originally discussed, and introduced by Eugene Gendlin, brought yet more deep insight. As I sat through the training sessions, allowing the body to speak, I gained revelation after revelation. Memories that I had dissociated from surfaced, old experiences that clearly shaped how I felt today become realised. Suddenly I was connected to the deepest wisdom of all, that which is within us all. As we begin to connect with and really be with that which we feel, physically, everything inside starts to unravel, it starts to reveal and allow a healing process. Doing this work is no easy path, and I would always suggest having coaching or psychotherapeutic support and being at a point where you feel strong and supported enough to allow the process. I surprised myself on more than one occasion when I uncovered traumatic memories which were deeply buried, however, the freedom that comes from healing these is like nothing else.
Time and time again I have experienced the beauty of inner knowing and wisdom, every session or course that I run in heart-based practices allows a gentle shift within people. They begin to soothe and connect with the body, and most importantly the heart. Having often lived life so disconnected from their feelings, their inner wisdom, this gentle reconnection can be transformative on its own. Not everyone needs to go deeply into their held patterns, just the reconnection with the heart is sometimes good enough. To bring back intuition and improved self-worth.
As we approach our physical discomfort and wellbeing from a perspective of interest and intrigue, we open the door to healing aspects from the root. When the time is right, we can begin to open up to subconscious patterns and memories held in the body and allow transformation. What does transformation look like? The aspect that is often most challenging for us changes into the greatest wisdom or inner healing. We begin the journey of change, where our limiting experience of who we are starts to loosen and we start to see the ability to live from a more peaceful place. This process can be instant or take time. In a world where we are so focused on getting places, achieving this or that, let’s bring our attention back to the greatest experiences being those where we transform our inner landscape, to be able to live a more connected and peaceful life.

Liz Sparkes, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Liz Sparkes is a health psychologist, intuitive coach, and meditation and reiki practitioner. After completing a Ph.D. in Pain Psychology and training to facilitate meditation and mindfulness, Liz dedicated herself to helping others feel more empowered and fulfilled. Liz has developed academic and private transformational courses for heart-based living, meditation and compassion, awareness, and moon living. Liz works with groups and individuals in workplaces, health settings, charitable organizations, and holistic retreats. Liz utilizes a mixture of psychological and ancient spiritual methods for healing and to support living life from the perspective of the heart, gaining greater insight and intuitive trust.