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You Just Find People Jobs

Written by: Jennifer Coners, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Jennifer Coners

What do you do? The hardest question I am asked daily. Bottom line, I find people jobs & companies new employees. However, it sounds boring and easy when you put it that way. Then I sometimes overcomplicate what I do, which turns into rambling and confusion. So, I keep it simple and go back to the beginning and answer, yes, I find people jobs & help companies with any openings or concerns they may have in their company.

Portrait Photo of Woman holding up a magnifying glass over her eye

That usually rolls into a conversation about what industry, how long I have been doing this, and thats it.


However, let's be real about what happens on the back end. I listen to people complain all day every day, and it's my job to make them happy. It’s exhausting and hard because you can’t make everyone happy. Someone is going to be mad, or feelings will be hurt and I can’t care. Yes, I can’t care or get emotionally wrapped up in the process because then what good am I? I work for my client and I work for the candidate.


I have lost a lot of deals because I let my ego and pride get in the way. I have learned after 20-plus years in the industry that the only way to handle this ever-changing career I was thrown into is by removing the feelings and sticking to the facts. I am the middle person. I bridge that gap between employee and employer. I would say it's like being a lawyer, kind of.


We are now in a world of instant gratification, fast success, high demands, and give me what I want. Do what I say. I want this, I want that. I won’t do this or I won’t do that. It's ridiculous and if there is anything I was brought here to do is to knock those people down, get them grounded, and out of the clouds. If you want something you must earn and work for it. On the flip side, you want a great culture in your company, you my dear hiring managers, you have to get in the trenches with your employees. Titles mean nothing and they don’t mean anything when your bottom line is in the red or when you’re applying for unemployment.


Recruiters are the secret sauce to your hiring process. We see what you can’t. We say what you won’t say. We are in the trenches every day hearing what people are saying, while you are hearing only what goes on at your company. We hear what employers are looking for & let you, the job seeker, know exactly why you aren’t being hired. We let you know if you are overpaying someone or if you need to step up your game. We show you your worth and value so you are prepared to walk into that interview. We hear it all.


We are the eyes and ears of this institution my friend, little reference from The Breakfast Club that I think fits perfectly.


So, if you have a Recruiter in your life, thank them.

Follow me on LinkedIn for more info!

Jennifer Coners Brainz Magazine

Jennifer Coners, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jennifer Coners, a leader in her field of Business Development & Recruitment. She has shown what hard work can do despite not having a college degree. She is passionate about helping her clients achieve their goals in life and business. With over 20 years experience in professional recruitment and consulting she now owns Jen Coners Consulting, LLC where she provides the direction and leadership to drive success through innovation, creativity and determined, targeted recruiting. Her broad-based expertise in relationship-building, training and account management talents sets her apart from her peers as well as outperforms them.

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