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"You Are Who You Are, Not What You Do" ‒ Exclusive Interview With Victoria Baylor

Driven by a profound sense to help High-Performing Leaders excel and showcase their Brilliance, Victoria Baylor offers her expertise in the fields of leadership development, mindset growth, and personal branding to help entrepreneurs, professionals, & organizational leaders gain the Clarity + Confidence to get out of their heads and excel in leadership. She is a Certified Mindset & High-Performance Coach, NLP Practitioner, TEDx Speaker & 1 Amazon Best Selling Author whose holistic approach to coaching, speaking, and writing helps others accelerate their growth and push past their limitations.

After 15 years in research science, Victoria found her True Calling and purpose in behavioral science when she realized how easy it is for Women to lose their identities to the roles they serve in. She shares her insights & story in her TEDx talk, "You Are Who You Are, Not What You Do". This experience led her to focus on providing Coaching to help entrepreneurial & professionals (men and women) move beyond their mindset blocks and gain the personal brand clarity and strong mindset needed to operate as high-level leaders.

She also offers organizational interventions in the form of trainings, seminars, and/or team building to polish brilliant leaders. She is a writer for multiple publications and a podcast host. She serves on several boards and non-profit organizations. For fun, she enjoys traveling, cooking, and reading. She lives in Savannah Georgia with her husband and 14-year-old daughter, Reilly.

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Victoria Baylor, Mindset & Clarity Coach, TEDx Speaker

Tell us a little about your background.

I'm one of 3 kids (the middle child) born into a military family. I traveled a good bit growing up and settled in Savannah, GA where I came for college in 1997. I married my College Sweetheart and we have a teenage daughter.

I'm obsessed with learning and I've always been fascinated by the way we think and the unique traits and capabilities that we all have. I can definitely say I've always been a researcher and problem-solver. That's what initially led me into the research science field. But my fascination with how we as people see ourselves and life's challenges soon took over and led me into the field of behavioral science. I became a Certified Mindset and Clarity coach, TEDx Speaker, teacher, and author. The name of my company is Clarity for High-Performance LLC and I focus on mindset growth and leadership development for Organizational Leaders and Women.

I offer holistic coaching, speaking, and teaching in the areas of personal development, personal branding, and mindset growth. My mission is to help leaders gain the clarity to lead confidently.

What got you into this line of work?

To be truthful it was me hitting my own "roadblock" as a leader and recognizing that I didn't have the confidence I needed to move my life forward. That led me to do the necessary work. I recognized the same challenge existed for others and I was determined to do something about it. I've been helping others ever since.

What's most beneficial about the work you do?

Serving as a thought partner and helping others get the clarity necessary to move past their challenges. I also enjoy watching my clients evolve and grow. They may come in with an issue and within that same session after we've worked through some of those issues they have new solutions or what they saw as a limitation has turned into an opportunity. Most importantly it's great to see my clients realize their own brilliance and grow in their confidence. Such realization impacts every part of their life from the way they interact with their family, how they talk about themselves, and the opportunities they boldly pursue.

What do you absolutely love about the work you do?

I love to help leaders get the support they need. Leadership can be a long and lonely road sometimes. Having the weight of so much responsibility can be challenging. I love to come alongside those in leadership to serve as a sounding board and think partner to coach them to find solutions and drop some of that mental and emotional weight.

What could be most challenging about your work?

The most challenging thing at times is getting high-performing people to slow down--although I'm pretty good at it (smile). They are usually always moving and they don't take adequate time to do the necessary internal work. That's usually the reason they come to me in the first place. They realize that all of their achievings, doing, running around, and working non-stop is not helping them move past some of the issues they're feeling inside. Those issues may be low confidence, self-doubt, impostor syndrome,etc. These internal issues usually spill out and began to negatively impact how they see themselves, communicate with others, navigate conflict, etc.

Who are your ideal clients?

High-performing individuals such as entrepreneurs and professionals. I've worked with everyone from dentists, to politicians, artists, etc. I also work with organizational leaders doing executive coaching, team-building, etc. I work with anyone who is interested in moving from where they are to a greater goal and maybe a little stuck on how to move forward.

What are your future goals?

To keep growing my company and to start a speaking tour, write a few books and continue with organizational interventions.

Want to learn more from Victoria? Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit her website.

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