Written by: Christopher H. McKinney Sr., Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

This article is off the beaten path I typically traverse when writing. I wrote this article for the sole purpose of lifting others. Why? Because we do not all have great days. We all encounter challenges, both large and small. Some of us have experienced more challenges than others. Some have been in the valley for an extended period and do not see the end in sight. But the good news is, we are still standing. We are still here.

I often hear that the world is dark, but it does NOT have to be that way. No matter how small, light displaces darkness regardless of how entrenched the darkness may be. The question is, do we have the courage to introduce light when we have the power to do so? We all have God-given gifts. Our gifts are as numerous as there are people on the planet. One can paint. Another can teach. The next is good with finances. The other is a great administrator. Our gifts are assigned for specific purposes with intentionality. YOUR gifts are given so YOU can accomplish specific things while you still draw breath.
Additionally, our gifts are not for us to hoard but for the benefit of others. Our gifts are given and designed to make other people's lives better. When we share (give) our gift, we introduce light into the world.
No matter how small, light displaces darkness regardless of how entrenched the darkness may be.
Think about it. What if Henry Ford never invented the Model T? What if Mother Teresa had never sought to make the world a better place? What if Dr. King Jr. did not seek equality? Where would our world be today if they buried their gifts in the ground? Your gifts are given for the specific benefit of others and the planet. Someone is waiting to have their life improved by you releasing your gifts. Release your gift.
I don’t know if fear of failure, lack of resources, or ridicule is holding you back, but I encourage you to take a step toward releasing your gift. Sharing your gift is win-win. The people who benefit from your gift win because you enhance their life, and you win because you gave.
In a study published by Nature Communications at the University of Zurich in Switzerland, researchers found that a group of people instructed to spend money on others reported more happiness than a group instructed to spend money on themselves. Brain chemicals associated with happiness were found to be much more active in the "giving" group. I have personally found that the secret to living my "best life" is hidden in sharing my gifts.
… the secret to living my “best life” is hidden in sharing my gifts.
Are you seeking joy? Release your gifts. Are you seeking a stronger financial position? Release your gifts. Are you seeking respect? Release your gifts. I hope you are open to what I have said thus far. But before I proceed there is one critical fact, I hope you can get from your head to your heart. Our gifts ARE NOT in competition with other people’s gifts.

Our gifts are meant to complement and enhance the gifts of others. Columbia University Professor Hitendra Wadhwa shared, “At every level of nature—from the cellular level to organs in the body to planets in the solar system—there is an interchange going on. Each helps to support the overall stability of the system, and this system then makes each individual element reach their highest unique potential." I need you, and you need me. Share your gift.
There is no need to have a scarcity mindset (I must compete with you to win). The world is a big place. The universe is an even bigger place. There is more than enough space for everyone to share their gift without feeling like they must compete with the next person. In fact, the scarcity mindset causes us to fail to maximize our gifts.
Our gifts are meant to complement the gifts of others.
Now you may say, "I am not so sure I agree with you, Chris.” I will expand. When I perceive that my gifts compete with yours, my energy and attention are spent on one-upping you, and I can miss opportunities. What opportunities? Opportunities to collaborate and learn from others as I share with them. Opportunities to exchange ideas and learn from my mistakes. Even though I think that by competing against you, I will expand my territory, this mindset is actually one of contraction in the long run.
If I understand that our gifts are complementary and I seek to assist and add value to others, the world of possibilities expands. When I seek to support and lift you, I am also elevated and visa-versa.
The world is better when I use my gifts to complement your gifts, and you use your gifts to complement me. It has often been said, and it is factually accurate, that a candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. The question is, do we have enough courage to light someone else’s candle? Can we take our eyes off ourselves long enough to see the benefit of aiding others? Or can we allow someone else to light our candle?
Can you imagine a fully illuminated world because so many people’s candles are lit and lighting other candles?

The bottom line is that it is not a zero-sum game. In fact, it is a game of exponents because your gifts enhance my gifts. This enhancement can lead to an exponential increase. For example, is Dr. Michael E. Perry, the CEO of KATALIS, a business consulting firm. He was working with me as my executive coach, but this required me to sit my ego down and see him for the true gift that he is and make room for him. By putting aside my pride to receive input, I created space for him to share his gift. This allowed him to shine his light into internal areas with a measure of darkness (blind spots), to which I was completely oblivious. By shining his light, he helped me to become a better version of myself. And in the role, I was in as CEO, it was definitely exponential gains and not simple addition.
Another example is of my bride, Danya McKinney (LMHC/LMH), owner of Fostering Hope Counseling. I sometimes struggle receiving her gifts because the intimate relationships are fraught with landmines called “emotions”. She is gifted at her craft and has an uncanny ability to see the blind spots for her clients and me. I was dealing with a very stressful situation while in my CEO role, and she saw it. She approached and was first to say, “You may need to let go and move on. You can do anything and will be great at whatever you do.” I usually would get stuck on the fact that she suggested I should move on and miss the encouragement and affirmations (light). But not this time, over time, by making space for her gift, I came to know that her words were valid and confirming, and I stepped out and formed 10X Leadership Consulting. There was no loss for me by her sharing her gift. Her sharing helped my light shine brighter, enhancing my health while giving me a greater means to provide for my family. This is absolutely exponential growth!
The bottom line is it is not a zero-sum game.
I am convinced that EVERYONE who is drawing breath on the earth has a gift to share. You would have ceased to draw breath if there were no reason (purpose) for your life. For our world to maximize its potential, we ALL must share our gifts with the rest of the world (humanity). We begin to illuminate the darkness as we share our gifts with the world. When I say the “world”, to be more specific, I am talking about your family, neighborhood, office, and wherever you have influence. This is the starting place for creating worldwide change.
The more we share our gifts, the more darkness is displaced. Darkness can only exist and persist if we fail or refuse to share our gifts. Darkness also continues to exist and prevail when I fail to understand that my gift is not in competition with yours. Light dominates when I understand that my gifts complement your gifts, and yours complement mine.
Sadly, the largest repository of gifts is in the cemetery. Many people go to their graves with so much to give inside them. William Wallace said, “Every man (woman) dies. Not every man really lives." The key to truly living is releasing the gifts inside you. There is no benefit of your gifts in the cemetery.
Light dominates when I understand that my gifts complement your gifts, and yours complement mine.
Share your gift. You matter! The world needs you and your gift. I need you and your gift.
Light dispels darkness, no matter how dark. Do NOT be afraid of the dark, for the moment light appears, darkness recedes.
You are the gift! Keep believing.
Let your light pierce the darkness!

My company 10X Leadership Consulting works with businesses to determine how to gain greater market share, move into new markets, and determine what needs to be fixed if your revenue projections are off. If we can ever be of assistance to you, please reach out.
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Christopher H. McKinney Sr., Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Chris is the founder and CEO of 10X Leadership Consulting (10XLC). 10XLC is a premier consulting company that identifies and diagnoses issues that impede the development and growth of businesses. 10XLC specializes in strategy, leadership, and culture development. Chris is also a co-author of the book “Triumphant Transitions” published by Trilogy Publishing.
As a 30-year Air Force veteran, he developed the mantras “Leadership is relentless!” and “When you add value, you become invaluable.” Both were key beacons that helped him navigate and have highly successful careers in two different industries. Success for Chris is seeing people around him grow, evolve, and become effective when they gain a seat at the table. His mindset is for his life to be at its fullest, others must release their gift(s) into the world. By releasing their gift(s), the world is made more complete.