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Yoga For Managing PCOS

Written by: Rimi Sodhi, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Yoga is a holistic practice that is a combination of postures, breathwork, and meditation. One of the main intents of this practice is to train the physical, mental and spiritual aspects within us. In fact, in the past few years, medical yoga has gained immense popularity as this practice can help with various medical conditions like diabetes, digestive issues, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, and PCOS.

In today’s article, we will touch upon a few points and understand that with the practice of Yoga a few symptoms can be managed. Diagnosis at the right time and awareness about the disorder can help prevent the adverse effects of PCOS. Some of the causes of PCOS are unhealthy lifestyle, incorrect eating habits, and lack of exercise; these are some common factors that lead to PCOS.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a hormonal endocrine disorder where multiple cysts are formed in the ovaries. These cysts can cause hormonal imbalance. Awareness about leading a healthy lifestyle, maintaining dietary discipline, and committing to regular exercise are required for the prevention and better management of PCOS.

Some of the common symptoms of PCOS are:

  • Low energy levels and feeling fatigued.

  • Disturbed sleep and irregular sleeping patterns.

  • Hair loss and thinning of hair.

  • Weight gain and obesity.

  • Pelvic pain during menstrual cycles.

  • Skin problems like acne or dark patches

Yoga is a very effective practice to keep this disorder in check. According to a study, women who practice yoga three to four times a week have been able to deal with the symptoms better over a span of four to five months. There are a few yoga postures and breathing exercises that can help with some major symptoms. Some Yoga postures create abdominal compression and gently massage the internal organs. These help to tone the internal organ functioning and improve blood circulation. The yoga asana suggested massaging the digestive organs and visceral organs. Yoga poses are effective in weight loss and keeping the metabolism in check. The practice of standing forward folds increase blood flow to the crown and help in reducing symptoms like hair fall and reducing stress along with anxiety.

The following Yoga exercises are very beneficial for people suffering from PCOS.

1. Garland Pose (Malasana): This seated squatting pose helps to strengthen the pelvic area and improves blood circulation in the pelvic region. The regular practice of the garland pose strengthens the muscles around the hips and improves digestion and body metabolism.

2. Bow Pose: This backbend is very effective for PCOS as this posture helps in reducing menstrual discomfort. It stimulates and strengthens the reproductive organs. This posture also helps in reducing stress and anxiety by releasing tension in various parts of the organs.

3. Alternate nostril breathing breathwork: Stress has an adverse impact on PCOS. Therefore the practice of breathwork is imperative to relax the mind it soothes the nervous system and lowers blood pressure as PCOS can cause high blood pressure if not managed well. It also improves oxygen absorption in the blood and restores hormonal balance.

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Rimi Sodhi, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Born in 1988, a practitioner and teacher of Yoga, Rimi's initiation into the discipline of Yoga happened at the age of 25. An intense self-practice led her to study the spiritual philosophy further and deepen her Yoga practice. She is the founder of Shivoham Yoga School, and people from all over the world enroll for her Yoga programs to learn the powerful techniques of this ancient philosophy to face the modern world problems.

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