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Women And Their Self-image And How The Power Of EFT Tapping Can Help It Strengthen

Written by: Andrea Lewis, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Man throughout time has blamed women, especially Women of Color, for the ills of the earth, ever since Eve was beguiled by the serpent and caused Adam to eat too of the apple, thereby causing the man to fall from grace and the Garden of Eden. I’d like you to consider this for a moment. Something someone hypothesized to me recently. Who had a relationship with God? Adam or Eve? It was Adam. So, since Adam had a relationship with God, it was up to him to set Eve straight and refuse to eat the apple. However, he chose to follow Eve and eat the apple thereby negating his relationship with God. In essence, Adam chose Eve over God! It wasn’t Eve’s fault; it was Adam's fault that they were tossed out of the Garden of Eden! Think about that for a moment or two or three.

What does this have to do with self-image? A lot. Hang in there with me. A few months ago, I heard a preacher during his sermon yell, three times, you’re a whore, you’re a whore, you’re a whore. Why is it a woman who is comfortable with her sexuality is called a whore? Wouldn’t a man who’s comfortable with his sexuality also be called the same? I asked a preacher once why preachers are always preaching at women, telling them what’s wrong with themselves, what not to do, and what to do, but don’t preach at men the same way. After much back and forth and denial, he finally admitted that it “was a control thing”. I am not disputing the Bible clearly saying, to not fornicate and to not commit adultery. I am disputing that women seem to be the target of a lot of self-image-lowering messages and sermons. Jesus didn’t call the prostitutes whores or prostitutes, he called them daughters and told them about themselves in a way that didn’t demean them or make them feel worse than they already felt about themselves. He showed them love thereby raising their self-image.

Think about the subtle and not so subtle names and titles you’ve been given over your lifetime. Especially women of color. We’ve been made to feel unworthy, undeserving, unappreciated, uncared for, not enough, despised, hated, ignored, abused, used, and I’m sure you can add others to the list.

What does this have to do with self-image? A lot. Your self-image determines how far you will go in life and how much of your dreams you will achieve. Even your financial future is at stake! If you don’t have a good self-image, you won’t fight for that raise or promotion. If you don’t have a good self-image, you won’t ask for funding to help you start your business. If you don’t have a good self-image, you won’t be kind to your body or mind. If you don’t have a good self-image, you won’t eat properly to take care of your body or mind. If you don’t have a good self-image, you won’t leave that abusive relationship or job. You get the idea.

The definition of self-image is, the idea one has of one's abilities, appearance, and personality. That’s man’s definition of self-image. The Biblical meaning of self-image comes from Genesis, chapter 1, verses 26 and 27, which states, in essence, we are all created in the image and likeness of God. Since we are created in the image and likeness of God, we are of great worth and value! Think about that. Want to know what God looks like, go look in the mirror! You are created in his image and likeness. Do you want more self-image notes from God’s perspective? And this is as much for me as for you.

You are of God; you are fearfully and wonderfully made and are marvelous; you are beautiful; you are victorious; you are triumphant; you are courageous; you are strong; you are love; you are sound-minded; you have the mind of Christ; you are powerful; you can do all things through Christ which strengthens you; you are well able; you are more than a conqueror; you are joyful; you are patient; you are kind; you are peaceful; you are gentle; you are God’s masterpiece; you are powerful; you are beautiful; you are humble; you are virtuous; you are disciplined; you are healed; you are forgiven; you are unashamed; you are a joint heir to God’s throne; you are loved and beloved of God; you are Blessed; you are chosen by God; you are prosperous; you are precious; you are cared for; you are special; you are unique; you are free!

That’s who God says you are!! So, who are you going to believe? Man, or God’s view of you? Whose version of you are you going to feed your mind from this day forth? Man, or God’s view?

My assignment for you, should you choose to accept it, tap every day for the next 30 days, and see if you notice any difference in your attitude toward yourself and others and in how you advocate for yourself.

Please see my first article, titled, What is EFT Tapping and why does it work, May 2021, for an explanation of EFT Tapping.

Let’s begin to tap!

  • Side of the hand. Even though I feel annoyed at the mendacity of others when it comes to women of color, I choose to see myself as my Higher Power sees me

  • Side of the hand. Even though I feel annoyed that this society still sees women of color as second-class citizens, I choose to see myself as fearfully and wonderfully made

  • Side of the hand. Even though I feel annoyed that in this day and age women still have to fight to be seen and heard, I choose to see myself as marvelous

  • Top of head. I’m choosing to see myself as powerful

  • Eyebrow. I’m choosing to see myself as strong

  • Side of eye. I’m choosing to see myself as courageous

  • Under the eye. I’m choosing to see myself as sound-minded

  • Under the lip. I’m choosing to see myself as loveable

  • Collar bone. I’m choosing to see myself as triumphant

  • Under the arm. I’m choosing to see myself as being healed

  • Tap inner wrists together. I’m choosing to see myself as being a masterpiece

  • Tap back of wrists together. I’m choosing to see myself as being created by my Higher Power in his image and likeness

Let’s keep going!

  • Side of the hand. I’m choosing to see myself as victorious

  • Top of head. I’m choosing to see myself as well able

  • Eyebrow. I’m choosing to see myself as joyful

  • Side of eye. I’m choosing to see myself as more than a conqueror

  • Under the eye. I’m choosing to see myself as healed

  • Under the nose. I’m choosing to see myself as forgiven

  • Under the lip. I’m choosing to see myself as whole and complete

  • Collar bone. I’m choosing to see myself as unashamed

  • Under the arm. I’m choosing to see myself as beautiful

  • Tap inner wrists together. I’m choosing to see myself as safe

  • Tap back of wrists together. I’m choosing to see myself as God sees me, marvelous

Take a deep cleansing breath

How do you feel after those 2 rounds? Better?

Let’s do that again!

  • Side of the hand. I’m choosing to see myself virtuous

  • Top of head. I’m choosing to see myself as wonderful

  • Eyebrow. I’m choosing to see myself as powerful

  • Side of eye. I’m choosing to see myself as chosen

  • Under the eye. I’m choosing to see myself as a joint heir to god’s throne

  • Under the nose. I’m choosing to see myself as bold

  • Under the lip. I’m choosing to see myself as strong

  • Under the arm. I’m choosing to see myself as loved

  • Tap inner wrists together. I’m choosing to see myself as beloved

  • Tap back of wrists together. I’m choosing to see myself as victorious

Take a deep cleansing breath

Feeling great now? I hope you do!!

Are you beginning to see how EFT Tapping can help you and be a valuable addition to your self-care toolbox?

Each month from now on, this magazine will feature a new EFT Tapping round or two from Andrea for you to follow along.

Find out more about how Andrea can guide you to embrace change and boldly and joyfully live beyond the expectations of family, society, and culture to live life on your terms at her website, EFT Tapping | Online EFT Classes | Solace4me.

Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and on her 30-minute online radio program, The Power of EFT Tapping, on Sundays, 12PM EDT, on Live365 Radio Stream - WNJR-Radio.Com | WNJR-Radio.Com (


Andrea Lewis, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Andrea D. Lewis is an Accredited Certified Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner (EFT Tapping) and often states that, "EFT Tapping is an answer to a prayer." She started using EFT Tapping in 2014 when she searched for a way to relieve her fears and worries that often left her feeling reluctant to leave her home to go to work or do other outside activities. She was so encouraged by the results she received from 50 days of 10-15 minutes of daily tapping that she wanted to share this newfound knowledge with others and became certified. EFT Tapping does not do the healing. It just releases the stuck emotional charge of past events to help the body do what it was created to do, which is to heal itself and to enable the person to move forward confidently in life. You can listen to her weekly internet radio program, The Power of EFT Tapping, on Sundays at 12PM EST on Her mission: To help clients thrive by being emotionally healthy and happily engaged in their life.

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