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Why Your Potential Isn’t Something You Find but Something You Live

Danny Bader is a near-death survivor, keynote speaker, best-selling author, and podcast host. Danny brings a unique perspective and powerful message to his audiences, drawing from his own experiences to support, inspire, and influence them on their life’s journey to greater levels of fulfillment and resilience.

Executive Contributor Danny Bader

I recently heard a coach in an interview talk about his team’s potential, especially highlighting a few of his star players. He spoke about potential as if it were a fixed quality, something that exists within a person and simply needs to be tapped into to achieve success. But that got me thinking…

Silhouette of a person gazing at a starry sky with vibrant hues of purple, orange, and green, evoking wonder and serenity.

How do we actually define potential?

When I looked it up, I found definitions like “having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future” or “latent qualities or abilities that may lead to future success.” These definitions made sense, but I was still curious: What do words like capacity and latent qualities really mean in the context of living our best lives?

Digging deeper, I came across two common phrases: “reach one’s potential” and “realize one’s potential.” These phrases, known as idioms, describe becoming the best version of yourself, fully utilizing your abilities and talents to achieve your goals and aspirations. I liked this definition because it broadened the concept of potential beyond a single skill or outcome. It’s not just about being a great quarterback, top salesperson, or standout leader. It’s about striving to be your best in every aspect of life: your relationships, athletic pursuits, personal growth, financial goals, spiritual development, and beyond.

This led me to a realization: potential isn’t a thing you possess, it’s a process you engage in. A process is defined as a series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular goal. So, what are the steps that allow us to consistently grow and move toward becoming the best version of ourselves? I’ve identified six key principles that guide this process.

See the other side

It’s essential to develop a clear vision of where you’re headed, to visualize what you want to create or achieve as the ultimate outcome of your focus. I use the word “ultimate” not as the final achievement of your life, but as the endpoint of this particular phase of your journey. This initial step in unlocking your potential involves vividly imagining what success looks like when you bring your vision to life and accomplish your desired goal.

Love your people fiercely and let them love you

As you embark on this journey, you’ve probably heard the phrase, “Nobody does it alone.” It’s true. A solid foundation for realizing your potential is built on the most powerful energy available to all of us: love. One of my favorite quotes, which I know will stay with me for a long time, comes from Robert A. Heinlein:

"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."

Powerful, right? So ask yourself, who in your life do you need to love more deeply? Who needs you to show up for them in ways you haven’t yet? And where in your life do you need more support, strength, and encouragement? Who can offer that to you?

H.U.T. – Hold Useful Thoughts

This is one of my mantras, and wow, has it helped me navigate some challenging moments. H.U.T.—Hold Useful Thoughts—is a practice that shifts you from negative self-talk to a more positive, empowering mindset. Life happens “between your ears,” so it’s crucial to cultivate a mental space that’s strong, resilient, and full of self-love and trust. I was reminded of this while listening to The Mel Robbins Podcast, where she interviewed Dr. Julie Smith, a clinical psychologist and author of Open When… They had a robust conversation about recognizing negative thoughts and having a strategy to replace them with more supportive, productive ones. Mastering this skill is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

Be still

There was a period in my life when I found myself in what I call “the valley of the victim.” I had just survived an accident where my friend and I were electrocuted by 8,000 volts. We both died, but after six or seven minutes, I came back to life. My friend did not. I was consumed by grief and found myself in the darkest space imaginable, contemplating ending my life. I went to the Outer Banks of North Carolina in October, where the stillness of that deserted beach town gave me the space to hear my Spirit again. It was during this time that one of my angels appeared, an 80-year-old woman with spiked gray hair, tanned and wrinkled skin, piercing blue eyes, and a bright, radiant smile. Her presence, combined with the quiet of that place, gave me what I needed to step back from the edge. If you’re serious about pursuing your potential, you must make space for stillness. Trust me on this one.

The Sufi poet Rumi said it best:

"There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen."

Swing the hammer

Years ago, I was replacing some boards on my deck when my two young sons, Luke and Joey, came outside and “wanted to help.” They were eager to hammer nails. Luke went first and did a great job. Then it was Joey’s turn. After a few dramatic practice swings, classic Joey, Luke finally looked at him and said, “Joey, if you want to drive the nail, you have to swing the hammer.” Joey took his advice, swung the hammer, and got the job done.

The day after the angel encounter I mentioned earlier, and following an emotional call with my mom, I got into my Jeep and began the journey home, climbing out of “the valley of the victim.” It wasn’t a quick or easy climb. The residue of tragedy and trauma lingers. But it was this action, this swing of the hammer, that set me on a path of forward momentum.

Now, think back to the “seeing the other side” concept. What actions do you need to take that you’ve been avoiding? Movement forward requires action. It requires you to swing the hammer. So, what are you waiting for? Swing it.

Live with arrfYl, a radical reverence for your life

In my newest book, A Radical Reverence for YOUR Life (arrfYl), I emphasize the powerful truth that life, your life, is not guaranteed. It’s fragile and fleeting. But this reality shouldn’t be seen as sad or depressing. On the contrary, it should be empowering, inspiring, and focus-generating. Through my journey, I’ve realized that life can be lived on three distinct levels, each reflecting the depth of our connection to its meaning.

The highest level: A radical reverence for your life (arrfYl)

You embrace life with profound passion, purpose, appreciation, and intentionality at this level. Every moment is valued, and challenges are seen as opportunities for growth. When you live with arrfYl, you become immune to the negative energies of life because you’re anchored in a deep understanding of life’s preciousness and potential.

The middle level: A regular reverence for your life

This level reflects a steady, habitual respect for life’s rhythms, where gratitude and mindfulness exist but are often drowned out by the white noise of life. Many people live here. It’s where I hear people say, “Livin’ the dream” or “Another day in paradise,” but their words drip with sarcasm. Life feels okay, but the vibrancy of deep spiritual awareness is missing.

The lowest level: A reduced reverence for your life

At this level, there’s a dangerous disconnection from life and Spirit. Fear, apathy, and negativity dull the experience, leaving people feeling stuck, empty, and unfulfilled. It’s a place where life’s beauty and potential go unnoticed.

Always strive to live with arrfYl, with a radical reverence for your life. You have potential within you, and remember, the potential is not a destination. It’s a process. Embrace the principles we’ve explored, pursue your highest potential, and become the best version of yourself in every area of life.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Danny Bader, Keynote Speaker, Author

Danny Bader's transformation from a harrowing near-death experience to a source of inspiration is indeed remarkable. His journey highlights the incredible resilience of the human Spirit and serves as a testament to the power of turning adversity into growth and opportunity. As a keynote speaker, best-selling author, and podcast host, Danny uses his experiences to craft a message that touches and resonates deeply with audiences worldwide. His unique perspective allows him to connect with people on a profound level, offering them not just motivation, but tangible strategies for navigating life's challenges to create greater levels of fulfillment and resilience always.

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