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Why Your Body Knows Your Next Move

Nicky Burke is a Professional Artist, Choreographer, Creative Director & Intuitive Coach for Film, TV & Theatre. Her clients include the BBC, SKY TV, ITV, Sony Music Entertainment, Channel 5 & ExCeL London, including Uber Eats, Harry Hills Tea Time Series 1 & 2, Lip Sync Battle UK, Britains' Got Talent, Scouting for Girls, NYC Time Square Hard Rock Cafe & the UK's leading pawnbroker H&T. She also enjoys her time working on feature films & guiding singer/songwriters worldwide.

Executive Contributor Nicky Burke

Inside of each of us there is a cosmic web of blood and bones, muscular memory and a life force, a life force that seeks to move through us, in every moment of the day; without blockages we feel free, light, full of our own energy! Disease is simply this a dis”ease” within us and as the owners of our own cosmic web, as the owners of our light that wants to be as free as the air, we can turn to the body for answers that no other can subscribe.

Beautiful woman sitting on the grass.

Establishing a connection

With the mind out of the way, we can call to the heart, to the place where we immediately feel home. As we establish our heart connection with ourselves, we remember the breath. Relish in your breath for a moment…

You may wish to take a paper and pen for free writing/journaling during this exploration.

  • Notice, how is your breath… take five breaths inhaling and exhaling. What do you notice?

  • Write down, is it steady, deep and rich? Or is it slightly out of sync, stiff and stifled. Perhaps you receive colours or symbols, just go with it! We all receive messages in a unique way.

  • After a minute or two, acknowledge what you have written as your starting point. Just rest in it, loving that this information is always available to you.

  • From here we can choose to move towards our desired destination, we will ask the body for vital and clear information regarding “ Your Next Move.” Now, is a good moment to set an intention for yourself, it can be as open as “ I ask to see what I need to know” or “ where am I blocking my abundance?” Or “ where can I love myself more?” Take time to sit with your personal intention before going to the next part.

Exploring your inner medicine

Now, let go of your mind and as before, call on the breath.

  • Ask the breath to lead you to a part of the body that needs attention and notice where you land.

  • Notice how it feels in this space, you can write it down or share out loud if you are in a group.

  • Notice if this part of your body gives you imagery, or a past memory that is blocking you now. Simply become the observer, and remember all emotions are welcome!!!!

  • With compassion, ask this part of you what it needs; does it call to be heard, held, loved with food, dance, movement or rest. Listen for as long as you can and say YES to this inner calling.

Building a bridge between now and your next move

Giving attention to our body quietly, subtly allows us to establish a new healthy relationship to the body and our full selves. We can often “use” the body as a state of means to get us to where we want to be, but when we listen, it can show us what our heart truly desires!

Why an outlet is vital

From my years of dancing, teaching and healing I have found that when we give our bodies the space they do surrender! I was shocked when my choreographed dance classes became a healing space for clients. The choreography exuding a particular story or emotion, where my clients could filter out all types of negative energy and pains by putting their focus into their heart consciousness. Choreography isn’t for everyone, you can try five rhythms or free flow movement where you simply do exactly what you wish to do! Perhaps your body is asking for more subtle movement such as walking or even stillness, each day will be different from another, just remember that you are worth it!

Owning yourself

No matter what the mind may tell you, your body is a precious temple that holds the key to vital information for you thrive. So I invite you to heal from within, from your own knowledge and inner guidance, take deep enquiry as “ Your Body Knows Your Next Move”.

You can listen to Nicky’s podcast with Brainz Magazine on Spotify “The Parallels Between Dancing and Intuitive Coaching” or pick up a signed copy of her International Bestselling Coauthor Book “ The Sacred Dance; Wisdom From Leaders Living A Soul-Led Life” via her Linktree URL, you can connect with Nicky on her numerous social media platforms or drop a note to share with her, how these practices have served you.


Nicky Burke, Intuitive Coach

Nicky Burke is a Professional Artist, Choreographer, Creative Director & Intuitive Coach for Film, TV & Theatre. Her clients include the BBC, SKY TV, ITV, Sony Music Entertainment, Channel 5 & ExCeL London, including Uber Eats, Harry Hills Tea Time Series 1 & 2, Lip Sync Battle UK, Britains' Got Talent, Scouting for Girls, NYC Time Square Hard Rock Cafe & the UK's leading pawnbroker H&T. She also enjoys her time working on feature films & guiding singer/songwriters worldwide.

Nicky's passion for dancing has led her to share the joy of movement with people all over the world, of all ages and abilities! Her teachings support shifting old belief systems and subconscious blockages so you can open up to accelerate and live a life of your own unique gifts. Nicky brings her wisdom and compassion to every board meeting, set and coaching session knowing that each person is on their own individual journey. You can hire Nicky for private and group sessions, both online & in person, enquire today to reveal your SUPER POWERS!

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