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Why You Normalize Your Own Money Blocks

Written by: Sharkina Parker, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Are you tired of following traditional methods of success?

You’re unsatisfied with where you are currently, but you dont have that specific answer that puts words to your thought process, so you find yourself settling in the mindset of “I don’t know how”.

Over time you find yourself crippled by the fear of embracing something that has no clear path to completion.

Then you start to convince yourself to forget about all of your ideas because they just seem like too much to process.

However, what you’re really doing is allowing yourself to stay stuck in the mindset of “not knowing” instead of developing the mindset of “how can I”?.

It’s like moving to a place that you’re unfamiliar with. A place where you don’t really know anyone which makes you feel uneasy, but you stay in this state instead of asking yourself how and where you can go to meet people who can support you in your journey.

It’s a consistent cycle of normalizing a lack mentality.

Yet you want to live an above average lifestyle.

This is exactly how you play an unconscious role in blocking yourself from receiving the money that you not only want, but the money that you deserve as well.

Instead of focusing on how far away or confusing something seems, focus on creating space in your life to receive it.

Not only does this help you to develop intentional time to expand your mindset, it creates room in your life to explore what it is that you want with no pressure added.

This helps to build excitement, strengthens your belief, and maximizes momentum which ultimately leads to results (both expected and unexpected) that expand your overall success.

Follow me on Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Sharkina Parker, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

"Sharkina is a Money Mindset Coach with a heart to serve others to help them get unstuck and progress through their financial journey by way of mindset development. Sharkina’s commitment to her passion to transform the lives of her clients and promote the creation and sustainability of generational wealth has contributed to her achievements. Sharkina’s experience includes coaching women regarding mindset shifts, goal setting, and developing better money habits to fulfill their dreams.

It is her mission to continue to teach the core values regarding financial literacy and encourage others to change their limiting beliefs regarding their finances and overall life success."

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