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Why You Need To Work On Your Family Tree To Finally Be Successful And Financially Free

Written by: Viviana Di Leo, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


How your family tree is stopping you from your success and financial freedom and why you need to work on this.

This subject has become mind-blowing for me, we talk about being in the present and we have to go back to healing the past to enjoy our present.

I was a bit doubtful when I first connected to this back in 2015 and sure I was not as connected and spiritual as I am now in my life. So, let’s say I was looking for a solution to all the family drama and repeated patterns without knowing this would change my life, my family, and hundreds of people more.

Today this is a subject many people are talking about and have started to use more because of the powerful and immediate shifts that the person can have. As it accesses the subconscious mind and heals at the core.

What is creating this block to your success or freedom?

We know now that our patterns and blocks come from our subconscious mind that is what makes us navigate life in the way we are doing.

If our subconscious mind picked on the first 7 years of our life programs of scarcity, fear, failure then we will be conditioned in life to keep following these patterns.

Our subconscious is conditioned by the environment, the family, the culture, and inside all of this is our ancestors. If they believed that things require effort that life is to live paycheck after paycheck you will have this conditioning inside you deeply rooted.

This is why I tell my clients either you repeat or repair your family.

When they repair, they find all these walls they need to break, which are called invisible loyalties, that come from beliefs created in the subconscious mind.

When I was explained that I was in my grandmother’s womb too, as the eggs were created when she was in her mom’s womb and those same eggs for example, that were in your mother’s womb, she was holding that life before you came. So, you are actually absorbing the traumas, the perceptions, and the programs and patterns that came before you.

So, a really great place to start to try to figure out your ancestral money blocks and success conditioning is looking back at what your parents or caregivers, were saying about money and success. What was the generation before that saying about money and really looking at the lineage with the mindset of am I either repairing or repeating?

When we look at the dates, we can understand from whom you can be picking up the programs even if you haven’t known them.

What I invite you is to be aware that your beliefs have a connection with your family and even if you want to ignore them, they are there and will come back, until you are ready to work on them.

Today I invite you to understand your own money and success stories and heal them, you have to go beyond your feelings related to money and abundance and investigate your ancestral patterns and history by going through your family tree, sorting old family pictures, and getting in touch with your elderly relatives.

Here are a few scenarios that can help you:

  • If you have an irrational fear of losing all your money suddenly, it might be possible that your ancestors lost their wealth and fortune

  • If you have a tendency of holding on to every dollar bill longer and tighter than you should, then it’s possible that some of your ancestors had a miserly attitude towards money.

  • If you are overgenerous with your money or end up spending more than you should, then it might be possible that some of your ancestors were extravagant and unscrupulous with their money and ended up losing their fortune or becoming dependent on their caregivers at old age.

In this way, these ancestral patterns largely shape our mindsets, habits, and behaviors in a negative way or a positive way.

The key to all the challenges you can be facing is to go through this three-step process:

  1. Become aware of your repeated pattern, either with a journal or through coaching or therapies.

  2. Accept that you want to change that repeated pattern, with acceptance you have the power to choose differently.

  3. Take action to heal this. Rituals or writing letters or having conversations with the family and if this is not possible Biodecoding your family tree to uncover what is stopping you.

If you want to improve your life know that you have to decide and make a choice, the choice of saying goodbye to living in a constant unhealthy relationship with yourself.

So, how do I know I released a pattern?

  1. You feel peace of mind even through challenging times.

  2. If a situation triggers you are aware and can shift the way you face it.

  3. You stop doing and redoing things with no end.

  4. You live a more conscious and aware life feeling more fulfilled.

  5. You stop wanting to find the mistakes behind something that did not work.

Choose to release those patterns and deciding how you want to live from now on. It is super rewarding to see my clients close those subconscious patterns and finally feel free, peaceful, and enjoy life.

Every day you have the opportunity to make something different for your life, know yourself so you can enjoy your life to the fullest and not staying in the fear preventing you from a successful and abundant life.

For more information, follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website!


Viviana Di Leo, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Viviana Di Leo is a Certified Peacefulness & Fulfilment Coach. She helps women on their self-healing journey to live a more peaceful and fulfilled life. She's an Expert in Biodecoding & Emotions.

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