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Why Women Should Heal Their Relationship With Their Masculine Energy

Written by: Alix Rufas, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


(Just as men should do the same with their feminine energy)

Regardless of gender (identification), all humans hold both masculine and feminine energy within them.

For a fulfilling life, it is important that both masculine and feminine energies within an individual are healthily embraced and expressed.

In recent years, there’s been increasing global awareness around how, within a patriarchal society, too many women (that identify as such) have adopted an excess of masculine energy to “make it” in a masculine world. An approach that often becomes toxic towards their true feminine essence.

There’s also been a lot of great work done on how women (with a feminine essence) should tap more into their (divine) feminine energy to heal and fully embody their power.

While I fully agree on the importance of both of these points, I often miss an element in these discussions.

And it is this: addressing how women should, and can highly benefit from, healing and embracing their masculine energy within as well.

An unhealthy relationship between a woman and her masculine energy might look like:

1) An excess of masculine energy that can manifest as:

  • Hustling 24/7

  • Tense

  • Stressed

  • Exceedingly alert and/or anxious

  • Disconnected from their bodies and/or feelings and emotions

  • Frustrated

  • Exhausted

  • Burned-out

  • Lack of alignment

2) A lack of masculine energy that can manifest as:

  • Lethargy

  • Confusion

  • No direction

  • Lack of action and/or consistency

  • Dissatisfaction with overall achievements and contribution to the world

  • Feeling stuck

  • Low on energy and stamina

  • Low on confidence

  • Lack of belief in their own: potential, superpowers and capacity for positive impact

  • Avoiding taking full responsibility for their professional and/or financial fulfillment

Here are my top favorite ways women can heal their relationship with their masculine energy and fully embrace its healthiest expression:

1. Understand you’re the CEO of your life - make time to see the overview and lead unapologetically. Create time for you (and you alone) weekly to check in with your life. What’s important to you? What are the top areas of life you want to prioritize? What do you need to take full ownership of? What power moves do you want to schedule next to proactively tackle your wild dreams?

Goals, focus, action and a strong sense of direction are typically masculine elements. When embraced by a woman within their own feminine energy, this can create an incredibly energizing sense of forward-momentum.

2. The magic of High-Impact Moves (H.I.M). Instead “working hard” 24/7, I like to work with this question: What are the smartest, highest-impact few actions I can take today to quantum leap towards my dream goals? Often, this might mean doing something that requires a little more courage or bravery than the mundane smaller tasks (that we often do to avoid tackling the bigger things).

Examples of High-Impact Moves: finally quitting the job you hate, registering your dream business, buying that plane ticket, hiring a kick-ass coach, sending a scary text / e-mail / message, messaging 10 people directly who might be a potential client…

3. Keep it fresh and lean! To maintain an energizing and aligned sense of forward-momentum, it is important to work with smart, efficient systems that counter unhelpful patterns such as perfectionism.

Work in “layers” (various rounds of writing/editing/working - instead of trying to nail everything from the get-go) and take refreshing breaks in-between. Delegate as much as possible anything that is not your zone of genius. Create space for sharp, efficient, focused moments tackling what you’re really good at.

4. Sync with your feminine hormone cycle. Women with an active reproductive hormone cycle (28-35 days long) naturally have moments in their cycle in which their hormones are generally more geared towards “masculine,” focused and pro-active action.

Women, you can tap into your biological intelligence to create epic momentum for yourself - while always resting and restoring too.

Masculine energy within women doesn’t have to be negatively labeled, denied or dismissed as many discussions tend to do.

Instead, women can empower themselves even further by embracing and healing their relationship with their masculine energy too, so that it works for them, not against them.

When this happens, masculine energy within a woman (in synergy with her feminine energy) can create an incredibly energizing sense of ownership, forward-momentum and satisfaction.

Curious to explore this further?

Message me on Instagram @alixrufas with the word “masculine” and I’ll send you a free bonus!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website for more info!


Alix Rufas, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Alix is a Full Potential Speaker and Coach, empowering women worldwide to build their most fulfilling professional lives. Before growing her current coaching business and its team, she started several other ventures; worked for the International Labour Organization (United Nations), several universities, and a start-up accelerator. ​To date, she has individually coached 300+ female leaders around the world. She has led 10 leadership retreats around Europe; and given 50+ public talks. She has also created multiple online programs and transformative digital experiences. Alix is incredibly passionate about and committed to empowering women worldwide to thrive on their full professional potential.

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