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Why Trusting Your Inner Compass is the Key to Living Freely and Finding the Right Path

Victoria May is a certified Rapid Transformational Therapist®, Empowerment Coach, and Energy Worker dedicated to helping women awaken to their true essence and create heart-centred lives filled with freedom, fulfillment, and purpose.

Executive Contributor Victoria May

Trying to figure out the right path can feel like an endless cycle of overthinking, but the answer isn’t in logic or external validation, it’s in your inner compass. Whether you're questioning your career, craving freedom, or feeling pulled toward something new, your intuition already knows the way. The challenge is learning to trust it. This article will help you recognize the signs that you’re on the right path, quiet doubt, and confidently align your career and life with inner fulfilment.

A hiker in a red shirt walks along a green mountain ridge with snow-capped peaks in the background under a clear blue sky.

If you’ve ever found yourself staring at your ceiling at 3 AM, overanalyzing your life choices and wondering if you’ve completely screwed up, welcome. You’re human. The question, “Am I on the right path in life?” haunts ambitious, purpose-driven women everywhere. And guess what? The answer isn’t hiding in a pros-and-cons list, obsessing over what could go wrong, or seeking external validation.

The truth is, the right path isn’t something you figure out, it’s something that gets revealed to you. Your inner compass, your intuition, your deep knowing, your soul’s GPS, is the only guide that can truly lead you home. The problem? Most of us have been conditioned to ignore it in favour of logic, predictable paths, and a fear-based need for control. We fool ourselves into believing we can predict the outcome, but we can never truly know what will happen. We just have to trust.

So, if you’re sick of feeling lost, stuck, or on the verge of a quarter-life, mid-life, or what-am-I-doing-with-my-life crossroads, let’s talk about how to actually know if you are on the right path in life, and how to trust it when you find it.

Why you keep asking, “Am I on the right path?”

Let’s get one thing straight: if you’re questioning your path, it doesn’t mean you’re lost, it means your soul is waking up. And there is an internal tug-of-war happening.

Your ego craves certainty, a predictable, risk-free roadmap with guaranteed success. Your soul? It thrives on expansion, growth, and the unknown. The problem isn’t a lack of clarity; it’s that we’ve been conditioned to ignore our deeper knowing in favor of logic, control, and playing it safe.

When you’re on the wrong path, this question arises as a nudge from your soul. At first, it’s gentle. But the longer you ignore it, the louder it gets. I call these the universal slaps in the face, the more you ignore them, the harder they hit. Your soul will start whispering: “What am I here for?” “There’s got to be more than this.” “Is this really it?” Don’t dismiss these calls; they are guiding you.

But here’s what I recently discovered: this question can also arise when you’re on the right path, only this time, it comes from the voice of fear. It sneaks in when things feel uncertain, scary, or unfamiliar, trying to convince you to retreat to the comfort of the known. It whispers: “Am I cut out for this?” “What if I fail?” “Who am I to do this?”

And here’s the truth about a soul-led path: it won’t be crystal clear, which means fear will naturally show up. Carl Jung said it best: “If the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s.”

The key is recognizing when fear is trying to pull you backward versus when your intuition is nudging you forward. Fear isn’t a red flag; it’s proof that you’re stepping into something expansive. The women who build purpose-driven, freedom-based lives aren’t fearless, they just know how to move through fear rather than be stopped by it.

To walk your true path, you need trust. And that’s where most people struggle, not because they lack direction, but because they don’t trust themselves enough to hear the answer.

Signs you’re on the wrong path

Before we dive into what the right path feels like, let’s talk about the red flags that indicate you’re off course:

  • Everything feels like a struggle, not just challenges, but constant brick walls. There is no momentum, only frustration with every step forward.

  • You’re experiencing chronic burnout, anxiety, depression, or panic attacks tied to your current path. Jim Carrey sums it up well: “Depression is your avatar telling you it’s tired of being the character you’re trying to play.”

  • You keep making excuses for why you should stay in your job, relationship, or situation, even though it drains you. These excuses are all tied to security and a fear of failing or starting over.

  • Your gut is screaming no, but your fear is rationalizing it away. You will know when this is happening!

  • You feel disconnected, like you’re living on autopilot, achieving but not feeling fulfilled. Success without alignment is just another form of being stuck.

If any of these resonate, it’s time to pause and reassess. The more you push down a wrong path, the louder the discomfort becomes. Trust me, I’ve been there.

How to know what the right path is for you (Even when it feels uncertain)

If you’re waiting for a divine telegram spelling it out for you, I hate to break it to you, but it doesn’t work that way. Trust me, I’ve tried.

First, it takes deep inner work to unravel fear-based conditioning so you can actually hear your own inner guidance. Then, you need to nurture that connection. And the hardest part of all, you need to trust it. Your intuition doesn’t work like the mind; it can’t be forced. It must be received. It doesn’t always give you the answer you want either. And when you tune in, the signs are subtle but undeniable.

Here’s what to look for:

1. The path has momentum (But not necessarily ease)

The right path doesn’t mean easy. It means aligned. When you’re in alignment, the right opportunities, people, and ideas show up, not because it’s effortless, but because you’re in sync with your purpose. Whether that means shifting careers, starting a business, or redefining success on your own terms, your inner compass leads the way.

For example, when I moved to Bali, I set the intention: If I am meant to be here, show me flow, show me a sign. I began my search for a house, knowing exactly what I wanted. The first and only house I saw and applied for, I got. Or take the first time I quit my corporate job to go on my Eat, Pray, Love year. I had zero plan, but I knew I needed to bunk down with my parents to save money. Two days after I quit, I got a call from the only company in my hometown doing the work I was qualified for. Coincidence? No. That’s flow.

Ask yourself: Are things, people, opportunities, synchronicities, showing up when you need them? Do certain events feel divinely orchestrated?

2. Your intuition is speaking (Even if it’s just a whisper)

Your inner compass is always trying to guide you. The question is: are you listening?

Some people experience intuitive hits as a gut feeling, a deep knowing, or even dreams. (This has become my most trusted medium.) Others notice synchronicities, like hearing the same phrase three times in a day or stumbling upon the exact book they need. Pay attention to your body; it has a way of signaling when you’ve received an insight or when something aligns. You might feel a sense of ease, excitement, or an unexplained knowing.

Your logical brain will try to rationalize it away. Don’t let it. Pay attention.

3. Fear and doubt are present, but they don’t feel like a hard no

Fear isn’t proof that you’re on the wrong path. It’s proof that you’re stepping into expansion. The women who break free from corporate constraints, build passion-driven businesses, or redefine success on their own terms don’t do it without fear. They do it despite it.

The key is differentiating between:

  • A full-body no (wrong path)

  • A holy sht, this is scary, but I know I need to do it* feeling (right path)

For example, when I left my VP role in Sydney to build my business and move to Bali, fear came in hot. I had moments where I genuinely thought I had made the wrong decision. But underneath the panic, there was still a whisper saying, “Keep going.” That’s what you listen to.

The right path will challenge you. You’ll doubt yourself. But if you get little nudges, like unexpected encouragement or tiny wins, they’re signs you’re on track.

4. Your soul feels lit up, even in the uncertainty

Not every moment on the right path will be magical. Some will suck. But even in tough moments, your vision keeps you going. It will be powerful enough that, even when you face rocky times, picturing this vision pulls you back on course, not always immediately, but it will.

If your vision excites you and brings you joy at a soul level, that’s a sign you’re aligned.

The secret to finding (and trusting) your true path

At the end of the day, finding the right path isn’t about certainty; it’s about doing the inner work to reconnect with your inner compass and then trusting yourself to take the next step, even when you don’t know where it leads.

And if you want to dive deeper, I’ve created:

The Clarity Journey: 5 Simple Steps to Unlock Clarity & Realign with Your True Path

A transformative hypnotherapy journey and workbook to help you:

  • Quiet mental chatter and hear your true inner voice

  • Gain clarity, even if you feel lost now

  • Strengthen your trust muscle so you can take action with confidence

Click here to access your Free copy of The Clarity Journey.

No more second-guessing. No more waiting for permission. Your soul already knows where to go. It’s time to listen, and trust.

So, if you are an ambitious and bold woman ready to create a life of success, purpose, and freedom, uniquely your own, schedule your free strategy session to see how I can support you.

Follow me on Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, or head over to my website.

Read more from Victoria May


Victoria May, Empowerment Coach for Women

Victoria is a certified Rapid Transformational Therapist®, Empowerment Coach, and Energy Worker who helps women reconnect with their true essence and create heart-centred lives of freedom, fulfillment, and purpose. After leaving a successful but unfulfilling corporate career, Victoria embarked on a journey of personal and spiritual discovery. She now uses her expertise and own experience to support women in overcoming burnout, self-doubt, and societal pressures so they can create a life they love. Through her unique approach, Victoria empowers her clients to fully embrace their true selves and live heart-centred lives.

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