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Why Sit In Silence?

Written by: Sarah Tricker Alchemy, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Sitting amongst the trees looking out over the calm water. The gentle breeze cools the skin. As you sit silent and still nature cradles you as it goes about its busy work.

Most people dream of the solitude and getaway. Prisoners of life we flip through glossy magazines full of promise. The pictures that lure you into the perfect resort nestled by the sea with views you could only dream of. The decision is made and you spend thousands of dollars for your perfect getaway. Now daydreaming of the day you leave.

Leading up to your holiday the stress is mounting; insurance, money exchange, suitcases, clothing. You have booked time off work but don’t you know it! The week before you are franticly preparing everything. At home trying to get the house in order before your dream vacation. The stress is mounting!

It’s finally the day. You’ve barely slept in anticipation. You’re trying to remember everything, checking and double-checking. You’re finally on the road, it’s happening! Arriving at the airport, people rushing around, finding your station, tickets, passports, and procedures. You’re through!

There has already been so much pressure placed upon us before we even arrive at our destination that it takes most people a day or two to even unwind. Depending on the amount of time booked there may actually only be a few days of complete relaxation before the journey begins of getting ready to get back to the real world.

You can see why it is a constant struggle living for the weekend. We live in a world where we are plugged in from the minute we get up to the minute we go to bed. As humans, we are constantly inundated with high intensity endlessly shifting imagery that the attention span has become shorter and shorter. There is an expectation of instant gratification that most people rarely sit in silence in their own company. For their own company is painfully uncomfortable.

When we are in a perpetual movement without any reflection it becomes harder and harder to make rational decisions in any part of our being. Relentlessly moving to the next best thing. How can we maintain? We begin to lose touch with the cycles of the earth and instead manipulate our environment so we can work 16 hours a day. We lose connection with the lunar cycles and forget to set our intention and rest as she dictates. Hey, we even change the clocks to suit our hectic lives instead of allowing our circadian rhythms to be settled.

The most barbaric part of the modern world is the guilt laid upon humans. If you are not working hard you are a failure. There has been so much pressure placed on the material success we have forgotten that our life is meant for living. The focus is on working so that we can live. It is time to switch it back around. If anything came out of the pandemic surely the focus on what is important in life should be at the forefront?

Where do you even start?

1. Does your work fill your soul?

We spend the majority of our lives working. Yet for many people they are in jobs that do not fill any part of their being. One amazing thing that has come from the millennial generation is that if you don’t like it change it. Many people have a false sense of entrapment when it comes to the way in which they make money. For those of you who know where your purpose lies find work that pays you for what you love. Those of you who don’t know, remember life is for the taking. Change jobs, professions, try before you buy as it were. When you find what you love get the education if you need it. We are so blessed to live in a time where we can create jobs for ourselves and freely move around this world to find what we love. It is time to embrace this new way of thinking.

2. Break free of restrictions holding you back!

For those who are reading this, I can tell you the two things that will stop people from moving into jobs that fill their soul; time and money! When you are stuck in the rat run or working to pay to live there may seem like there is no way out. You may have family obligations, work long hours, or barely find a minute to yourself. You may be shouting at me how can I free myself of anything? Honestly, this is where you have to decide. When a decision has been made there are no other options available. The work has to be done. Go and get advice and make a plan to pay off your debt. Get a side hustle if you need extra cash, stop spending money on takeout’s and entertainment, and make the budget cuts that are needed to get you where you want. Enroll in the education program you need attending night classes instead of watching Netflix. Whatever it is that you need to do. Make the five-year plan. Buckle down and do it!

3. Life by design!

This is it! This is the golden key! You want to look back at your life with no regrets? Do you want to know that you lived life to the fullest? You and you alone are responsible for the life you live. You have to move away from being the victim of circumstances. It is down to you to shift what you do, how you react, and how you live your life. You decide what is important and what is not. This will vary from person to person. For some family is the most important, for others travelling, for some entrepreneurship, property, camping, volunteering, the list is endless. When we know what fills our soul we create our life so that we can freely do the things that bring us joy, we make time!

Why sit in silence?

As humans for us to be able to abundantly live a life full of positivity and possibility, we must first be able to be with ourselves. To be accepting of our light and shadow side. Be at peace with the thoughts in your minds. Embrace the experiences that have brought us to where we currently reside. Forgoing the concern of what others think of us releasing judgement and comparison. Allowing our own personal journey and purpose in this life to be enough! The understanding that we are unique and special and come here with our own talents.

It begins by being gentle with yourself! When we sit in silence we give space for reflection. When we quiet the mind, even for a moment, we unlock the room for something better. For expansion and inspiration. What you hold in your mind you hold in your hands. Those hands set in motion the physical expression of that which was held in the mind!

Sarah Tricker works to empower women in creating an authentic life. As women, we often loose who we are through life passage. Are you in a transitional moment questioning who you truly are? Do you trust that the universe has your back and that you have been brought here? That there are no coincidences? Is your soul searching for a spiritual empowerment coach such as Sarah? By aligning mind, body, and soul you can find the silence!

Follow Sarah on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit her website for more info!


Sarah Tricker Alchemy, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Sarah Tricker Alchemy is a change-maker and has the ability to see what lies in the unseen and unexplained. After realizing her dream to become an educator, Sarah soon understood she herself was not fulfilling her life purpose. In 2016 she began the journey of entrepreneurship and had been forging her way to true authenticity. Sarah is a Public Speaker & Spiritual Empowerment Coach helping women who are in transition within their life. With her gift as a healer, she facilitates women in finding their authentic selves as well as their life purpose. Every moment is a miracle, and there is always opportunity even when you cannot see it.

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