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Why Self-Reflection is The Key to Unlock a More Sustainable & Empowered Future For Life on Earth?

Written by: Sarah Needham, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


What are we missing today to ‘unlock’ the future to a more sustainable life on earth?

1. You, me, everybody.

2. Each of us stepping courageously into discussions on the things which matter most to us!

Imagine a world where every human being knows what is important to them, knows what they are good at & tunes their lives to being the change they want to see in the world.

What would then be possible?

A world where meaning gets priority; people strive to be the best form of themselves & tune into who they are & what they can offer the world!

As the first step, this means reflecting on what is important to you, getting it crystal clear in your head & being understandable when talking to others. Then it takes awareness of the strengths that you uniquely hold & looking for ways to use these to contribute to creating the change you wish to see.

It would require us all to step into important discussions with curiosity & empathy. Explain what is important, then be open to listening & be challenged through the perspectives of others. It would mean creating a world where courageous conversations are the norm!

What is important? Well, whatever you have defined as being important in your life, the things which create meaning for YOU!

If you are passionate about something, you are likely to engage bravely & it is well known that when the intention is bigger than just yourself, the feeling of contribution leading to contentment is more powerful.

Let’s take an example:

If you intend to create a better future & sharing your unique skills with the world, then are you likely to feel more engaged:

  • doing a job to increase the profits of a company where the product is not interesting to you; or

  • choosing to work on something you are passionate about where making progress will fill you with energy.

Sounds too easy? It is sometimes that obvious when it is someone else!

So then, what does this mean in the world of work?

It means that we are in for a purpose-driven revolution. I believe that the companies who will thrive in the coming years:

  • will have a clear vision that aligns with their values; employees will be drawn to companies who they are passionate about making their Mission a reality;

  • are living their people values in every interaction;

  • are encouraging their people to breathe curiosity into every nook & cranny in the company;

  • are collaborating across boundaries with other organizations/ institutions to share & co-create ideas & solutions;

  • are where challenging conversations & open feedback are championed as enablers to ‘real*’ creativity & innovation.

This purpose-driven revolution has been fuelled by the isolation & self-reflection that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought out in so many people. People are:

  • more aware of what is important to them;

  • more conscious of the culture vs. the posters;

  • are craving connection with others & looking for meaning.

This is an amazing opportunity to benefit from if we can travel from reflection to awareness & into action.

What are the possibilities if we can all show up as the most empowered form of ourselves, playing to our strengths & challenging ourselves to be the change we want to see in the world?

If you believe this article has value and you believe like I do that we can all make a difference, then I challenge you, share ideas & this article with everyone you know!

We can each be a part of this change, and inspiring others to be the change they want to see is my challenge! Let’s take on the challenge to create positive change in our world together!

*In this context, ‘real’ means that innovation and creativity are not just words written on the wall but also championed through the behaviors.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Sarah Needham, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Sarah Needham is a coach with an extraordinary vision: “To create a world where everyone feels they can stand up and engage in discussion about what matters most.” She wants us all to take off our invisibility cloaks and share courageously what we think and feel.

Sarah believes that we are all unique for a reason, and we should challenge ourselves to step proudly into our uniqueness, our own SUPERPOWER!

As a coach, she challenges herself to inspire people by holding regular sessions on this topic. Sarah’s work brings together her three core values: technology, sustainability, and challenging others to embrace their uniqueness. She helps tech founders and leaders unleash their impact in creating a more sustainable life on earth whilst prioritizing their own self-care, and in doing so, creating a more sustainable business.

Sarah is an engineer with many years as a leader at one of the world's leading global engineering corporations. She is British, living in Potsdam, Germany, with her husband, two adopted daughters and two cats.

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