Written by: Jessie Liew, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Why Parents Struggle In Digital Parenting Their Children? They always thought it is the children they need to change.
I see this common especially for parents who sit in the coaching session with me.
They are struggling with their children’s screen habits. They do not know how to digital parent their children.

Whenever they try to stop their children to get access to the screen, they always get rejection and resistance from their children.
Some parents told me that they feel they have become monster moms.
They feel that they are not able to connect to their children due to screen.
The parents have no idea what are their children doing online.
What about you?
Are you struggling with your children’s screen habits?
Do you feel that you are not able to connect to your children due to the screen?
Do you know what your children up to online are right now?
Most parents have concerns about the internet dangers out there, screen/games addiction, exposure to inappropriate content such as porn, cyberbullying, online predators, and changes in their children’s mindset and behavior.
Let’s dive into it one by one.
1. Screen or game addiction.
Too much screen time can impair brain structure and function; it can cause obesity, insomnia, mood swings, and even problems at school.
2. Exposure to inappropriate content such as porn
The internet is a gateway to another world which host all kind of contents, which may be inappropriate for our children. Sometimes, even the content is not harmful, the content itself is bias, or has hidden agenda to twist and turn our perspective.
Further, the content that has been exposed to our children many times will manipulate or change our children’s mindset. Once their mindset has been changed, you will see changes in their behavior too.
3. Online predators
There are an estimated 500,000 online predators active each day.
Children between the ages of 12 and 15 are especially susceptible to be groomed or manipulated by adults they meet online.
According to the F.B.I., over 50 percent of the victims of online sexual exploitation are between the ages of 12 and 15.
4. Cyberbullying
Do you know that 65% of 8-14 year-olds have been involved in a cyberbullying incident?
Parents have those concerns, but yet they are not sure how to approach their children and screen habits.
Why do parents struggle in digital parenting their children?
1. Lack of education and skills on internet safety and digital parenting.
Most parents I talked to, revealed that they have no idea on Internet Safety or how to digital parent their children. Further, if the parents are not well versed with technologies, they will even feel it is something far beyond their reach.
Many of them tried many ways include digital detox, trying to sit with the children whenever they are with the screen, imposed rules on the screen. They usually find themselves having resistance from their children or find the method is not workable.
2. Reluctance to understand the online world.
The parents refuse to understand their children’s online world.
Here’s what I think about it. Understand our children’s online world doesn’t mean we have to like what they like.
It means understands your children's preferences and character in their choices and decision-making.
There is a saying, once you felt understood, you will make an effort to understand others.
3. Not sure on how to allow their children to explore the Internet boundaries on their own.
This is the most common problem I heard from the parents.
They do not know how to identify the Internet dangers and how to set boundaries with it.
Thus, the best option they have is to ask children to get away from the screen.
However, the Internet also has a lot to offer, such as a huge home library, for them to research for their homework, for them to learn new things or ideas, for them to communicate with teachers and friends, and a lot more.
We need to raise smart kids who can navigate these dangers and use the internet for their enrichment.
Here’s a testimonial and case study of Simona Condrachi. You can find this testimonial and case study from here.
Simona is a parenting coach and a mother of 2 boys.
Here’s what she said:
Before meeting her I felt like I was in tension with my kids as the Screen Time was always an issue among us…
I feel relaxed and secure once I could implement everything I discovered to be useful as they know to set the limit on their own and use the electronic devices in a positive way.
To find out more about Simona case study, go to this link.
Here is the good news, with our digital parenting program, you can build a better relationship with your children and empowering your children to use electronic devices responsibly and staying safe on the Internet.
I hope this helps you realize the power you have in your children’s future if you choose to embark on digital parenting.
If we can help you establish a better relationship with your children while empowering them to use the Internet and technologies responsibly while staying safe on the Internet.
Would you be interested?
I am looking for responsible parents who love and care about their children and screen use / Internet Safety.
They wanted to build their children to be better future digital citizens and they want to have a life-long lasting relationship with their children.
They want to become confident digital parents.
If this is you, click here to book a free strategy call with me.
If you would like help with reducing your children’s screen addiction and improving your relationship with them, join my free Facebook group to get immediate access to all of my free training.
If you would like 1:1 coaching with me to help you reduce your children’s screen addiction and improve your relationship with them, book a free strategy call with me.
Follow Jessie on Facebook for more information.

Jessie Liew, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Jessie Liew is a Digital Parenting Coach. As a cybersecurity expert, a mother of 4, she also has to face the same task as all parents, which is rearing safe & responsible digital citizens.
We are living in a digital era, and hence we need new skills to parent our children.
She’s been working in the cybersecurity field for more than 14 years. She also holds professional certifications in Cyber Security (CISSP, CRISC, and CISA). She has been able to shape the companies’ employees' internet habits as well as in her own children.
Her Mission: Empower Parents to nurture their children to use the Internet and technologies in a positive way while staying safe on the Internet. This builds the foundation of our future Digital Citizens. She is looking for parents or educators who want to nurture their children to be responsible digital citizens and build a great relationship with their children.