As a female empowerment coach, I support women individually and in groups, both in personal coaching sessions and via online courses, not only in discovering their true soul purpose but also in anchoring it in their lives in a sustainable way.

This blog article is a little different. Using a short personal story, I will tell you how one decision at the age of 14 changed my entire life – and I will give you tips at the end on how best to make such serious decisions. “One decision can change your whole life.” You have probably heard this phrase before. I will tell you why it can be one of the most important realizations of your life and what my first cigarette and Flashdance have to do with it.

The story begins
I have wanted to be a dancer since I was five years old. When I was 14, my mother could no longer afford ballet lessons. That was just sad at first.
And then the day came when my life changed. One afternoon when my mother was not there, I watched Flashdance. That movie changed everything! I understood for the first time that to dance modern, I needed classical ballet as a basis.
And now the cigarette comes into play. I do not remember why I smoked a cigarette to make my decision. It was also a mint cigarette. It tasted terrible!
Anyway, I took a cigarette from my mother, sat on the balcony, and decided to do everything I could to become a dancer from then on.
From then on, I practiced every day in my little nursery. Then I plucked up all my courage, went to my old ballet school, and asked if I could join the classes for free.
I was probably very persuasive, but I was allowed to join every lesson from then on. I ended up taking the entrance exam to the Folkwang University in Essen and studied dance.
Why am I telling this story?
Because I am convinced that no matter how difficult situations in life are, ultimately only a clear decision will bring the real turning point.
“One decision can change your whole life.” is not just an empty phrase, but the difference between happiness and unhappiness, success and failure.
But it is so much more. Because one decision means that you have the power. You alone determine your whole life!
Seven tips for making important decisions
I am no longer fourteen, but I did a few things right when making my decisions back then. Here is a summary of the individual steps:
Take enough time to decide to be clear about all your options.
Take a deep breath in and out (preferably without a cigarette, of course!) and come fully into yourself.
connect with yourself and feel into yourself to feel the moment.
Then make the decision! If you are completely honest with yourself, your gut will tell you what is best for you. What feels really good? When do you start to glow? When does your heart dance?
Then feel again so that you can be sure.
Then decide to do everything humanly possible to achieve your goal.
Then do everything humanly possible to implement your decision. Be brave, go your own unique way, and face all obstacles.
Believe me! There will be a lot of them! But I believe in you! You will make it! So go for it!
If you need support finding a decision or putting it into practice, I will be there for you! Call me!
PS: By the way, this story comes from a short speech I gave for a speaker competition.
Jana Behr, Spiritual Empowerment Coach, Author, Podcaster
Jana Behr is a spiritual empowerment coach & mentor, Tao Hands Practitioner and Akashic Reader. She is a bridge builder between two worlds – spirituality and real-world implementation. Her coaching approach is based not only on her extensive theoretical knowledge but on life experiences. Having survived traumatic experiences, such as alcoholism in the parental home or rape and having healed illnesses, such as depression, fibromyalgia or lipedema, she now supports in finding inner stability, increasing resilience and acting from full power. She also spreads her mission "Spirituality is your superpower!" as an author, podcaster & speaker. Because without her spiritual connection, she would not have survived.